36Gr0w's First Journal - Hi-Brix - LOS - Indoor & Out!

A few CBD Widow cuts have roots, and i want to start some seeds, so I'll be making a seed/clone soil mix this weekend. Based off build a soil mix for seedlings, with what I already have.

40% Sphagnum Peat Moss

20% EWC

20% Small Pumice for Aeration

20% Perlite for aeration

Oyster Flour for Liming and Calcium at 1 Cup per cubic foot.

Gypsum for Calcium and Sulfur at 1 Cup per cubic foot.

Acadian Organic Kelp Meal added at 1/2 Cup per cubic foot.

Crustacean Meal added at 1/2 Cup per cubic foot.
The seed moon is almost here!! I'm dropping some beans tomorrow!!!

Good vibes for the seed moon aka as the blood moon. Blah on that term


Will be sprinkled on the roots and transplant hole.
Is that resin? Haha I remember smoking that back in highschool.. now it doesn't even get a chance to build up in my herb rigs.

My oil rigs I let build up and then clean out and clean the reclaim up to be better then 50% of the medical oil. I'm making a video on that now actually.

I started because a buddy taught me how to clean resin with everclear the same concept of cleaning oil up in the form of winterization.

Boom. 45 gal smart pot on a kiddie pool swick. Purple sour diesel, PGSC, CBD Widow cuttings just popping roots, and a Green Crack cutting I just took today. Third time using aloe to clone, first time sticking it straight into a big pot.
Boom. 45 gal smart pot on a kiddie pool swick. Purple sour diesel, PGSC, CBD Widow cuttings just popping roots, and a Green Crack cutting I just took today. Third time using aloe to clone, first time sticking it straight into a big pot.

Awesome setup. What is the kiddie pool swick things and what does it do? Is that just pearllight in the bottom? Also did you have to do anything special with the aloe cutting or just cut and stick in? I love finding things I have never seen before and you have two in one post, good stuff :high-five:
Wow, now that's cool eh! just stuck in there ....how long do they survive like that? Hey 36G,nice set up bud...lovin it.45gal's....now your talkin. Big enough to experiment with perhaps three or four in the same ...massive pot.:thumb:The kiddie pool...fantastic idea.Always wanted to try that.Lots of possibilities.

When we were down in Jamaica...they like using Aloe for many different things, so to see a lil clone in a pc. of it....it's cool! On another note.....just sittin here listening to the "blues" .....ya baby....love it. This toon is so cool 36G...check it out will ya....is it just me or what? Devil's Load by Lee Harvey Osmond, feat. Paul Reddick from the cd The Folk Sinner.....Cheers....Duggs.

I used to smoke this. I gathered with friends to put pieces together and have a scraping party lol. Then we would boil our pieces to clean. Good times lol.

Gawd, I can smell it from here. :laughtwo:
Back from easter dinner and hiding eggs. My mom is an incredible cook.

Smokey, the swick is just that, a bed of perlite and water. Once the perlite is saturated, the pots wick the water up. The cutting was soaked in some kelp water then stuck in the piece of aloe for a few minutes. Last time I blended stone aloe, kelp meal, and water and soaked Rockwell cubes as well as the cuts in this mix. The two tiny CBD Widows in the 45gal just started sprouting roots, so I figured what the hell, let's try throwing them in this soil early. If they take, I'll have two mini plants flowering as well. Same thinking with the Green Crack clone I took today, although that was really due to an accidental topping, so I tried this.

Duggs, ya I've wanted a whole raised bed indoors, but I'm renting and above a garage, not feasible. This setup should keep them hydrated for weekends im out of town this summer. Plus maintain a nice moisture level for the soil. I didn't realize how small 45 gallons is in a 4x4 tent. Two or three decent sized plants would work, but I think I'll try one nice size plant and some experimentals this run. I like the size because it does give me more surface area and don't have to worry about being root bound. I'm thinking with training and timing this could work well for a perpetual flower bed. That's my hope at least. I'll check the song out, thanks duggs.
How impressed am I? You're taking the SWICK to a whole new level. Questions I should already know the answers for: How big are the pots around it? Is the soil in the 45 gal LOS or HB? The pots around it?

I really love the way this kiddie pool works. You're getting me excited 36. It's a quick and inexpensive solution if you have the floor space.

Awesome setup. What is the kiddie pool swick things and what does it do? Is that just pearllight in the bottom? Also did you have to do anything special with the aloe cutting or just cut and stick in? I love finding things I have never seen before and you have two in one post, good stuff :high-five:

COorganics did a write up on cloning with aloe. BAS has some good info on their site as well.


Smokey, how have you missed the SWICK? The basin is filled with enough perlite to get a decent reservoir of water in there and still maintain the water level to 1-2" below the bottom of the pots, which are sitting on top of the perlite. The water wicks up through the perlite and through the fabrics of the pots into the soil. The plants water themselves by drawing on that easy access to oxygenated water. You only need keep the reservoir topped off. If you use hard pots you simply wiggle them into the perlite so the perlite is in contact with the soil through the drain holes.

One of the benefits is being able to leave the grow unattended for days and still not stress the plants. ClosetPharmer recently left his for a week and they didn't skip a beat. The greatest benefit is that you eliminate the possibility of over or under watering the plants. The single biggest mistake new growers make.

The plants love it Smokey. You will benefit from increasing the aeration component of the soil by up to 25% to facilitate all that wicking going on. Then you just replenish the reservoirs and do top drenches and teas whenever you want to. I always make my drenches lighter in volume to keep from polluting the reservoirs. I don't see myself growing without one.
I like the way this looks with this kiddie pool. I see tiers all over the place with room off to the sides for seedlings. Excited!

I love that big 45 gallon pot. I was looking at it the other day. There was a long planter that would be nice too. I need to do some planning here.

Nice set up 36.
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