36Gr0w's First Journal - Hi-Brix - LOS - Indoor & Out!

I was about to say it looks like you forgot to water better soak em up before its too late

1.5 hours later...I probably won't get to them Friday (maybe) so they should be dry by Sunday night in the 1 gal. I'll take some baby pics before then though.
Grew like an Indica, short, lots of side branching. Rock hard nugs. This is a good description I read.

----Every cannabis seed bank that wants to play a serious role in the breeding business has a good classical Afghani indica variety in stock. A pure original Afghan actually is indispensable for breeding purposes, since it has truebred, unaltered landrace genetics that for example perfectly blend with a pure sativa strain, resulting in very vigorous and homogeneous hybrids. Afghan genetics are contained within nearly every indica, indica/sativa or sativa/indica variety available on the seed market. Afghan-dominated strains often bear significant names like e.g. Afghani #1 or Mazar. The latter was created from pure Afghan and Skunk #1 by Dutch Passion a long time ago, simply named "Afghan/Skunk" at first and renamed as "Mazar" in 1997, being improved by special selection also. At that time, its taste became milder and the already good yield was further increased. Mazar's name comes from the hashish cultivation area Mazar-i-Sharif in Afghanistan, indicating the origin of one of its ancestors. The mother of Mazar is a pure 100% indica Afghani variety that grows like a christmas tree, bearing very resinous buds. Crossing it with the world's probably best hybridisation strain Skunk #1 results in very uniform plants from seed that give a better taste and larger harvest amounts, effected by Skunk #1. In 1999, Mazar scored second place in the indica competition of the High Times Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam and also second place at the Highlife Cup 2002 in the bio category.

In 1999, I let three feminised Mazar seeds germinate in Jiffy pots. After four days, all of them had come off the ground and were transplanted to 6 litre soil pots, developing very well under some fluorescents for the first two weeks. The plants were short in height and had dark green leafs, exhibiting a classical indica look. Beginning from week three, the plants were illuminated by a 400 W HPS lamp and had grown to a height of 40-50 cm four weeks after germination. There was very moderate side-branching, suggesting that these ladies would basically yield one fat and long main cola in the end. However, flower development had to be thoroughly observed, since the plants were grown from feminised seeds. And indeed, two of the plants revealed 2-3 single male flowers during week four of blooming. These were detected and removed in time, before they had the chance to release their baneful pollen. No additional male flowers would show up during the remaining weeks of flowering so that the two plants could develop proper unseeded buds. Probably this very slight hermaphrodism was caused by the fact that the Mazars were not grown in accordance with the Dutch Passion cultivation recommendations for feminised seeds, it was e.g. far more warmer in the grow room than recommended. In the same year, two Mazars were grown from feminised seed in a greenhouse in Northern Germny and turned out to flower 100% female, reaching a height of about two meters in the end, with giant rock-hard resinous colas. But back to the product Mazars: Those three plants were very homogeneous and almost stopped length growth after they had entered the flowering stage.

In the end, they measured only 50-60 cm, exhibiting long, thick and resinous main colas and some smaller, but very solid side-buds. The calyx-to-leaf ratio was quite favourable, offering many fat calyxes along with a moderate amount of flower leafs, everything frosted with resin. The buds smelled very sweet'n tangy and yielded 23-28 grams per plant. Keeping in mind those 19,5% THC that an independent laboratory has measured with Mazar, the expectations for its psychoactive turn were rather high. And whew, it really gave a very strong mental performance, effecting a long-lasting, stoney indica high that was slightly freshened by a certain sativa influence, too. The taste was spicy-sweet, not acrid in the mouth, but quite mild for a mostly indica.------
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