Yeatster's Grow Box Journal - Jack Herer Auto - LED - 2016

I haven't been able to get here much, real busy last couple days. Now I'm @ Foxwoods Casino for fun time.

In between hands I responded to all comments, then lost it, somehow. Aaaaaaah!!!

Here it is, in short...

Thank you all!!!
Schtiggy, let me know when journals running

Rtk, glad you were having as much fun as me.

Jandre, drive bys are encouraged, especially in the form of song.

Beast, you are a pioneer in the auto topping game.
Your work and the work of those who heed your advice are proving, topping autos can, and will, reward in impressive harvests.

Canna...Canna, not only have you been a tremendous help for me, I see you helping many others. Your researching for others is matched by no one I have witnessed. For this, you have my vote for a certain monthly contest.
You're an angel...Cannangel.

I took a few pics before I left this a.m.
Update soon.
30 days old today, for Jack n Coke.
I believe I improved the lighting, for this stage of Jack n Coke.I added (3), 23w, 2700k cfls.
They are now illuminated by 150w LED(100w from the wall), (2) 26w, 6500k, (3) 23w, 2700k CFS.

I also increased fan speed from 1 to 3.

I didn't take any solo shots. I was in a rush to go play poker.


And some random close ups of, what I am confident in saying, flowers.
Yeats, not only a lyrical genius, but lucky on the cards. Would you mind calling out the first 5 numbers that come to mind, then one more for the powerball :)

I got my 4x4x80 tent for 79.90 from thE bay. Got my mars hydro 300s there too. 62.00 each.

Haha. It's actually more skill in Holdem than most think.
I do well, most of the time.
Thank for the info. I was thinking a kit, I'm under the impression it saves a few $ getting the exhaust, carbon filter ect...

Edit: 7 numbers, 8675309. Good luck!
I think I killed Jack and Coke.:bitingnails:
When I got home, after being gone for 3 days, 2 nights, the box was 97 degrees. RH, 16%.
I have yet to see anybodys plants look this rough.
All bottom growth is crispy fried.
Not a spec of perk.
The plants that were bushing nicely 2 days ago are laying down, dead.
To top it off, my phone broke, so no picture and I am way behind on all journals.

I knew adding extra light before I left could be disastrous. I'm a gambler. I rolled the dice. I lost.

What's done is done.

I did order a new LED and tent. I got a PLC CX300. $800

I decided to go with a 4x4 tent $130

I'm pretty excited to get a tent set up. Not sure how long the light will take to get here.

Thank you for your input peeps. I decided to go big. Hopefully it will be worth it.
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