36Gr0w's First Journal - Hi-Brix - LOS - Indoor & Out!

Sue, I'm unsure what you mean by

"but I believe we can find a way to get those green petioles at the tops of the plants the HB guys chase and do it in LOS. "

I'm looking at every one of my tops reaching straight up in the organic soil, and unless neglected they are pretty much all that way.
Purple Sour Diesel, hasn't been touched or watered in a week.

200w hps
Ah yes, it was specifically malted barley,, thank you. I'm working on that! I too, have much respect for the HB, but, it doesn't mean I cant try. I grow more than MJ and the principles behind it pass on. His foundation is organic. I'm okay with experimenting in that arena until I decide to try his stuff, which i will eventually, for the expansion of knowledge. I doubt I'll try Docs stuff,,, and stay on it forever, but his methods and principles will be there I'm sure. I'm a bit too stubborn and determined to have things any other way.
Another note, when I put the PGSC, GC, and Ed into the 1gals, I added 2 handfuls of perlite per.

Which brings me to a question. Why not the use of lava rock or pumice as aeration in hi brix?

I'm thinking you could as long as you got the soil tested with a possible/probable amendment reformulation.
The reason it isn't being used with Doc's kit (as far as I know) is the HP ProMix already has the aeration included in the form of perlite.
I'm going to start a HB grow along with a non-HB grow that uses peat moss and pumice as its base. It should be fun to compare the HB to my non-HB mix. I'm adding feather, bone, kelp, soy bean (non GMO), and alfalfa meals, worm castings, rock dust, potash, molasses, kelp, azomite, humic acid, and oyster flour, among other things.
Sue, I'm unsure what you mean by

"but I believe we can find a way to get those green petioles at the tops of the plants the HB guys chase and do it in LOS. "

I'm looking at every one of my tops reaching straight up in the organic soil, and unless neglected they are pretty much all that way.

It's the color of the petioles. Doc mentions that he can pretty much tell the Brix of a plant by the colors of the petioles. If I'm correct, as you go higher up on the plant he's wanting those petioles to be green instead of red tones, if red tones are a trait of the plant. The more green in the petioles the higher the Brix.
What amounts are you adding Major? I'm interested in your organic mix. Are you going to be adding any sst, compost teas, silica, or compost? What worm castings will you be using? Any sprays? IPM? Neem/Karanja?

The short answer is: I'm not sure. :sorry:

The long answer is:

I'm new to all this and these will be my first soil grows. To stay legal I only have slots for two plants in this non-HB test. As a result I'm relying on an amendment recipe from a local guy who has been doing this for years. He gave me a list of ingredients he uses. When I told him I was only going to do two plants he said he would just give me enough to let me try it out (the first taste is free!). :thumb:
My two gals will be in a total of about 6 cubic feet of soil. He said 2.5 lbs. of his amendment would be plenty, but IDK how much of each item goes into it ... yet.
Also, most of the soil here is heavy / clay-ish, but I live on a year-round creek and have sandy loam. His recommendation is to use a little less pumice and instead of straight peat moss, he recommended a local product we have called "ancient sawdust" (25+ years old). It is much cheaper and has more 'N'. We get it for $30 per sq yd.
Like Doc's kit, his amendment needs to be added to soil for a month before use. It is cooking now and I got the white fuzzies on the surface after just a few days!
I forgot to mention he also adds myco to his mix. As for any other additions, I do have plenty of compost and my worm castings are also a local source. I will add more castings and likely mulch / top dress with my compost. His amendment can be used to make a tea, or scratched into the surface, if/when needed. I don't think I'll be using the other things you mentioned, but I'm learning every day, so who knows? Sorry I can't be of more help. If I get more specific info, I'll let you know.
It sounds like you scored big Major. If you don't do more than water you will probably get a decent harvest from the speciality mix you were gifted with. Should you be pleased with your results you then have the option to either amend and recook or replant as a no-till and begin applying a regular schedule of soil amendments through top dressing, drenches, teas or sprays.

Well done sir.
:thanks: much Sweetsue!
It was very nice of him to help get me started. I think his stuff is used a lot around here. The usual instructions are to mix 30 lbs into 4 cu yds. of soil. That would be a nice sized garden for me. :winkyface:
Hey that's what I watered our veggie garden with. The barrel is on the front of the house.

Oh by the way mice attacked the snap peas on your side last night again. I moved them under my area. I'll get mice traps when I get back from Portland tomorrow after trading the suv in.
My buddies organic mazar at 4 weeks. All he gives is ewc teas. I'd say he is killing it.

Do you know what his growing medium is made of?
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