36Gr0w's First Journal - Hi-Brix - LOS - Indoor & Out!

Question coming...

So my Purple Sour Diesel grows thick branches, and every one go vertical. I tried a few days ago to stake it out and broke two branches at the knuckle on the trunk. Today I was able to spread and stake it all out, but I made it uneven, Christmas tree looking.

Now my question is based strictly on yield, because I am curious.

Would it be better to let it go through the stretch with a tight vertical formation, or is it better to spread it out and get more light on the inside of the plant?
I think the plant would yield more if spread out rather than in a tight columnar form. You would get better light penetration and may even increase the # of effective budding sites. If you're breaking branches, you may want to chk my Great-Aunt's training technique in my thread. Very gentle but effective.

Sounds like you visited what will be a very cool grow. That space had everything you'd need to really get busy!
So due to spider mites, 100+ heat, snapping limbs, and health issues, this Purple Sour Diesel is a bit later than I like going into flowering. Its always been perky and punting straight up. Friends on Canna and Botanicare only have problems start to finish. Hopefully I can keep this up another two months. :high-five:

Purple Sour Diesel

Chocolate Thai. This is in the led cab with clones and the GG4 x BD seedling. It's a 14 week flowering strain, so it will be my inside summer project.

Love those little fans, got a few. Looking nice 36
What a beast 36! Such color, and her energy shines through. Excellent plant.
From modern cannabist.

Modern Cannabist
Strength in Probiotics
Hypothesis: Mode of Actions for the increased trichome / calyx ratio, as well as increased strength of probiotic cannabis.
My current hypothesis as to why cannabis produced with homemade LAB (lactobacillus serum / AEM1), produces a superior high to non-probiotic cannabis. Homemade LAB in particular for the excess ruminant milk fats. In other words why puffing probiotic seems to get you more stoned.

First, to understand this I'm expecting you already know a little bit about cannabinoid biosynthesis. This is natural reaction that occurs in plant tissue that eventually leads to cannabinoids we all know and love. If aren't familiar here's a very basic crash course.
Below is the simplified version of cannabinoid biosynthesis you occasionally see shared on places like facebook or forums. It begins from GPP & OLA and ends with the acidic cannabinoids (the ones found in fresh material, with the additional COOH group. Getting rid of this COOH group is why we cure our smoke. )

This is a great place to start, but we want to go a little more in depth. So below, is the more robust description of the biosynthesis we're concerned with.

Hexanoyl-CoA, which is derived from the short-chain fatty acid hexanoate, is used as a primer for a polyketide synthase (PKS) enzyme that forms olivetolic acid (OA) (which as you can see above is the precursor to most forms of cannabinoids)
So Hexonate (Hexonic acid) -> hexonyl-CoA -> olivetolic acid
Hexanoic acid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hexanoic acid (caproic acid), is the carboxylic acid derived from hexane with the general formula C5H11COOH. It is a fatty acid found naturally in various animal fats and oils, and is one of the chemicals that give the decomposing fleshy seed coat of the ginkgo its characteristic unpleasant odor.
Fatty acids: straight-chain saturated, structure, occurrence and biosynthesis
Hexanoic acid (6:0) comprises 1-2% of the total fatty acids in ruminant milk triacylglycerols, where most of it is esterified to position 3 of the triacyl-sn-glycerols. It is also found as a minor component of certain seed oils rich in medium-chain saturated fatty acids..
Medium-chain fatty acids, such as octanoic (8:0), decanoic (10:0) and dodecanoic (12:0), are found in esterified form in most milk fats, including those of non-ruminants, though usually as minor components, but not elsewhere in animal tissues in significant amounts. They are never detected in membrane lipids, for example. They are absent from most vegetable fats, but with important exceptions. Thus, they are major components of such seed oils as coconut oil, palm kernel oil and Cuphea species.
Odd-chain fatty acids from 13:0 to 19:0 are found in esterified form in the lipids of many bacterial species, and they can usually be detected at trace levels in most animal tissues, presumably having been taken up as part of the food chain. In particular, they occur in appreciable amounts (5% or more) in the tissues of ruminant animals.
Ruminant milk triacylglycerols? Well, a quick search will show you this is simply fancy way of saying milk fat.
"Ruminant milk fat is of unique composition among terrestrial mammals, due to its great diversity of component fatty acids. The diversity arises from the effects of ruminal biohydrogenation on dietary unsaturated fatty acids and the range of fatty acids synthesized de novo in the mammary gland."

So, we now have a method of action to investigate when it comes to why cannabis grown with LAB is commonly reported as more potent.
Roberto's Brew
Robertos Brew

Do You like Farming? Do you like Organic Fruits and Vegetables and Fine Top Shelf Medicinal Herbs. One of the greatest things i learned from Probiotic Farming is the fact about how a farmer can produce his own organic nutrients by simply decomposing fruits and vegetables and flowers with the help of Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum. Follow the following 4 steps and within 5 weeks of brewing you too will be able to provide your family and friends with a fine Organic Liquid Nutrients that will help you reach Top Shelf from Home without ever having to measure mls of weak nutrients. Cheers and Happy Brewing.
Step 1: Rice Wash
1 Cup of Rice
1 Cup of Clean Chlorine-free water
1 Pint Jar w lid
1 Coffee Filter
Place Water and Rice in Jar.
Secure lid on Jar
Shake Jar for 5 minutes
Strain out the rice and keep the white water
Place 1 coffee filter on top of jar and secure the band without the lid so it can breath.
Place Jar (on top of your fridge) at room temperature.
Wait 1 week for bacteria from the air to fall into your jar.
Make 2 just in case you get contaminated.
After 1 week strain Rice wash through a strainer and place the lid on securely.
Your Rice wash is now full of microbes and ready for step 2 (Labimage.jpgimage (2).jpgimage (6).jpg
Step 2: LABS (Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum)
1 Part Rice Wash (1 cup)
10 Parts Milk (½ Gallon)
1 Gallon Glass Jug (Apple Juice Jug)
3 Coffee Filters
1 Rubber band
Place rice wash and milk in the jug
Give it a swirl/mix.
Cut the 3 coffee Filters in half and now you got 6 halves.
Place the filters on top of the jug and secure with a rubber band.
Place the Jug on top of the fridge.
Wait 1 week for the Separation to occur of the Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum.
After 1 week Strain and Separate the Serum from the Curd (Cheese).
The Yellow Liquid is called Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (LABS)
The Cheese can be used as a top dressing for your Flowering Plants Soil.
Proceed to Step 3.
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Step 3: AEM1 (Activated Essential Micro Organisms)
1 Part LABS (1 Quart)
1 Part Molasses (1 Quart)
20 Parts Non-Chlorine Water
1 5 Gallon Carboy Glass Jug
1 Air Lock
1 Stopper
Place Water, Molasses and Labs in the 5 Gallon Jug.
Secure Tight the Air Lock and Stopper on Jug .
Don’t Forget to add water to the Air Lock.
Place the Jug back in the box it came in.
Place Box in the Flowering room for 3 weeks to diffuse CO2 Gas to the plants.
After brewing for 3 weeks test the Ph to be 3.5 Ph.
After testing make sure there is no more pressure produced from the brew.
Pour solution in Jars and secure the lid tight.
Store Jars at room Temperature for 3 Months Max.
Feed Plants from all stages at a rate of 1 Pint of Activated Essential Micro Organisms x 5 Gallons of clean water.
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Step 4: Flower Power
1 Quart of LABS
4.5 Gallons of Non-Chlorine Water
1 5 Gallon Bucket
Organic Matter (Flowers,Fruits,Vegetables,Coconuts,Bugs,Pumpkins,Bananas)
No Citrus
Place All your Organic Matter in the bucket and add water with LABS.
Cover bucket
Let it sit outside when the weather is 40+ degrees.
After 3 weeks of Fermenting it should have a White Layer on top of the water.
Let it sit another week to ferment further.
Now its been 1 mth go ahead and take out 1 Quart of solution and replace with 1 Quart of clean Non-Chlorine Water.
Go Ahead and Add the 1 Quart Solution of Flower Power to 5 Gallons of Clean Water.
Test your PPM
Week 1 =100 PPM Week 8 = 800 PPM
No Need to Test PH
Don’t foliar feed with this solution.
Feed All Flowering Plant
A few days ago we had a crazy rain storm coupled with high winds and hail. My outdoor CBD Widow was split where it was topped, and the whole plant laid on the ground over night. I tied it up to surrounding forest objects and tied the stalk back together. These pics are two days after the storm.

CBD Widow

Lemon Skunk
Monster plants there 36. Cool.
Looks like they came through the ordeal just fine. :high-five:
Corn SST with FulPower and fresh Aloe given to my indoor soil. Too much rain and not enough sun outside, so none of them got it. I'll be top dressing my Purple Sour Diesel this week with compost/ewc, neem/karanja meal, some kelp meal, and if I get any, some malted barley grain. More worms will be added, and I need to get some biochar as well. Also, minerals and rock dusts will be added.

Am I forgetting anything?
Re Posts#916-7: Thank you, Chief. Cutting edge.

I second that. You take my breath away with regularity 36. :high-five:

Your topdressing looks good. I'm posting a new super-charged one BlueJay shared the other day on my journal. Stop and check it out. I think you'll like it (if you haven't seen it already on his thread).
Thank you Ranger and Sue. That chip drop site is a sign up for free wood chips and branches/logs if you want. Delivered to your house, free of charge, helping gardeners and arborists. Free compost or mulch, and logs for bonfires or hugel beds! If I get a delivery I'll be sure to post pics.
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