36Gr0w's First Journal - Hi-Brix - LOS - Indoor & Out!

The bottom pics you should send to Mars led and say hey see people can grow on Mars literally

Just kidding everybody. Whoever gave you those sure gave you some root bound plants. What a dick
Torture is fun. Leaving then alone is fun. I like comparisons. Just when I'm not doing them, I experiment to much. I can try this? Oh this is a new light? New soil? Amendment? How much? Can I kill it? Should I get a cat fir the tent? So many options!
That's better. :laughtwo::green_heart:
Hi-Brix in the led tent, organic in the hps cab. 11 mmj(organic or received from dutty), borage, Wheatgrass, and aloe in hps cab. 13 mmj in hi brix tent. Changes will be made and plants moved when flowering starts, it's just easier like this for now.
Do you plan to test the Brix on the plants to compare the different soils 36Gr0w?
Do you plan to test the Brix on the plants to compare the different soils 36Gr0w?

I'm trying to work out how I can consistently take readings, more streamlining of my grow space will be happening soon to make this possible.

I veg 24/0 because it is very simple and easy. If I we're to take brix readings I'd want to eventually move to a dark period during veg. Then I could consistently take readings at the same "time of day" every time. It's not worth doing if I can't make accurate comparisons.

I'm also not sold on brix being an end all be all judge of plant health or quality. I don't really think anyone does, but I believe it can be a helpful tool.

Me taking brix readings depends if I can find an accurate, consistent, recommended refractometer for under $100, that is easy to use and read.

Thanks for the question Sue, short answer... maybe.
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