36Gr0w's First Journal - Hi-Brix - LOS - Indoor & Out!

Can you give me a scientific explanation as to why that happens? I still have been unable to find anything on that, just heresay and observations from people who don't really know what they are talking about. Lots of people confuse deficiencies with lockouts, so who knows if they are even observing correctly.

I guess its a chemical/synthetic mindset.

I completed a Master Gardeners course at the University of Washington, I was referenced a couple of studies by two Universities. One in England and the other in Spain I believe. I will do my best to find the link if I can. Everything I learned and read through those findings, is that the plants (in that study which included tomatoes and basil amongst a handful of others) required no extra calcium, magnesium, iron, or many of the other base nutrients. So it's conflicted with me, since what everyone in the Cannabis/LED lighting industry claims is the opposite of what I have learnt through that course. I am no agronomist. Let's clear that one up. Thought to answer you directly. I can not. Since I have yet to find anyone who has followed the scientific method to give measured proof of such a claim. I was also thinking that maybe you had a spike in the pH of the water you were using. I know a few guys who have had lockout or deficiency for not keeping tabs on their pH. Though they were using main line water without a filter... so there lies a lot of the issue in itself.
I knew I liked you for a reason growlow. A husky and a master gardener. Unfortunately I am neither myself. Go Dawgs!

The only believable answer I have heard is that the intense incorrect spectrum received from a led is inhibiting the uptake of magnesium. I'm not will versed enough in specific spectrums and nutrient uptake and lockouts to really believe for myself.

One of two folders overflowing with notes. I'm trying to learn mind mapping techniques, in hopes of getting it to stick better. For now I'm happy that I can remember where in this stack lies the information I know I wrote down.

Organic gardening is a lifetime study. I can recall my grandpa studying into the late evening after a full day of farming their acre.

Yeah, the chemistry stuff stops me cold. Need to get better at understanding it.
Today's goal was to start a consistent reaction map of each macro and micro nutrient. How and why do they bond, and what are the results. Where are they naturally made?

Ya, I don't know chemistry lol, but I'll learn it eventually. I don't feel I can truly understand what I am doing until I understand this. I'm sure it will lead to something else I don't know.
Today's goal was to start a consistent reaction map of each macro and micro nutrient. How and why do they bond, and what are the results. Where are they naturally made?

Ya, I don't know chemistry lol, but I'll learn it eventually. I don't feel I can truly understand what I am doing until I understand this. I'm sure it will lead to something else I don't know.

It will lead to bottled nutrients!!!!

Just kidding. Kinda.
Today's goal was to start a consistent reaction map of each macro and micro nutrient. How and why do they bond, and what are the results. Where are they naturally made?

Ya, I don't know chemistry lol, but I'll learn it eventually. I don't feel I can truly understand what I am doing until I understand this. I'm sure it will lead to something else I don't know.
I was thinkng, why bother? Just pick a good brand of bottled nutrients. The manufacturers have your back.

These Jorge defending posts make my stomach turn. Like 36 should be grateful to a guy like Jorge be cause he helped him get started growing? No! Those guys are responsible for misleading the public into believing cannabis is some special plant in a class of its own, and requires expensive specialized care and feeding regiments. This just isn't true. Why do they mislead? Why do you think? Not much money in teaching someone to farm their own worms, grow their own fertilizer, and make their own soil (that lasts forever) If there wasn't a Jorge then 36 and a million other guys would have grown cannabis in their outdoor veggie soil and saved a lot of money while learning to grow.

There are plenty of commercial LOS type grows. I know of a couple and I don't know much. They are done by intelligent folks who don't post pictures and tell their story's on the public internet.

It's a sad thing to see people defending the Jorge's and hydro stores this hard.

Honestly, it's like have it your way, everyone, free country, right?
I'm sick of beating the same horse. Maybe there is where all the hippy dippy growers go... Off the internet. Is frustrating, it's like you guys are telling me the world is flat.
I was thinkng, why bother? Just pick a good brand of bottled nutrients. The manufacturers have your back.

These Jorge defending posts make my stomach turn. Like 36 should be grateful to a guy like Jorge be cause he helped him get started growing? No! Those guys are responsible for misleading the public into believing cannabis is some special plant in a class of its own, and requires expensive specialized care and feeding regiments. This just isn't true. Why do they mislead? Why do you think? Not much money in teaching someone to farm their own worms, grow their own fertilizer, and make their own soil (that lasts forever) If there wasn't a Jorge then 36 and a million other guys would have grown cannabis in their outdoor veggie soil and saved a lot of money while learning to grow.

There are plenty of commercial LOS type grows. I know of a couple and I don't know much. They are done by intelligent folks who don't post pictures and tell their story's on the public internet.

It's a sad thing to see people defending the Jorge's and hydro stores this hard.

Honestly, it's like have it your way, everyone, free country, right?
I'm sick of beating the same horse. Maybe there is where all the hippy dippy growers go... Off the internet. Is frustrating, it's like you guys are telling me the world is flat.

Lol. Have some class period. You sound like a punk.
As for the Internet comment I post to help people grow bigger better buds. Cause guess what not only am I doing this professionally but it's about to get even larger and many other people are as well.
Hey 36 I will give you a full line up of House and Garden to run side by side with any method co organics recommends in your tent!

Ill also pay for the test results at harvest!
I'm a member of a private forum chock full of results. I doubt they would have you. I'm also very pleased with my own garden.

Ive gotten second at cup!
30 out of 30 in Northwest leaf for my jillybean
18th highest tested product recreational or medical in Washington state!


I don't need to hide in private forums cause I have nothing to hide years of behind closed doors are over!

enough said
Ive gotten second at cup!
30 out of 30 in Northwest leaf for my jillybean
18th highest tested product recreational or medical in Washington state!


I don't need to hide in private forums cause I have nothing to hide years of behind closed doors are over!

enough said

That 18th is out of over 15,000 tests now my fellow forum user
Ok, I'm gonna step in here. Free flowing ideas to find better ways to grow our plants are welcome. Bickering and b itching I don't need. Please keep this within the grounds of discussing growing aspects and how to better ourselves.

We are here to improve ourselves and help others. Every one of us.

There is an obvious disbelief in others grows. I ask that we all keep an open mind, and try to learn from each other. We all have different views and beliefs to bring to the table. Let's learn from each others experience.

I know that I brought up this discussion and other debates myself. Free flowing debates and exchanges of ideas is what I'm all about. My mind isn't closed to anything, I'd rather learn from everyone and try to infuse my grow with a large body of information.
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