36Gr0w's First Journal - Hi-Brix - LOS - Indoor & Out!

The space taken up by the unnecessary addition of lava rock in your pots could be filled with soil for roots instead. Worth considering. It will also add to the weight.

Neither being a concern. I'm planning on putting a 45 gal smart pot on a swick in my 4x4 under the 1000w hps. I'm making a base for it to sit on and not be fully supported by the perlite, but still sitting in it. My worry is with parts of the base of the pot sagging lower and being submerged in water at times.
Exactly, you put the effort in on the front end making quality humus for you soil mix and the rest is a breeze. And you can use the soil forever, and it will grow plants that will blow your mind. Synthetic growers can grow serious dank, that is TOTALLY true, but they have to really have it figured out, with lots of trial and error. It's way easier to produce top shelf buds organically, if you don't fall into the trap of fake organics.

I've NEVER seen a deficiency in any cannabis plant I've grown, EVER. Crazy and true. I'm no horticultural genius by any means. I just discovered how to garden with the soil food web, my no till pots are mini redwood forests.

The thing is, and I see it all the time, is, It's so fucking hard for people to shed the synthetic plant growing mindset. The cannabis growers with the most experience are the hardest to converse with about the SFW and such. I have given up trying and talking with people in real life. Only if someone is pressing me for info on how I grow do I even bring up organics.

But I like to think I'm tireless with it on the forums. :)
It would save money with re use of soil for sure. Not trying to give ya all a heart attack but when your hitting hps plus per plant and mid twenties plus on thc % it's a big gamble financially for us. The competition is very stiff up here and 36 knows that and I'd be devastated to lose my well bragging rights locally they help in this industry.
Exactly, you put the effort in in the front end making quality humus for you soil mix and the rest is a breeze. And you can use the soil forever, and it will grow plants that will blow your mind. Synthetic growers can grow serious dank, that is TOTALLY true, but they have to really have it figured out, with lots of trial and error. It's way easier to produce top shelf buds organically, if you don't fall into the trap of fake organics.

I've NEVER seen a deficiency in any cannabis plant I've grown, EVER. Crazy and true. I'm no horticultural genius by any means. I just discovered how to garden with the soil food web, my no till pots are mini redwood forests.

The thing is, and I see it all the time, is, It's so fucking hard for people to shed the synthetic plant growing mindset. The cannabis growers with the most experience are the hardest to converse with about the SFW and such. I have given up trying and talking with people in real life. Only if someone is pressing me for info on how I grow do I even bring up organics.

But I like to think I'm tireless with it on the forums. :)

The trial and error is no fucking joke. I'm 6 figures deep in that nightmare. But about 3 years ago once environments were dialed and such the Qp plants shot up to 12 ozs and the thc went from low teens to twenties. Now with the crazy testing there busting 30. So I'm a Lil nervous to bounce to the hippie dippy world of love thy soil ( still kidding kinda )
Sue, for me in a commercial grow, I'd be most worried about pests and disease spreading. IPM is crucial when it comes to that.

Another issue I'm freaked about with organic shit we just yanked that ed cause it had mites. It was only half Way through bloom grant its cause of the expansion and lack of discipline when I go in the room or take you or cam. I need to get back on that. But Organic scares me in that respect also.
It would save money with re use of soil for sure. Not trying to give ya all a heart attack but when your hitting hps plus per plant and mid twenties plus on thc % it's a big gamble financially for us. The competition is very stiff up here and 36 knows that and I'd be devastated to lose my well bragging rights locally they help in this industry.

You grow great stuff, most people are envious and the others respect. You are also one to experiment and try anything for a better product. Maybe when the seed room is empty we can throw something organic in a decent size pot.
Neither being a concern. I'm planning on putting a 45 gal smart pot on a swick in my 4x4 under the 1000w hps. I'm making a base for it to sit on and not be fully supported by the perlite, but still sitting in it. My worry is with parts of the base of the pot sagging lower and being submerged in water at times.

Are you saying that the base that the pot sits on will only be partially filled with perlite with the surrounding area being water? I'm having a hard time envisioning this. The simplest way to do this is to build a box to hold the perlite that's large enough to support the entire base of your pot. Set your 45 gallon pot onto a solid bed of perlite and fill it with water to 1-2" below the surface. The perlite supports the pot with no trouble and the perlite wicks that water right up to the pots which eagerly move that water into the soil matrix. Why make it harder than it needs to be? This system is all about simplicity.
I'm in. I want to finish budzilla Jr first or I'd do it now. No fans crap ventilation no co2 and I bet she's close to her mom since she's all alone under that 1000.

On another note. Me eating 4 muffins was an extremely bad idea. Really bad. I've been in tub like 3 hrs. Just thought my dog foxy was on the deck but is locked up. This is why Im not a edible guy jesus

It's not as bad as dmt but I've got... to get...out of The warm tubby
It would save money with re use of soil for sure. Not trying to give ya all a heart attack but when your hitting hps plus per plant and mid twenties plus on thc % it's a big gamble financially for us. The competition is very stiff up here and 36 knows that and I'd be devastated to lose my well bragging rights locally they help in this industry.

I can fully appreciate this. Although, as 36 so astutely pointed out, you are a man of curiosity and wonder Dutty. I sense that you may be tempted to try at least once. Your bragging rights could someday evolve into the premier grower of organic boutique cannabis that others would kill to replicate.
Are you saying that the base that the pot sits on will only be partially filled with perlite with the surrounding area being water? I'm having a hard time envisioning this. The simplest way to do this is to build a box to hold the perlite that's large enough to support the entire base of your pot. Set your 45 gallon pot onto a solid bed of perlite and fill it with water to 1-2" below the surface. The perlite supports the pot with no trouble and the perlite wicks that water right up to the pots which eagerly move that water into the soil matrix. Why make it harder than it needs to be? This system is all about simplicity.

That's almost exactly how he explained it to me I was blown away. Sounds really cool
Sue, I'm trying to keep this simple, but I don't want to be stupid. I'm building a frame to support my 45 gallons of heavy soil so I can remove or replace the perlite if needed. If I have something drain to the"res" and start to smell funky, I want access to clean it without moving a 45 gallon container out of a pool by myself in my bedroom.
Sue, I'm trying to keep this simple, but I don't want to be stupid. I'm building a frame to support my 45 gallons of heavy soil so I can remove or replace the perlite if needed. If I have something drain to the"res" and start to smell funky, I want access to clean it without moving a 45 gallon container out of a pool by myself in my bedroom.

That container weight is crazy crazy you must mainline that dirty girl
Sue, for me in a commercial grow, I'd be most worried about pests and disease spreading. IPM is crucial when it comes to that.

Healthy soil grows healthy plants that resist disease and repel pests. Much of the pest and disease problems beyond that are controlled by having your environment dialed in. I don't see where it's any more of a concern than it would be regardless of your approach. You're still striving for healthy plants and good environment. LOS also offers simplicity and incredible harvest.
I'm not building a box to hold perlite, I'm building a frame to support a 45 gallon smart pot in a kiddie pool. It will sit on perlite but not be supported by it. No part of the pot will be touching water. Its a pot, in a pool filled with perlite, on a stand so if there is no perlite in the pool, the pot is not sitting on the pool bottom with no air flow trimming the roots.
I'm not building a box to hold perlite, I'm building a frame to support a 45 gallon smart pot in a kiddie pool. It will sit on perlite but not be supported by it. No part of the pot will be touching water. Its a pot, in a pool filled with perlite, on a stand so if there is no perlite in the pool, the pot is not sitting on the pool bottom with no air flow trimming the roots.

Ah that's right a kiddie pool I forgot that part I just use ours for hay. Lol. That's part of why I thought it was so cool. Fuck I need to get out of this hot tub. Damn you three and this discussion oh man maybe I should blame the muffins
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