36Gr0w's First Journal - Hi-Brix - LOS - Indoor & Out!

But don't you need chemicals and salts and npk and boombastic bomb buds by bioag to grow decent nugs?

Haha funny.

I know organic is the "safe" and "healthy" way but I need numbers my good friend we both know that. I need high thc numbers, high cbd numbers , high yield numbers. It's tough all while having low people relationship numbers lol.
And we both know my own personal is heading that direction for sure and since your more driven in that direction while we veggie garden my personal will start.

Hey by the garden I'm dropping a ed Rosenthal straight into the ground. We should do that Sunday too. I'd like that straight up organic. Bet it hits 15+ feet out there.
I'm more able to fuck around, losing a "crop/harvest" is way different for us. I believe 100% in the direction im headed, but I can't prove it with personal test results or even my own current great plants.

I'd be an idiot to try to push something on you or try to talk you into change, I don't have that grow resume or clout yet. In a year it may be different. Nature is king. Feed the soil.
True. Best analogy I can think of is this.

I'm a micro brewer ie:Deschutes, redhook even smaller really. But I'm producing a truly inspired, been in print, in competition. And trying to be the best.

As to where a smaller organic grower is like a home brewer (which I am as well) they are trying to perfect a truly wholesome product for themselves and a few people to enjoy. Which is sometimes even better than the above brewer
True. Best analogy I can think of is this.

I'm a micro brewer ie:Deschutes, redhook even smaller really. But I'm producing a truly inspired, been in print, in competition. And trying to be the best.

As to where a smaller organic grower is like a home brewer (which I am as well) they are trying to perfect a truly wholesome product for themselves and a few people to enjoy. Which is sometimes even better than the above brewer

I'll just add, as a personal grower, I try to learn and adapt to what you do to help me. I have to learn from people better than me or I won't grow much.
I believe potency, terpenes, high type and even yield are better with organics (if you go the right route). Yeah, even yield, assuming you have the foresight to go big on the container size and have your ducks in a row.

I'll get my herbs potency tested at least Dutty, and share the results on my journal. I'm a believer. I see many people transitioning to this style of growing, but none transitioning away from it. All good, I'm not trying to push anything at ya, sharing my own opinion..

Your set up over there looks like a dream job, but I bet it's hard work.
Yield indoor organic pot needs to be huge. But every other aspect besides yield and potency organic is better I'll admit that. Just haven't seen the yield or potency with my own eyes in organics. I'm sure it exists just personally haven't seen it
As we all know, choosing a winning pheno of a good line is half or more of the battle. I really do believe that yield and potency can be higher with organics compared to synthetics, but I don't have much tangible proof of that. And didn't you get something tested at damn near 30%, Dutty? That is about as high as anything gets to my knowledge. It's plain to see why you like your methods and I'm sure those getting your buds are quite happy with them too. I get it.
Yield indoor organic pot needs to be huge. But every other aspect besides yield and potency organic is better I'll admit that. Just haven't seen the yield or potency with my own eyes in organics. I'm sure it exists just personally haven't seen it

But ... yield is related to cost, and it's lower for organic soil, especially when you include labor. I suppose that's easily offset by hydro being faster, though ...

I think blasting them with nutes will probably always get you better potency and yield. What we're doing is better suited to your example of craft beers. I've always liked marketing to the more wealthy snooty class. Their money means less to them, and they like to believe they get the best for it. Snob weed is perfect for that. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Yield was the only thing I questioned with organics Co. Ya, besides the carpets of trichs, huge dense nugs are a nice side benefit of good organic weed.

And sustainability, understanding the process, making your own, farming things, these are all parts of organic growing that I really love. And I did get 6+ ounces dry weight off one plant indoors in my attic in a ten gallon in a room with 1200w, and quarter pounders are no problemo. The CC soil mix plus a few additions here and there really grows some impressive plants.

I really like the part of this whole organic thing where we are all trying to grow cannabis, yes, but even more we are learning about natural farming, and how soil works, and how worms digestive tracts work, etc etc. That's where it's at.

smoking some dynamic accumulators out of my waterbong...

People say "I'm willing to pay more for good organic weed", and that kinda bothers me, I tell them to grow their own and I will help them. Only 1 has actually taken me up on that.

Organic weed shouldn't be priced higher than regular weed. That seems fucked up to me, but I could see that happening. Rather organic weed should be the standard for actual medical weed, and sold for cheap to medical patients.

Me and several friends are 100% sure that the best weed on the planet is being grown by some small scale organic grower living somewhere in rural nowhere. Blessing their water and whatnot.
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