36Gr0w's First Journal - Hi-Brix - LOS - Indoor & Out!

Cool thanks alot 360. I had heard it described ad both an indica and a sativa so I wasn't too sure how it smoked.
Mornin CC....Mazar is from a Landrace Afghani mother and a Skunk #1 father. It's ratio is 80-20 (Indica /Sativa) .Just like 36G said it grows very branchy and bushy with little help needed for branching. I can't comment on the final product yet as my two are still flowering and will no doubt need another 6-7 weeks to finish properly.I've been very impressed with their vigour and health....a little concerned about what 36G said about the "prone to pm". I sure hope this isn't the case. The R.H. in my G.R. is a low 40% ,so hopefully this will help hold off the pm.Have a great day guys and keep up the great work 36G! Cheers eh....Duggs.:high-five:
Thanks Duggan, ill be sure to check out your girls.

Like dutty said, I'm really digging your new strains...lots of classics. I'm also considering the Sensi Star...its hard for me to make up my mind :)
Hey CC....have you heard of strain from Sensi Seeds called Maple Leaf Indica? It's over the top! Nothing but goodness from this strain. 100% Landrace Indica with nothing added! It's from the Hindu Kush region of Afganistan. I would be growing it right now instead of this Mazar but it only comes in Reg. seeds and i just don't have the time or space to grow then sex, etc. If you read some of the history it has and it's coveted resin production(for hash) combined with it's great taste and high yields ,it's a strain that would thrive in our H.B. soil with Doc's goodies.:love: Anyhow sorry for this hijack 36G.....goin for a Stella :high-five: Cheers eh.....Duggs.
I'm in the same boat. Actually just got a bunch of free seeds today from my friend who bought them from some old grower out in CO. But they are all reg seeds. They sound killer but I don't have the space. I'd love to hang on to them and clone them if I find anything good.

Could try one or two when you start other seeds, keep them small. See what happens. Kill or clone males if you want to try breeding. What strain(s) did you get?
Could try one or two when you start other seeds, keep them small. See what happens. Kill or clone males if you want to try breeding. What strain(s) did you get?

I know a few of them are Purple S.A.G.E. - don't know the story behind it but could be anything from purple haze to purple kush x sage.

Then a few are my buddy's...what I believe was a from stray male pollinating another plant. No idea at all what it is. Its a russian roulette where I might get a tree. :)
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