36Gr0w's First Journal - Hi-Brix - LOS - Indoor & Out!

8 cuttings taken off the CBD Widow. I blended up a few inches off an aloe shoot and mixed with water in a mason jar. The cuttings sat in this. I mixed up a pitcher of kelp meal and water and soaked my rockwool cubes in that. Cuttings were put under a dome in the led/brix tent.

I'm running out of room, probably going to give a lemon Skunk and purple sour diesel to my brother to hold on to. Rearrangement coming soon to my tents, I need to flower something already lol.

Lemon Skunk cuttings will be taken tonight or tomorrow.

I'm giving serious thought about giving ziggys tiered method a try. 45gal smart pot on bottom with something planted in it, then throw others in when ready to keep perpetual. We will see.
I suspect DrZiggy will have a number of us playing not only with tiered gardening but with 11/13 lighting as well. He's gotten us to rethink the paradigm.
You crazy guys and gals with your tents and 45 gallon tiered gardening. I may go to that when I retire.

11/13 I've tried numerous times. I saw improvement on sativa dominant Strains didn't see any noticeable difference in my indica dominant ones. Seemed almost not to knot up as well with my indica dominant ones. Just my experience
I like 12/12. Tried and true. Also makes sense that real sativas might do better indoors under 11/13.
I'll try 11/13 if and when I do a sativa run.
Lots of knowledge here, 36, good stuff.
Base Mix

1/3 sphagnum peat moss
1/3 ewc and bu's blend compost
1/3 perlite and lava rock

per 7.5 gallons of peat/humus/aeration

To this I added 1 cup fish meal, 1 cup fish bone meal, 1 cup kelp meal, 1 cup alfalfa meal; 2-4 cups glacial rock dust, 1/3 cup each of oyster shell powder, gypsum, and crustacean meal. Small leftovers were added of Super Sweet, azomite, and bone, blood and cottonseed meals to get rid of it. I'm probably forgetting something, and I feel like I'm making subpar's super soil adding in my leftovers lol.

This will be for the cannabis, tomatoes, and peppers.

This is not a perfect mixture by any means, but it is a solid start. I'm waiting on neem/karanja meal and more mycos for inoculation.

Questions, comments, and suggestions are more then welcome!
The soil recipe is stellar. Lava rock - big points there. Perlite is lighter for sure, but the mineral value of that lava rock... your plants will thank you. Big hug. :green_heart:
It's various size, from dust to around 2". If I was buying it for decoration I'd be pissed, but it's nice for me.

Perfect size for soil building. Variety is always a good thing.
Yeah I think it was the one positive to that crap soil. Well coco whatever. It was full of gnat larvae so they lost my business

I may try that I'm doing a amended version of pro mix hp on my own. Thinking of adding ewc, perlite, lava rock, Lil mushroom compost and cooking for a week then adding a tea of oly mountain fish farm just an idea. Not looking to go organic but want a solid soil for my house and garden runs.
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