36Gr0w's First Journal - Hi-Brix - LOS - Indoor & Out!

That's how u tolerate us all so well in a well spoken manner. Makes more sense. I was starting to think u were actually a wizard :0



College staff can be a wizard.!

Yesterday, a guy from Mumbai took a picture with me so he could show her "Dumbledore" who rides the bus.

We did the photo with thumbs, didn't work - so I suggested Bangra hands. Much better picture :)

more than tolerate, I LOVE the words of pretty much everyone on this thread.

Since I stopped following your last thread, if really missed GFcollective.

And COorganics and SweetSue are my heroes.

Dutty Panty absolutely did not need me to step in, even on 4 muffins, because he wears big boy Panties.

Just getting to know 36grow, but I sure like the growing style - and beg forgiveness for hijacking offtopic. I'm hoping to stay here a learn (more quietly.)
We like to be able to fully control every single Aspect. I really don't know how else to explain it but, if we need to add, calcium, iron, potassium, whatever it may be at the given time for the thousands of different picky strains.. we like to be able to do so without messing with other buffers or adding "cat drench".

It's all about consistency. If a grower can't replicate his flowers it won't be considered. As of now, I haven't seen anyone duplicate a grow with Los or docs kit. I've seen good flowers grown with reused docs kit too, but it wasn't the same as before.

It may seem silly, but key about a medical shop or recreational. Is having consistent quality, and right now all the main growers prefer "actually gardening" and tending their plants every need. Not just a dummies proof ...

This certainly does seem silly.
This certainly does seem silly.

And I'd agree with saying "my plants so healthy it'll resist pests" is a silly thing to say.

Take a video with micro pics showing you putting spider mites on a "healthy Los plant" and if it walks away from that plant, ill then say the same thing the Los crew says. But it's just not true, healthy from Disease? Sure, but I've never got a disease w my plants.. Nothing sand or clean cutting tools will help prevent anyhow.

I'll just say this, in a commercial grow, you veg a plant for at most, 21 days. Most like 14-20. Then flower for 60-70 days as needed. They don't wait to trics turn amber, they don't wait till they're plant is so tall. They take tall clones and transplant them at about 2' tall After being in their cloneR.

A living soil really just isn't even a thought of commercial growers. And that's my only argument

I agree with this being the wave of the future as well as being a personal gardeners go to soil.

Just not commercial, not now.

Maybe the few outdoor growers here in washington that do recreational out door, but they even rush them with tarps and lights so I don't see it happening.

I consider Los and docs kit part of the "super soil" Catagory. When spoken about with any medium to large scale gardener for commercial, it's not ready. We like to be able to fully control every single Aspect. I really don't know how else to explain it but, if we need to add, calcium, iron, potassium, whatever it may be at the given time for the thousands of different picky strains.. we like to be able to do so without messing with other buffers or adding "cat drench".

It's all about consistency. If a grower can't replicate his flowers it won't be considered. As of now, I haven't seen anyone duplicate a grow with Los or docs kit. I've seen good flowers grown with reused docs kit too, but it wasn't the same as before.

It may seem silly, but key about a medical shop or recreational. Is having consistent quality, and right now all the main growers prefer "actually gardening" and tending their plants every need. Not just a dummies proof "add a cat srench" please no offense taken

Last part was sarcasim, as we are all, actual gardeners with different methods. Again proving my point about this being like politics


I'm agreeing with this statement 110% gf and I do this for a living not a hobby guys we can't fuck around period.
If you guys had shops you depend on to pay your mortgage and feed your child your outlook may vary.

That being said. I'm always open to trying new things to expand my knowledge I also want to produce the best at the lowest overheard. I didnt me to start a shit storm lol.
I'm agreeing with this statement 110% gf and I do this for a living not a hobby guys we can't fuck around period.

Mine went from a hobby turned to a passion very quickly and formed into my living over the last few years. I don't deny it, I take much pride in my products and am currently seeking employment in a tier 2 grow, also applied for tier 3. Well see!! Been fun visiting their grows, one warehouse a d 2 green houses so far

Mine went from a hobby turned to a passion very quickly and formed into my living over the last few years. I don't deny it, I take much pride in my products and am currently seeking employment in a tier 2 grow, also applied for tier 3. Well see!! Been fun visiting their grows, one warehouse a d 2 green houses so far


Just partnered with a tier two meet with lawyers and such tomorrow to work details out. I'm still able to personally grow medical until that dissolves as well. Business is going in wife's name. I'll know if it's a true thing tomorrow at 1130 am
If you guys had shops you depend on to pay your mortgage and feed your child your outlook may vary.

That being said. I'm always open to trying new things to expand my knowledge I also want to produce the best at the lowest overheard. I didnt me to start a shit storm lol.

Not a shit storm at all. This was a splendidly vigorous conversation that offered insight into soil and commerce. It's the type of discussion we all hope to stumble into as we cruise through each other's yards. Thank you for the spirited discussion. I look forward to many more. :love:

Edit: Rad, don't even think about being quiet. Yours is always valuable insight wrapped in that dry humor you wield so well. :laughtwo:
Yep, I love this intense conversation from people who really believe what they are working for. The different perspectives offered shows that different people have different circumstances for what they do. The important thing is to never quit learning, or being open to ideas. People have different perspectives on growing, and I think we can learn something from it all.
Mine went from a hobby turned to a passion very quickly and formed into my living over the last few years. I don't deny it, I take much pride in my products and am currently seeking employment in a tier 2 grow, also applied for tier 3. Well see!! Been fun visiting their grows, one warehouse a d 2 green houses so far


My exact path as well
Not like you have a strong opinion or anything, eh Dutty? :green_heart:
So....4 days of 90+ weather, very little signs of stress.

What's this one growing in?
OK My disclaimer

I'm in this for a living and mean no harm by these upcoming statements. I'm what most consider a top shelf producer with exceptional knowledge in the production of marijuana. I'm not a master gardener or a person trained heavily in the horticultural field by a local university instead I was educated by old timers and when I fell into a ton of money I hired lawyers and spent money to find what could get my ass in high times and win a cup (2nd place holder) and produce grade A pot I WANT TO BE the next dj short that's my personal goal ( upcoming journal for a breeding project coming up with a very knowledgeable grower on this site).

That being said here's my opinion flame as wanted

Organic,no till,Los, whatever is all a state of mind

True organic quit fucking growing indoors, drop a seed out in the forest do a hippy dippy happy dance pray for rain and good soil and start a stinking ass drum circle etc. etc. etc.
I'm dead serious folks its a state of mind in a state like the coast of maine.

In all seriousness you would all laugh at this statement I feel I'm an organic gardener straight up. I use NO pesticides, no GMO seeds, etc.. . But in all seriousness none of us are face it we are stressing them, adjusting enviroments into "optimal conditions" to get more organic or not

No plant goes from 24 or 18 hours of light instantly to 12 so if you believe your 100% organic your fucking fooling yourself or just so enthralled by a free range mentality that it isn't in your realm of consideration. Why Ive spent money on docs kit and drifted from my soil is im looking for a CHEAPER way to producer more expense product. I get to some it doesn't fit there "lifestyle" but IM here to be a

And docs has potential in a lot of applications in aspects of mine as well ...

House and Garden will stay as well

Its not a nutrient issue or style issue that im working with its a soil issue let me make this as simple as possible

I want a soil day one to week 3 of bloom to be self sufficient period not this not that just do its fucking job jesus.
from that point on it better be base as fuck like stripped raw. Almost beaten like a red headed step child nothing left inside.

Then Im the nice little pimp strolling into the picture to guide her and make her "blossom" get the picture ???

Shock is inevitable in bloom switch so then if soil is bare base neutral then hit with what nutrients you desire.

I am and will pull this off even if I spend a few thousand figuring it out .

I truly see a kit like docs being a legit setup to boost that's why im intrigued and willing to invest in things
Methods along the lines of 36 and sues will be tried and I do believe they have a place ask 36 he was just at my grow.

But top shelf consistent constantly the exact same product sticking to my methods

for the record if you are ever by me ill donate 4+ grams to prove my work and career
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