36Gr0w's First Journal - Hi-Brix - LOS - Indoor & Out!

Sue, I'm trying to keep this simple, but I don't want to be stupid. I'm building a frame to support my 45 gallons of heavy soil so I can remove or replace the perlite if needed. If I have something drain to the"res" and start to smell funky, I want access to clean it without moving a 45 gallon container out of a pool by myself in my bedroom.

How much of the bottom of your pot would be in contact with the perlite? If your pot isn't on a solid support how stable will it be? I'm still not seeing it. I get the concern of smell in the reservoir. I've not had any problems with mine at all, but the most pungent thing I use is kelp, and I don't use a large enough volume drench to get into the reservoir. That became second nature after a while. You just get a feel for it.

I just realized t's 3:30 here and as much as I've enjoyed this conversation I must get me to bed. Can we continue tomorrow?

Guys, thanks. It's been great. Dutty? Big hug. One for the wife too. :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:
I figured the perlite being in some sort of a container was a given. It's not like I was going to throw perlite down, put some pots in it, drown the hell out of them, and hope for the best. :volcano-smiley:


Why not screw the plastic kiddie pool go all natural. Lol. Same difference as a flood tray i suppose
How much of the bottom of your pot would be in contact with the perlite? If your pot isn't on a solid support how stable will it be? I'm still not seeing it. I get the concern of smell in the reservoir. I've not had any problems with mine at all, but the most pungent thing I use is kelp, and I don't use a large enough volume drench to get into the reservoir. That became second nature after a while. You just get a feel for it.

I just realized t's 3:30 here and as much as I've enjoyed this conversation I must get me to bed. Can we continue tomorrow?

Guys, thanks. It's been great. Dutty? Big hug. One for the wife too. :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

Thanks sue keep an eye out.
Dutty are you anywhere remotely close to Grass Valley?. There's a place that sells CC mix soil by the yard. It tests well. They emailed me the test results. Food for thought. Don't fall asleep in that hot tub.

Wanna see soil test results? I don't give much of a hoot about the soil testing, I guess it can have its purposes.
I was crazy busy. I shall catch up.

Co I head to Oregon often and do have a small truck but a full pallet would be a better option delivered. Any links. I emailed my buddy.
That's what I like about you Dutty. A true man of action.

Goodnight all.
This shits expensive! But it's the goods I've heard. The owner, Jamie seemed cool when I called him.

I'd make my own soil in a tee pee if I were you though.


Here's the soil test results he shared with me. And he said they were getting new testing regularly. Seems like the soil.

Shitty IPhone snapshot, sorry.
So far, and this is my very early observations, but I haven't liked the lava rock as aeration. I haven't grown with it and that is the only thing that matters of course. So far I've mixed with it, watered, stored, and observed it. The soil with just lava rock seems to compact more than with just perlite. Clumps formed around some pieces of the lava rock. Perlite seems to drain and aerate better from what I can see so far. My mix going in the swick is a combo of the two. May put the layer of lava rock on the bottom of the smart pot like I mentioned elsewhere.

My very limited experience with 1/3 perlite is the opposite: the soil is not compacted, drains slowly and refuses to dry out, as in 10-12 days between waterings so it is/was impossible to bottle feed nutrients and dry out in between. Perlite and high ph soil have starved my plants this grow.
Exactly, you put the effort in on the front end making quality humus for you soil mix and the rest is a breeze. And you can use the soil forever, and it will grow plants that will blow your mind. Synthetic growers can grow serious dank, that is TOTALLY true, but they have to really have it figured out, with lots of trial and error. It's way easier to produce top shelf buds organically, if you don't fall into the trap of fake organics.

I've NEVER seen a deficiency in any cannabis plant I've grown, EVER. Crazy and true. I'm no horticultural genius by any means. I just discovered how to garden with the soil food web, my no till pots are mini redwood forests.

The thing is, and I see it all the time, is, It's so fucking hard for people to shed the synthetic plant growing mindset. The cannabis growers with the most experience are the hardest to converse with about the SFW and such. I have given up trying and talking with people in real life. Only if someone is pressing me for info on how I grow do I even bring up organics.

But I like to think I'm tireless with it on the forums. :)


I know you are passionate.

I know you are on the right track.

But ...

You are being a bit college sophomore here.

Dutty knows his plants and he knows his nutes and he bas a plan.

You are on what .... 7 months of living soil. Until a grower has 3, 5, 7 years into the soil you can't really know further the amendment schedules for, a perpetual before are really working.

I am a believer in perpetual, polyculture growing, indoor and out,... but the proof is in the output OVER TIME.

As I said, live your enthusiasm, but don't be that preacher guy on the corner everyone moves across the street to avoid....with love and respect for ALL you folks..

I'm growing as close to LOS as I can get, indoor and out.
This shits expensive! But it's the goods I've heard. The owner, Jamie seemed cool when I called him.

I'd make my own soil in a tee pee if I were you though.


Here's the soil test results he shared with me. And he said they were getting new testing regularly. Seems like the soil.

Shitty IPhone snapshot, sorry.

"You must spread some reputation around before giving it to COorganics again."

Yeah. If you were closer I'd have hugged you big time.

I know you are passionate.

I know you are on the right track.

But ...

You are being a bit college sophomore here.

Dutty knows his plants and he knows his nutes and he bas a plan.

You are on what .... 7 months of living soil. Until a grower has 3, 5, 7 years into the soil you can't really know further the amendment schedules for, a perpetual before are really working.

I am a believer in perpetual, polyculture growing, indoor and out,... but the proof is in the output OVER TIME.

As I said, live your enthusiasm, but don't be that preacher guy on the corner everyone moves across the street to avoid....with love and respect for ALL you folks..

I'm growing as close to LOS as I can get, indoor and out.

But we're not the only ones out there having success Rad. There is ample documentation of no-tills running the way we are years into the soil with nothing but stellar results. The process has been worked out and put into practice by others. We're following their lead. The bottom line is that this soil mix works for cannabis and I've been convinced by the evidence that, although I'm certain we may be able to tweak it a little more, it's growing extremely healthy and potent plants with almost no effort on our part.

So yeah, we get a little passionate about it. We see the potential for this soil in a commercial application and Dutty is an adventurous man always open to new ideas. It's worth a test pot, at the very least. It has the potential to be a game changer in the right hands.
Busy night, good morning reading material. :)
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