36Gr0w's First Journal - Hi-Brix - LOS - Indoor & Out!

I don't think it's old. It's forced me to research and really think about the LOS method even more. I really started thinking the other day while I was chewing up electricity running my AACT system. I'm preaching about saving the earth, while I'm running a pump to fuel my soil. Or, the electricity to run my light. That's not really organic unless you don't care to see that angle.

Made me think I was living in a glass house throwing stones.

The only true organic growing of marijuana is done in nature, with no human involvement.

It's like putting lipstick on a pig. Still a pig. So, I'm feeding my plants bubbled water to save the planet,,,.what about the wasted/used electricity doing so???
I'm sure this will go on, and on. Each making points and counter points. I'll end my pointing with this. Even Jorge had to learn some stuff along the way. Not everything he's written, typed or spoke about is going to be 100% accurate.

Even if at the time it may have seemed so.

Just like Al Gore,, I'm certain he wasn't flying around in his luxury plane, living in lavish homes filled with excess,, all the while he was preaching about global warming and CO2 credits...lol

Ah I think we potentially were separated at birth. My exact view point.
I don't think it's old. It's forced me to research and really think about the LOS method even more. I really started thinking the other day while I was chewing up electricity running my AACT system. I'm preaching about saving the earth, while I'm running a pump to fuel my soil. Or, my light.

Made me think I was living in a glass house throwing stones.

The only true organic growing of marijuana is done in nature, with no human involvement.

It's like putting lipstick on a pig. Still a pig. So, I'm feeding my plants bubbled water to save the planet,,,.what about the wasted/used electricity doing so???

BOOM. Done On this thread for now. That's a great point. If your trying to be all organic go johnny pot seed.

Always found it interesting that we want to copy the natural environment to a t and bring it indoor! And never
Think about how we have the ability to improve on mother nature based on technology

Bet that's got some panties all in a bunch.
So there's actually a big difference between growing in 20 sqft vs 7000 sqft? 35 of my rooms, huh? :laughtwo:

I'm impressed Dutty even considered doing an HB test plot. :slide:

I live in the midst of multi-thousand acre farms, raising field crops with intensive anhydrous ammonia and GMO - monoculture on a fundamental profit basis, so I definitely get the big picture. It would be lovely if living soil methods could be used commercially, but it's doubtful. Fortunately, we'll get to see how well HB does against commercial nutes, because Dutty was gracious and brave enough to give it a test. :cheesygrinsmiley:


We can run our fun little boutique grows and opine about what should and shouldn't be, but other folks are actually in the arena. Living soil will be ideal for sensitive medical clients and for boutique produce, not for commercial production.

[Edit] I hope you'll pop into my HB grow from time to time, Dutty - your valuable insight will always be stimulating. :Namaste:
For sure gray without your recommendation I wouldn't of tried Hb

I will continue using high brix on roughly 50% of my grow. Especially my cbd strain. I've also fully converted to the kit soil even with house and garden. My initial concern was it running hot but see no down sides yet.

My Pestelence is having a rough time in Hb but it's one of only a couple so that could be on me. The structure on the HB is gonna promote much tighter structure so potentially much denser buds but the Hg Pestelence I'm assuming a Lil larger yield.

I currently grow in about 400sq ft going to 7000 soon. But 400 is still a whole different realm than a 36sq ft tent.
As of June 2014 I had 106 harvests under my belt. I've tried many methods. If I see knowledge or tried and true method being attacked I will jump there shit period.

It's funny how a organic grower has the audacity to bash a person or peoples other views. Im a strictly bottle grower and I enjoyed reading your organic ways but I never bashed anyone. You poke the nest your gonna get stung.

That's why I won't go in any Los thread but 36Gr0w cause he's a personal friend. The company that's kept is closed minded and I don't have time to waste on them.

You persist in lumping us all into a group of supposedly intolerant madmen. I have no problem with the choices you've made for yourself. Your perception that your time would be wasted supporting a grower who chooses a method different than your own smacks of intolerance. It's the overriding support of each other, regardless if our chosen methods that makes this community click.

You're always welcome on my thread Dutty. We talk about more than soil, but we are passionate about it. That's not likely to change.
You persist in lumping us all into a group of supposedly intolerant madmen. I have no problem with the choices you've made for yourself. Your perception that your time would be wasted supporting a grower who chooses a method different than your own smacks of intolerance. It's the overriding support of each other, regardless if our chosen methods that makes this community click.

You're always welcome on my thread Dutty. We talk about more than soil, but we are passionate about it. That's not likely to change.

Look I give my advice free here (charge in real world) I've consulted on alot of real world grows and my time is money. I don't have excess time to argue what has been proven through my testing. That's what I was saying. Shit if people want to sleep with there soil I don't care I support it but if we are gonna go round and round it's extremely irritating especially when I have proven documented scientific results.

Look I'll be honest never done a true Los unless you consider me randomly dropping seeds in nature Los which would be more Los in definition then it in a tent.

I probably won't. Actually highly doubtful the "organic" term can't be applied to cannabis that's a fact it's stipulated and written into law. Also if its so easier and cheaper when Dama of Dama oil fame went rec why did they abandon the Los approach? Simply put overhead. Labor is cost, time is cost etc etc etc .

Hobby farmers Los is a great option. Professional growers sticking by it being a unwanted approach that won't catch on.
Dutty, my only qualm with your bias against "los" is that I believe some of it has to do with labeling and specific aspects of "los." When I talk to people outside of this forum its just referred to as growing organically (which I don't like). It is such a broad term.

All I'm doing is trying to develop a continuous soil that gets better with time. One that can be built and maintained self sufficiently from my yard. I'm not singing to my plants unless a song is stuck in my head, and I'm not doing any naked rain dances. I sit on my phone and look to find reputable science documents and learn. This is what I have come up with so far. Remember, This will be my third time flowering, so I am still in the experimentation phase. By no means perfect at all, and won't be until I get a more controllable environment, and of course learn a lot more about the soil sciences.

This is what I consider "take one" of my own soil mix, with aspects of this grow that are completely new to me. Yes, it is based on Clackamas Coots recipe, with my changes here and there. Now the real soil building begins, as I grow and evolve it.
Lately I've noticed my Thai Stick looking a bit off. Ended up going to where I received the clone from, to compare growth structure of shared strains in different soils; and found out they cloned a male for breeding, and in my excitement I didn't hear mention of that. I was assured pollen was collected and being stored, so no need to keep mine. When I got home, he was cut down and added to the compost pile. Ultra Grapefruit was up potted and put in its place. It will be grown and have clones taken, then either thrown outside, given away, or composted.
I don't mind being in a cult. I hate aggressive recruiting to any cult, including my own :)

As do I. Suggesting a test pot is a long way from recruiting.
It's easier for me to find and remember what I am trying to learn if I copy it down myself. I need to take notes more often. Chemistry is very dry and boring to me, so Ill need to review it often.
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