Yeatster's Grow Box Journal - Jack Herer Auto - LED - 2016

Top info canna good work;)

Glad you're testing first. My unit wasn't in a confined space like a grow tent or box, but even so, I had to keep a fan blowing across and above the plants.

Let us know how it goes. :)

Hi Yeatster , if i was in this position , i would turn it on and after half an hour go sit in a chair with the light pointing at my hand ,
at 12-18 inches if it don't hurt or get too hot for you after 10 mins it wont hurt your plants .
I am a big believer that if you don't mind the extra on your electric bill adding more light if you have it or can afford it is easy with led's. because there are less heat issues , i would put it in and see , if the temps stay good then it can only help .
As soon as you put it in and turn it on if its like adding another led , then you will know you made the correct choice .
i will add another to mine in the next month , hopefully . What is to much light .
only my thoughts , mate .
Be safe .

@Sonic I just noticed you're location. I've been there plenty times! hehehe
@Yeatster, great find with light. As long as it isn't hurting the plants, nothing wrong with more lighting. Hope it works out for you.

Thank you all for your input.
I put the light in the box, after taking the ladies out. In 20 min. the temp jumped to 91°. I tinkered with fans and windows to get it to 88°. I guess it wasn't meant to be...for now.

Hi Yeats,

I took a couple of pics of my 2 remaining Jacks this morning. One of them is 90days today, the other is 81days today. One is topped, one is not. The 90day old will be getting chopped tomorrow morning. the 81 day old is still about 3-4 weeks out. Would you mind if I post them here?

Are you kidding me?
Please do!
If you had a journal, I would be a loyal follower, Shtiggs.
Cool, I may go ahead and start a journal. I worried that I would not have time to keep up with it, but I am already taking pics and documenting everything on a calendar anyway. I will try to get one running for my 2 new ones. As soon as I do, I will let you know.

These pics are both from the same angle, I just try not to use the flash too much so they are both different kinds of regular room lighting.
Pretty big difference between the topped and not topped, but they both made it to about the same height. I'm chopping the non topped one tomorrow. I can post a few pics of that too.

Yeats, I figured you wouldn't mind if I sent your link to demonstrate the topping. Your pic is the best example I have seen of it in a while. Very clear and easy to tell exactly where you cut.

Well, I went in to give her a pre chop haircut, and one thing let to another and I chopped her! I was there...she was there....our eyes met and that was it. I chopped, I chopped like I never chopped before, mostly cuz this is only my 3rd plant and the others were topped so I never chopped...un topped.

This is before the pre-chop haircut:

This is post pre chop:

This is the top cola:

I found it by tapping the bottoms of the branches, where they connect to the main, and watching for a "puff" of pollen. Boy did I get one. It left out a big old cloud of pollen and gave itself away. I knew it was on this plant, just had a feeling, but it was nice to find it. I read up on how to store it, now I have to see if I can do it. I think I would like to keep the pollen, just in case.

And all boxed up. I think I learned much from my first attempt at dry and cure. I should have it down this time.

Yeats, Thanks for letting me post these in your journal.
I like the way ya work it!
Yo, @Schtiggy!
he got to bag it up(bag it up)

Yo, @Schtiggy! No Doubt...:rofl:

Sorry, a little creative license there, some small changes, but it works.

Yo! Let me get a verse in this piece!

Schtiggy get down, good Lord
Schtggy got autos looking overgrown
Strictly cause he don't play around
Cover much ground, growing green by the ounce
Growing green is a forte
Each and Everyday, true player way
Can't get them pics out my mind
Schtiggy been playin all the time
(Back to Jandre's chorus)
& Schtiggy lays seige to the mike.......Yo DRE..Drop the verse.......

I buy the Led lights....
growin my highs...
so pie eyed...............
Mz got skills like the flash....
Smokin up my stash........


Payin tribute to the once great, Jack Herer, met his own fate, met the reaper for a smoke break.

Back to Schtiggy n his bud chops, you know the one that made yur eyes pop.

Kinda makes me wonder why he be hidin' it, when there's so much pride in it, no denyin' it, he be dryin' it, other growers be eyein' it, but Schtiggy soon be fryin' it, gettin' all high in it.
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