36Gr0w's First Journal - Hi-Brix - LOS - Indoor & Out!

It's always like religion or politics when talking about this subject. I see Los works for some, I also see docs kit work for some, but at a commercial level it still has a ways to go.

There has been and is several "hi brix" like "super soils" on the market. you can go to 420soil and buy their "super soil", they advertised at seattle hempfest Last few years. Why haven't they caught on? Same reason led has taken for ever To.

but when you add the constant pushing and preaching from closet growers, no offense ment.. I take it like religion. I won't really listen to them, I'll research it for myself and make my own decision

Short story

Guy says : you know I've never been religious but I like the thoughts about rastas
(Guy researches and becomes a non religious rasta)
Girl says : you love plants, you love nature, you love wild creatures, you make tinctures and herbal medicine, why don't you take up being a druid or at least a pagan
(Continues this for weeks to months)

Guy : (chuckles) how about I don't tell you that your way is wrong, and you don't say my way is wrong. If I have a issue with my way, I will seek to change it myself.

That's just how I personally fill on the issue.

I buy aptus nutrents, I spend around 1000$ for 7 250ml bottles that's just my boosters. I love my results, don't have any reason to change. When it comes to research and development my garden doesnt get shorted on.

I've had great results used with h&g And humboldt. if one can afford them i recommend it. Real diluted, 3ml per 5 gal and such. I do plan to try super soil but I feel it's like led, it still has a ways to come before someone decides to do a 30,000 sq ft grow with any super soil and i don't see Los ever happening honestly on a commercial grow scale. They aren't around long enough to benefit I believe. But i don't know ;)

Supersoil is like the retarded cousin of no till/los/organic/natural soil. It has a crazy amount of ingredients thrown together with no rhyme or reason. It's way more expensive to buy than making your own, and it's a lower quality.

Why couldn't you see a no till setup catching on or working well in a larger environment? At that point its gardening in big beds instead of pots, which is beneficial to the plants. Plus, if set up right, it's the easiest, cheapest, and lowest maintenance option there is. It's actually gardening.
I've had great results used with h&g And humboldt. if one can afford them i recommend it. Real diluted, 3ml per 5 gal and such. I do plan to try super soil but I feel it's like led, it still has a ways to come before someone decides to do a 30,000 sq ft grow with any super soil and i don't see Los ever happening honestly on a commercial grow scale. They aren't around long enough to benefit I believe. But i don't know ;)


That's pretty much where I'm at.
Supersoil is like the retarded cousin of no till/los/organic/natural soil. It has a crazy amount of ingredients thrown together with no rhyme or reason. It's way more expensive to buy than making your own, and it's a lower quality.

Why couldn't you see a no till setup catching on or working well in a larger environment? At that point its gardening in big beds instead of pots, which is beneficial to the plants. Plus, if set up right, it's the easiest, cheapest, and lowest maintenance option there is. It's actually gardening.

I consider Los and docs kit part of the "super soil" Catagory. When spoken about with any medium to large scale gardener for commercial, it's not ready. We like to be able to fully control every single Aspect. I really don't know how else to explain it but, if we need to add, calcium, iron, potassium, whatever it may be at the given time for the thousands of different picky strains.. we like to be able to do so without messing with other buffers or adding "cat drench".

It's all about consistency. If a grower can't replicate his flowers it won't be considered. As of now, I haven't seen anyone duplicate a grow with Los or docs kit. I've seen good flowers grown with reused docs kit too, but it wasn't the same as before.

It may seem silly, but key about a medical shop or recreational. Is having consistent quality, and right now all the main growers prefer "actually gardening" and tending their plants every need. Not just a dummies proof "add a cat srench" please no offense taken

Last part was sarcasim, as we are all, actual gardeners with different methods. Again proving my point about this being like politics

We are container gardeners. I'm talking about replicating outdoor farming practices and techniques indoors under artificial lighting. There are tons of organic farms all over. I've seen huge benefits to groups of plants (same strain) in a friends personal room. But those are in coco being fed canna nutes.

The main premise with no till/organic/los whatever you want to call it, is you prepare a soil to feed the plant what it wants, when it wants it. Different teas and top dressings are added if and when needed.
I agree that Los and docs kit can work on personal grows like my journal and others closetS/tents but 10-30k sq feet and i can promise you out of the 3 rec grows I've walked through they have at least 10 mothers and 2-5 strains flowering at once. They are all picky specially the green house growers with their sativas and being 10+ feet tall and about twice that in diameter. I'm not saying it won't be ready In the future, just that it's at the leds beginning stage. It has a ways to go before a tier 2-3 picks it up

I'm looking at it from a different angle I guess, GFC. I see commercial growers growing for one reason, cash money. I see meds being sold to patients with no cure, just dry it and sell it, and use chemicals to grow the meds, chemicals in the medicine. Because it makes money, not because it's best for patients.

And "picky strains" this concept is hilarious to me.
36 is on the money with super soil. It isn't even remotely close to what we are doing. Doesn't work in the same manner at all.

Ok if I was preaching, I'm done now.

College sophomore, rado? Ok buddy.
I'm looking at it from a different angle I guess, GFC. I see commercial growers growing for one reason, cash money. I see meds being sold to patients with no cure, just dry it and sell it, and use chemicals to grow the meds, chemicals in the medicine. Because it makes money, not because it's best for patients.

And "picky strains" this concept is hilarious to me.
36 is on the money with super soil. It isn't even remotely close to what we are doing. Doesn't work in the same manner at all.

Ok if I was preaching, I'm done now.

College sophomore, rado? Ok buddy.

Your right like any buisness recreational and medical growers such as others in this thread and myself grow for profit (even though 90% act like they dont). But we also grow quality.... some company's do use harsh chemicals, but aptus and others derive from natural minerals. So there are good bottle feeders, they just buy the "seafood linguine, and not the fish sandwich from mcdonalds" sure they both are "food" but I'll spend the extra money for the prime food for my plants that I can adjust as needed.

Like u said yes there are growers selling to the medical market and the lab industry doesn't help this, but moldy flowers, spider mite infested flowers, 6crops in Colorado just got put on hold for bad pesticides, it happens everywhere. But there are people like myself that know how to combat it with nature and natural homemade sprays.

It's all part of actually growing. I just do it differently then you. Yours works, but if it was perfect everyone would be using it.

It's a good "dummie" proof for growers that can't figure out how to read their plants or don't want to spend time with them.

I just did a 24 day flush of nothing but 6.0 tap water at 37 ppm.

now they'll hang for two weeks, and be stored for a month. I've never had any complaints, when it doesn't meet my level of quality it won't even be turned into hash. I pride my self on my extracts as well.

About the shops selling bad herbs though, I got a moldy nug in a p from the rainier market a week back. Got the nug and x52 micro pic that I'll upload at some point might make a video for my utube. I was heated, so I can tell u I really don't like out sourcing. Because ur 100% right about shops not knowing their nose from their crack

It's always like religion or politics when talking about this subject. I see Los works for some, I also see docs kit work for some, but at a commercial level it still has a ways to go.

There has been and is several "hi brix" like "super soils" on the market. you can go to 420soil and buy their "super soil", they advertised at seattle hempfest Last few years. Why haven't they caught on? Same reason led has taken for ever To.

but when you add the constant pushing and preaching from closet growers, no offense ment.. I take it like religion. I won't really listen to them, I'll research it for myself and make my own decision

Short story

Guy says : you know I've never been religious but I like the thoughts about rastas
(Guy researches and becomes a non religious rasta)
Girl says : you love plants, you love nature, you love wild creatures, you make tinctures and herbal medicine, why don't you take up being a druid or at least a pagan
(Continues this for weeks to months)

Guy : (chuckles) how about I don't tell you that your way is wrong, and you don't say my way is wrong. If I have a issue with my way, I will seek to change it myself.

That's just how I personally fill on the issue.

I buy aptus nutrents, I spend around 1000$ for 7 250ml bottles that's just my boosters. I love my results, don't have any reason to change. When it comes to research and development my garden doesnt get shorted on.


Hey! I resemble those remarks - That why Druids make candidates do a year long correspondence course before they let you join :) !
I've had great results used with h&g And humboldt. if one can afford them i recommend it. Real diluted, 3ml per 5 gal and such. I do plan to try super soil but I feel it's like led, it still has a ways to come before someone decides to do a 30,000 sq ft grow with any super soil and i don't see Los ever happening honestly on a commercial grow scale. They aren't around long enough to benefit I believe. But i don't know ;)


Outdoor LOS is the only sustainable agricultural approach on the planet.
It might be 50 years, it might be 100 years, but for the survival of the human race, it is return to sustainable agriculture, or die.

Indoor LOS is the best I can do to that is legal
Hey! I resemble those remarks - That why Druids make candidates do a year long correspondence course before they let you join :) !

I thought about druids really hard, the fact they are pagan priest is what turned me away. I also looked into the freemasonry (not exactly the same ha) still have their application they gave me with their water print on it. I was turned away when I read there is 3 different background checks ran on u prIor to joining.

Back on topic, my fiance being a pagan I love their history and beliefs. But when it comes down to it, I'm a no flag wearing rasta. I don't consider myself part of the Cristian religion at all, I just have my own morales and beliefs without fear of punishment at death.. let's not get crazy off topic though haha, I love druids. Modern day ones, need to research more on the real old druids. And not the Netflix bs documentary.

I'm looking at it from a different angle I guess, GFC. I see commercial growers growing for one reason, cash money. I see meds being sold to patients with no cure, just dry it and sell it, and use chemicals to grow the meds, chemicals in the medicine. Because it makes money, not because it's best for patients.

And "picky strains" this concept is hilarious to me.
36 is on the money with super soil. It isn't even remotely close to what we are doing. Doesn't work in the same manner at all.

Ok if I was preaching, I'm done now.

College sophomore, rado? Ok buddy.

I work at a college. How many months do you have growing LOS?

Sorry to break it to you, but you are practically the definition of sophomoric here - and I am totally on your side buddy. I am still on the waiting list for LOS 101 classes and the suspense is nearly unbearable. I need permanent living soil in my basement!
I work at a college. How many months do you have growing LOS?

Sorry to break it to you, but you are practically the definition of sophomoric here - and I am totally on your side buddy. I am still on the waiting list for LOS 101 classes and the suspense is nearly unbearable. I need permanent living soil in my basement!

That's how u tolerate us all so well in a well spoken manner. Makes more sense. I was starting to think u were actually a wizard :0


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