36Gr0w's First Journal - Hi-Brix - LOS - Indoor & Out!

Evenin 36G...i'm back for the night. Well , i've never seen time pass so fast as when i'm here,at "the mag". Two, three hours just seem to vanish. Must be doin something fun,i suppose eh Gang. Just Brixed the ladies over there and had a peek at the pots the Desfrans are in.....nothin yet.(only been a few hrs.since planting):tokin:Have a great night in your world 36.....Cheers eh!:high-five:
Evenin 36G...i'm back for the night. Well , i've never seen time pass so fast as when i'm here,at "the mag". Two, three hours just seem to vanish. Must be doin something fun,i suppose eh Gang. Just Brixed the ladies over there and had a peek at the pots the Desfrans are in.....nothin yet.(only been a few hrs.since planting):tokin:Have a great night in your world 36.....Cheers eh!:high-five:

Time always flies when I'm reading duggs, and it goes even faster here. Many late nights, and it makes work go by faster as well. I keep catching grief for reading my cell at work, I just say when people can keep up I'll stop my daily reading/learning. In that regard, I'm lucky I'm surrounded by idiots, but damn it can be frustrating at times lol. Then I come home to the gardens and 420mag and all is good again! :circle-of-love:

Thanks for the well wishes duggs, I know you were a bit worried about your mazar but they look great! You mentioned a fruity smell, I kept thinking sweet smelling bananas with mine. Almost out, good thing my buddy is harvesting more soon lol. I'm stoked for those Desfrans, keep me posted.

To everyone..... Do you know what the longest wait for me is when growing? It's not the cure, not even the grow, but waiting for my damn soil to "cook" is killing me lol. I have so many root bound plants starting to look like crap, they need room to stretch! Been dealing with a heat issue in the 400w box, guess I need to hook the exhaust up again.

The plants started and still in organic soil didn't skip a beat. Perky, bright green, growing great. The others aren't really looking too hot. Just to be clear, this was isolated to the smaller cab, no brix gals in there, except a mother. She started throwing up three fingers, but she is root bound so my fault.

My purple sour diesels seemed to have naturally topped themselves, great looking pair. Both in 3 gal of organic soil from the start.

Lots of rambling, forgive me please!

Enjoy the night everyone, tomorrow will be a better day!
Before watering.

CBD Widow

Lemon Skunk
I feel like "cooking" is more about nutrient cycling for availability of nutrients than for concern of burning transplants. From what I've seen, using a typical LOS type soil mix, it's hard to burn plants even seedlings. The idea of a "hot mix" applies more chemi-soil. Miracle Grow is a good example of this.

Not to say you couldn't burn or damage your plants with an organic soil mix, but you'd have to be WAY out of wack. The CC soil mix is proven.

I'm pretty damn sure I planted veggies in CC mix last year and it had only cooked a week, and all was well. Can't really remember 100%.
I haven't strictly followed the CC mix, I thought I mentioned adding some random things I had left over, and I threw some alfalfa in. I'm not worried about nutrient burning, that bin is literally hot. I did transplant one into hot soil before I put the neem/karanja in. Experiments are fun.
I feel like "cooking" is more about nutrient cycling for availability of nutrients than for concern of burning transplants. From what I've seen, using a typical LOS type soil mix, it's hard to burn plants even seedlings. The idea of a "hot mix" applies more chemi-soil. Miracle Grow is a good example of this.

Not to say you couldn't burn or damage your plants with an organic soil mix, but you'd have to be WAY out of wack. The CC soil mix is proven.

I'm pretty damn sure I planted veggies in CC mix last year and it had only cooked a week, and all was well. Can't really remember 100%.

Funny I agree but I also think organic soil can have hot "spots" I've seen it in the past. And even though docs kit isn't true organic for you hippies (just kidding kinda) it can happen

When coming up with the design for my hybrid organic/bottle soil I'll be sifting all ingredients at mix. Then sift post mix into container
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