36Gr0w's First Journal - Hi-Brix - LOS - Indoor & Out!

I like it 36, good attitude. But, in all fairness, his book or video got you started. Can't forget that, never forget where you came from. Had you not seen his videos back then you might not be where you are now. So, he probably helped more then you realize. And it makes sense that looking back more you'd find flaws in his methods. Hindsight is a great method to critique, but you gotta keep it real. ;)
Remember 3m organic can have cultist type mentality at times. Lil hobby growers can still ponder in there drum circles

36Gr0w is a friend not directed at him. But at others for sure
I like it 36, good attitude. But, in all fairness, his book or video got you started. Can't forget that, never forget where you came from. Had you not seen his videos back then you might not be where you are now. So, he probably helped more then you realize. And it makes sense that looking back more you'd find flaws in his methods. Hindsight is a great method to critique, but you gotta keep it real. ;)

Ah my point exactly
I hear you. I'm not a cult guy. I'm a free thinker. I change my mind as my knowledge grows. I reassess after doing. I'm constantly seeking out knowledge and to prove methods work, or do not. I listen to everyone, sometimes to a fault. But, I truly believe there is information, useful information in everything. And once you tune someone or something out,, you're done. You'll be living in a box in your mind. ;)
I hear you. I'm not a cult guy. I'm a free thinker. I change my mind as my knowledge grows. I reassess after doing. I'm constantly seeking out knowledge and to prove methods work, or do not. I listen to everyone, sometimes to a fault. But, I truly believe there is information, useful information in everything. And once you tune someone or something out,, you're done. You'll be living in a box in your mind. ;)

That's a great way to put it. I'm the exact same way. I don't grow the same as dutty, but I'm sure as hell going to listen to what he has to say, and learn and adapt to what I'm trying to accomplish. Just an example.
I'm having a hell of a time finding this. When i was contemplating getting one led to do a side by side to show my double the yield I ran into some info on this. Can't find it at all. Still looking.
LED Grow Lights
• Ability to tune color spectrum tailored to plants and for different stages of plant growth.
• More efficient. LED grow lights can reduce the number of Watts of electricity used by 40 to 50 percent compared to other indoor grow light bulbs.
• They haveless heat output.. This means cooling systems may not be required or can be drastically scaled back and the fixture can be hung closer to your plants.
• Long-lasting. A typical indoor LED grow light will last for about 50,000 hours, drastically reducing the number of bulbs bought and replaced.
• Compact design - LED grow lights are much thinner and lighter than other indoor light options. Depending on your indoor grow space, you may be able to create a vertical garden, with stacks of two or more.

• LED grow lights are significantly more expensive to buy compared to other light sources.
• The color of light emitted often affects the way a plant looks, making it look purplish or gray.
• LED does not produce a lot of heat, which some plants like.

Best For:
The indoor grower who is willing to put in an upfront initial investment for energy efficient and compact grow lights that emit plant specific light.

That'd not it but it hints at leaf bleaching in the cons.
I'll start looking when I get back from the store. Thanks for at least giving me a direction to look, I haven't seen an actual reason stated before as to what could possibly cause it. Worth looking to see if it's factual or true at least.
• LED grow lights are significantly more expensive to buy compared to other light sources.
• The color of light emitted often affects the way a plant looks, making it look purplish or gray.
• LED does not produce a lot of heat, which some plants like.

I took this to mean that the plants will show the color of the led, not their true colors. That's what happens from my experience anyways, but my eyes are screwy.
Wonky on the Eyes

LED grow lights typically produce a purplish color that can mask all kinds of indoor garden problems. Pest prevention is considerably more challenging under LEDs because the color of the light hides pest damage. Once the damage is bad enough to be visible under LEDs, it's often late into the infestation, when the most damage has already occurred. Invaders are more easily eradicated during the onset of the attack rather than later when they become more visible.
Just like pest damage, nutritional problems have a way of hiding under LEDs until it's almost too late. Depending on the specific wavelengths in the LED grow light, the plants themselves can look dark–almost black in some cases. Your plants might look the same whether they are a lush green or almost completely yellowed and underfed.
Both problems can be solved with the same solution: turn off the LEDs and use "white" light to inspect the garden. Mount a regular compact fluorescent light somewhere in the garden or inspect it thoroughly with a 2-ft. fluorescent light bar. Take a really good look, not just a quick pass. This is your opportunity to head off problems before they begin. Do this at least once a week.
Leaf bleaching, if memory serves me correctly, is due to improper spacing between plant and light source. The photons are emitted in a stream vs the wide broadcast offered by other light sources, making that distance all the more critical.

If your soil has everything the plant requires and you have a healthy and active soil community that is answering the call for nutrients, and you give the plants the light needed for growth, you will have healthy and vigorous plants. The ability to grow potent cannabis with what is fundamentally a plant and water approach is not limited to the independent closet grower. Even if you reject that premiss you must admit that this LOS is likely the easiest method for the closet grower. Build the soil, plant the seed, water, light, grow, harvest, enjoy. Certainly works for me.

One can respect the man for the awareness he brought to cannabis cultivation. There is no denying his part in how we got to where we are today. That respect doesn't have to accept his whole message. In the brief time before I chose LOS I closely studied both Rev's TLO and PeeJay's three-step organic soil mixes. Although I found each attractive, I sensed something missing. It's up to the individual gardener to do your own research and find your own path. We have all evolved. We should use that discerning brain we were born with to question and not accept things as gospel without basis for that belief beyond the emotional response.

And Dutty - the LOS bashing is getting old. You're very respected on this forum. I know you can communicate your frustration with some of us in a way that could better facilitate discussion and acceptance of another point of view. I'd hate for someone new to the site to read your recent comments and decide to avoid approaching you with a question you would be uniquely qualified to help with. You have so much more to offer to this community. You know more about cannabis cultivation and bottled nutrients - still the accepted approach of the majority - than most of us could dream of and your friendly and energetic way of helping others is an inspiration and a joy to witness. But LOS is here to stay and our numbers will increase. We're not looking to baptize anyone Dutty. We can live in joyful peace. I know we can make this work better.

That was a lot more than I started out to say. I meant every word of it. :green_heart:
I'm sure this will go on, and on. Each making points and counter points. I'll end my pointing with this. Even Jorge had to learn some stuff along the way. Not everything he's written, typed or spoke about is going to be 100% accurate.

Even if at the time it may have seemed so.

Just like Al Gore,, I'm certain he wasn't flying around in his luxury plane, living in lavish homes filled with excess,, all the while he was preaching about global warming and CO2 credits...lol
Leaf bleaching, if memory serves me correctly, is due to improper spacing between plant and light source. The photons are emitted in a stream vs the wide broadcast offered by other light sources, making that distance all the more critical.

If your soil has everything the plant requires and you have a healthy and active soil community that is answering the call for nutrients, and you give the plants the light needed for growth, you will have healthy and vigorous plants. The ability to grow potent cannabis with what is fundamentally a plant and water approach is not limited to the independent closet grower. Even if you reject that premiss you must admit that this LOS is likely the easiest method for the closet grower. Build the soil, plant the seed, water, light, grow, harvest, enjoy. Certainly works for me.

One can respect the man for the awareness he brought to cannabis cultivation. There is no denying his part in how we got to where we are today. That respect doesn't have to accept his whole message. In the brief time before I chose LOS I closely studied both Rev's TLO and PeeJay's three-step organic soil mixes. Although I found each attractive, I sensed something missing. It's up to the individual gardener to do your own research and find your own path. We have all evolved. We should use that discerning brain we were born with to question and not accept things as gospel without basis for that belief beyond the emotional response.

And Dutty - the LOS bashing is getting old. You're very respected on this forum. I know you can communicate your frustration with some of us in a way that could better facilitate discussion and acceptance of another point of view. I'd hate for someone new to the site to read your recent comments and decide to avoid approaching you with a question you would be uniquely qualified to help with. You have so much more to offer to this community. You know more about cannabis cultivation and bottled nutrients - still the accepted approach of the majority - than most of us could dream of and your friendly and energetic way of helping others is an inspiration and a joy to witness. But LOS is here to stay and our numbers will increase. We're not looking to baptize anyone Dutty. We can live in joyful peace. I know we can make this work better.

That was a lot more than I started out to say. I meant every word of it. :green_heart:

What's truly getting old is people thinking Los is a better solution do to personal beliefs.

May get old sue but I'll continue not supporting it and continue supporting methods that get people the most and best product available enough said.

I don't believe in Los on a even semi large scale. Small hobby grows yes. Also people with 1-20 grows under there belt won't sway me.
As of June 2014 I had 106 harvests under my belt. I've tried many methods. If I see knowledge or tried and true method being attacked I will jump there shit period.

It's funny how a organic grower has the audacity to bash a person or peoples other views. Im a strictly bottle grower and I enjoyed reading your organic ways but I never bashed anyone. You poke the nest your gonna get stung.

That's why I won't go in any Los thread but 36Gr0w cause he's a personal friend. The company that's kept is closed minded and I don't have time to waste on them.
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