36Gr0w's First Journal - Hi-Brix - LOS - Indoor & Out!

Nice nodes, 36!
(sorry to get back on topic) :thedoubletake: :laughtwo:
Mornin 36G.....wow, all cought up...i'de like to take a moment to thank Dutty for expressing his thoughts and feelings about growing. I just got to know you, Dutty a little better,thankyou sir.It's not easy to spell it all out like you did!I too am as passionate as you but on another level...mine is a small personal grow,as it's been for over 25yrs.Most of the people here at the Mag. are hobbie growers with smaller set ups seeking the best product they can grow for themselves ,family and close friends.Like Sue said , i think we all appreciate a different perspective on things. It's healthy for all of us....thanks Dutty and have a great day.I know one thing ....there's alot of people here that i would just love to meet and spend some time with. Cheers eh ....Duggs.:thumb:
Great discussion and insight. Unfortunately I fell asleep shortly after getting off the phone with you. To me, it's great we can have these discussions among people with different goals, experience, knowledge, and perspective. Getting off topic is never a worry for me, as long as we stay respectful of one another.
Yeah. I don't show all my cards but I needed to explain where Im coming from. My goals are high cause I'm competitive and want to be the best I can be. Thanks duggan 25 years well you got almost a decade on my experience

Yeah I was pretty buzzed didn't even finish my transplanting

See ya tomorrow? Garden time with 36 and Dutty.
OK My disclaimer

I'm in this for a living and mean no harm by these upcoming statements. I'm what most consider a top shelf producer with exceptional knowledge in the production of marijuana. I'm not a master gardener or a person trained heavily in the horticultural field by a local university instead I was educated by old timers and when I fell into a ton of money I hired lawyers and spent money to find what could get my ass in high times and win a cup (2nd place holder) and produce grade A pot I WANT TO BE the next dj short that's my personal goal ( upcoming journal for a breeding project coming up with a very knowledgeable grower on this site).

That being said here's my opinion flame as wanted

Organic,no till,Los, whatever is all a state of mind

True organic quit fucking growing indoors, drop a seed out in the forest do a hippy dippy happy dance pray for rain and good soil and start a stinking ass drum circle etc. etc. etc.
I'm dead serious folks its a state of mind in a state like the coast of maine.

In all seriousness you would all laugh at this statement I feel I'm an organic gardener straight up. I use NO pesticides, no GMO seeds, etc.. . But in all seriousness none of us are face it we are stressing them, adjusting enviroments into "optimal conditions" to get more organic or not

No plant goes from 24 or 18 hours of light instantly to 12 so if you believe your 100% organic your fucking fooling yourself or just so enthralled by a free range mentality that it isn't in your realm of consideration. Why Ive spent money on docs kit and drifted from my soil is im looking for a CHEAPER way to producer more expense product. I get to some it doesn't fit there "lifestyle" but IM here to be a


Personally, I think winning is for the insecure, but I still enjoy watching the competition.

Passing 993s on the track with my little 986 was a pleasure, but so was being passed by an Indy tuned Corvette. In my mind, we were all having a great day without the competition, but I know that perception is in the minority. And as I said, I enjoy watching competitors push themselves to their limits, and beyond.

My ag heroes are Sepp Holzer and Masunobu Fukuoka. I want to be a premium grower who only works 5 minutes a day. The law forces me indoors, but so does this ornery New England weather. I should have been born in Belize or Hawaii :)

Flame you, hell no. Give you a kidney punch when your head swells... well... no not my style. Smoke with you on a walk through nature ... any day we can !
OK that's it..Rad..those 993's you like passin arn't like what i've got on my "wallpaper" A 97, 993 twin turbo.I know these cars very well ,as i used to own a 911 and always dreamed of having one....only the tt though , and the "last" yr. after a few upgrades Porsche made to them.The standard 993's N.A. are quick , but not like theTT, 993's. Vette's....Bahh! Porsche...."There is no substitute" Cheers eh.:high-five: Later 36G....oh ya....i'l be alright,i swear :tokin:
Yeah wife does a great job at deflating the ego lol.

Just ate this about an hr ago talk about sleeping pill goodnight.

Personally, I think winning is for the insecure, but I still enjoy watching the competition.

Passing 993s on the track with my little 986 was a pleasure, but so was being passed by an Indy tuned Corvette. In my mind, we were all having a great day without the competition, but I know that perception is in the minority. And as I said, I enjoy watching competitors push themselves to their limits, and beyond.

My ag heroes are Sepp Holzer and Masunobu Fukuoka. I want to be a premium grower who only works 5 minutes a day. The law forces me indoors, but so does this ornery New England weather. I should have been born in Belize or Hawaii :)

Flame you, hell no. Give you a kidney punch when your head swells... well... no not my style. Smoke with you on a walk through nature ... any day we can !

Rado, winning is more a athletic term.. but scholars compete too, they got a grading system ad u know..

I believe dutty wants a A+ , not just a B or C..

I'm competitive as well, I like to "win" call it insecure if u will, I feel it's the same as wanting a letter to say your smart.. but that's just me ;)

Never could make myself be competitive. It must be in my DNA to fascilitate and encourage others to succeed in their chosen endeavors. I have always excelled at anything I personally undertook, but not due to any competition. I simply have a solid work ethic married to the blessing of talent. I'm an avid fan of competitive sports, but my greatest thrill isn't in competing, but in cheering on the competitors. I'd almost bet my life Mrs. Dutty is a cheerleader too. We're important players in the game. Competitors are notoriously hard on themselves. Skilled cheerleaders guide them past that to the point where they can laugh and play again.

I honestly don't believe you could get me to compete. It has always felt at odds with my nature. I have simple needs that require loving. Let me find a way to help YOU win. There. I'm happy. :love:
I can't believe how open I am with you all. Whew!
Never could make myself be competitive. It must be in my DNA to fascilitate and encourage others to succeed in their chosen endeavors. I have always excelled at anything I personally undertook, but not due to any competition. I simply have a solid work ethic married to the blessing of talent. I'm an avid fan of competitive sports, but my greatest thrill isn't in competing, but in cheering on the competitors. I'd almost bet my life Mrs. Dutty is a cheerleader too. We're important players in the game. Competitors are notoriously hard on themselves. Skilled cheerleaders guide them past that to the point where they can laugh and play again.

I honestly don't believe you could get me to compete. It has always felt at odds with my nature. I have simple needs that require loving. Let me find a way to help YOU win. There. I'm happy. :love:

The thing about me anyways, is I came from a welfare family that every member sister, beothers, father mother are all still needing help. They too don't like to compete like me..

Mine was not DNA by any means, it was my child hood and my drive to show I'm not a street rat. Once I was able to put money in my dad's hands without thinking twice about it, I haven't looked back.

Now in sports, I became the town celebrity and that added to my competition attitude. I was mowing lawns, bucking hay, picking berry's at age 7 Just so I could fit in at school with the new cloths, toys, fairs, whatever.

So being competitive is not something one should be ashamed of.. if anything changes the world's mentality on how women think about them selves and how we believe we need every colored iphone in the world just so we can wait for the next bs marketing scam. Competition keeps ones mind moving 110% and always trying to build themself and those around them.

my competition attitude has benifits many around me. And it sounds like dutty helps everyone he knows out as well.

Guess I'm trying to say competition isn't always "I'm number one and only me!!" But to build up those around you so you can also build yourself stronger

Absolutely Gf. I raised an alpha male. I have nothing but admiration for hard-working, competitive individuals. Raising my children showed me that the competitive streak is indeed part of the makeup of the child. I had my son, who couldn't be held back if you tried, and my daughter, challenged with a massive anxiety disorder from infancy. Sweetest girl in the world. Loving and unselfish. Expect her to compete and you should be on suicide watch.

I'm proud of your dedication to your family and your ability to assist them financially. It's not always that easy for everyone else. I know your parents must be proud. I wish you years of continued success, and I hope you continue to share it with us here.
Guess I'm trying to say competition isn't always "I'm number one and only me!!" But to build up those around you so you can also build yourself stronger


I like the way you put that.
I think most of us are competitive in a team kind of way. We try to build one another up to make sure everyone succeeds. Some of us are looking for financial success, some success in high quality medicine, others find success in achieving better than they can purchase. That's the reason we are here, to share and discuss and help one another succeed, however they perceive it.
I think most of us are competitive in a team kind of way. We try to build one another up to make sure everyone succeeds. Some of us are looking for financial success, some success in high quality medicine, others find success in achieving better than they can purchase. That's the reason we are here, to share and discuss and help one another succeed, however they perceive it.

Exactly. None of us in here hide any of our nutes, training styles, lights, light cycles, soil, ect.. we share all our info we believe makes us successful.

Well said 36, and so true Gf. Regardless of the method we choose there's an openness here that I find refreshing. Just because I don't use your nutrient approach doesn't mean we have nothing to gain from our association. Openly watching over each other's shoulders as we grow we all learn much more. When were really lucky it leads to innovation and positive change. It seems to always create friends. Nice place.
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