Wedding Gelato, Green Gelato & More

So add the 3 oz and 18 grams won’t add what I had been picking at just what I put on the scales. So 102 grams and 119.75 total of 221.75g. Hard to make out with a blue back ground. 480 watt light two ladies to go I want at least 720g out of this tent. It’s going to be close I think.




Ok people final weight in

221.75 critical
102.30 wedding gelato (the runt in the middle)
219.85 flower bomb kush

so total of 543g so not the 1.5 per watt I was looking for but still an nice harvest. Can’t fault the light for the money I think I can dial
It in and train myself the 1.5 per watt I want. Really wish the driver could be removed but that’s the one down side I have found. Don’t like the way the two drivers are wired it’s defo a weak point which could be broken easy that’s the second. No problems with the strains they seemed to do fine. All in all happy with the grow time to cure. The flower bomb is So sticky even after a 6 day dry and in the jars for a day. Such a beautiful plant to grow. The wedding gelato to be honest from a test seems to smoke the best well I like the best YET typical it’s the one I have the least of. As for the critical I been smoking that for the last 3 years and is always a good smoke and a big yield when trained well. Hope you follow/lurk in my new journal peace happy smoking :):):):):):)


So tent two update. Wow just wow it won’t finish. No amber pft it’s got to come down soon amber or not. It just keeps pushing out pistons if this was 3 weeks ago I would love it. But it’s not it’s week 11 of a 8/9 strain. As for tent one the bud is curing and I will give it the final trim in a few weeks. Like to keep a little leaf in the jars when my weather is the way it is here keep it a little moister.




Ye that bar light worked its magic.defo will be putting it back in there if i dont see same type of results from the xs2000/p1000 if i can manage the heat with two drivers in the tent.Love the fact the bar light lets you remove it.
Will test see how much temps go up. Thanks for popping by Squiggle
Congratulations on getting to the finish line mate..
They look fat as F :drool:
So waiting on the GG to dry for final height had alot of trim , and will get my final thoughts on the lights.Which both did
great jobs.Will update a few pics of dry buds of all and a few bud shots of the GG drying in the next few days.

PEACE happy growing :)
Ok so not what I wanted but ok. 258.4g and trim/pop Corn which cba to weigh. Ruff guess about 1 and half oz. biggest bud was 14.6 grams. Biggest top was 82.4g so no ounce top and not the 1.5 watt I wanted. BUT to keep it real the light due to weather was never at 100% 50/75% all of the grow really.





In jars now lets see what it smokes like in a few weeks.
Nice haul! skunksa.
Serious fatties. :thumb:
Time for some bubble hash now get rid of my trim. ;)
Over 700g from both tents i cant moan.I would of packed up for the rest of the summer but won that comp.
So got 4 ladies in flower as of monday.If you want to pop by have a great day my friend :)
So conclusion the XS4000 is one beast of a light. It runs on the hot side due to two drivers on the top of it. But the heat sink keeps the light it self nice and cool. Happy with the 500 plus grams for the first run with it. I feel it could cover a bigger grow space than mine. Never had it at 100% long due to weather and heat problems. Sat at 75% most of the grow. All the strains grown under it turned out fine. Might of took my critical top buds a little early. But still a nice smoke. Flower bomb is just sticky and a real mind wonder smoke. Still waiting on a good cure it’s r/h still 60ish in the jars which I’m burping WG is a nice smoke it’s just cookies to me with a different taste.

As for the bar FC3000 great light don’t know if I would of got 3 P1000/xs1000 instead for the option of being able to move them around. And cheaper. That being said for me I guess the FC3000 was a good move because heat wise its GREAT not heating up the tent much at all with the driver of. Nice even canopy best I have got out of one lady. Great for a square tent covers my smaller tent perfect. Get away with 100/100 I think. Results over 200 gram for one lady not bad it’s got much more in it. The GG foxtailed some as it did last grow I give it another chance but I’m not Keane on it right now maybe after a cure. The light was bang on and I will be putting it up again come winter. Only thing left is a few pics of the cured bud give me a few days. Thanks one and all. :)
Not the best pics but that’s all she wrote 11.6 grams of hash tent one. Tent two 5.5 grams. Thanks for looking and hope your watch my new journal. Completed journal one.




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