Yeatster's Grow Box Journal - Jack Herer Auto - LED - 2016

Correct me if I'm wrong, and arteekay...feel free to jump in, it looks to me like those tops had already a bit of droop at the time they were LST'd. If the side lighting was discontinued and the only light is coming from above, those tops appear to me to be growing and reaching up. (stretching)

A little droopy I always see after a major LST. I agree with arteekay, give them some time to recover from the abuse. ;-)

You said you took the LST pieces out, are they still out?

Getting the watering part down is always the biggest challenge for growers. I can tell mine need water now just by seeing the leaves droop, this takes a little time to learn for sure. :thumb:

And you will see leaves droop just before lights out, it's natural. They know when to go to sleep (I have video. LOL) In the morning just after lights on you will see this as they "wake" up".

This echos my thoughts and opinion perfectly.

The difference between wilted from underwatering, full and heavy from a good soaking, and chronically overwatered seems obvious now that I've seen all three in person a couple of times.

Now, what do I have to do for ya to see that video you mention.... :)

Canna, thank you so much for the reassurance.
And yes, the LST pieces are still out.

Schtiggy, thank you, and don't think for a second you are responding too much. I respect your advice/opinion s as much as I do everyone else. You have been a huge help, easing my worry warts.

So, I left them alone last night, hoping for the best...

This morning...

Yay!!! They look happy!!!
Excuse the side shot. Not sure why it is that way, I don't care, they look beautiful nonetheless!!!

Thanks again everybodyfor all your help.

Edit: I did add the cfl's back, last night, just in case they missed them.

Excellent! :yahoo:

They do look a lot happier today, and they'll look even better after another day in the sun.
:adore: :adore:

Those are both absolutely fascinating and incredibly satisfying to watch. Mind if I post links to them in my journal(s)? I'll of course give you full credit, but those need to be seen by more people. I've been here for like four months and haven't seen them yet!

:adore: :adore:

Those are both absolutely fascinating and incredibly satisfying to watch. Mind if I post links to them in my journal(s)? I'll of course give you full credit, but those need to be seen by more people. I've been here for like four months and haven't seen them yet!


Thanks Arteekay

Post them anywhere you like. I created a thread there for just time lapse videos, was hoping to get more people posting their own. Hopefully will see more in the future. Check out the one earlier in the thread on the root experiment in glass.

Here is one of just one plant. Each time you see the leaves droop down is about a half hour or so before the light timer goes off, then you can see them pick back up in the morning:

Cannabis Time Lapse Videos

And this recent one...droop then up, droop then up. LOL

Cannabis Time Lapse Videos

I have another one of several plants and have misplaced that on my computer somewhere. I'll find it someday....

That is some seriously awesome stuff, life is so magical!!!!

Still looking good in the garden of Yeatster! Glad your girls bounced back!

Thank you Mz Siroz, I just put 2 more in wet paper towels last night so, our grows will be very close in age!!!
Cannafans lil purp video inspired me to make a, for lack of better term, ghetto pic, timeline.

After totally stressing the girls the other day, I wanted to go slower (Safe word is SNAP). I started with Jack, she is a day older. I tried to treat them the same age but I have faced realty, she is clearly further along than her lil sis, Coke.

I took a picture before beginning LST on Jack, after LST, and 3 pics in 3 hr intervals.

LST begins

3 hrs later. She bounced right back, filling back in nicely.


3 more hrs.

And 3 more, 1 1/2 before sleepy time, starting to droop a bit.


And this morning.


More LST


Cokes turn


Back in the box.


Haven't heard SNAP!!!
Wonderful set of pictures Yeats!!

You did a great job on that LST, I can tell by looking at the stems there is not too much stress on them. They are starting to grow outside the confines of the containers, so the LST is going to get much easier to manage tie down to the pots.

+reps to you for the pics and the LST job!

Thank you so much, fir everything, you are too sweet.

Happy Valentines everyone!!!
Oh that is some beautiful planning and work Yeatster, a topped auto with multipoint rotational LST and ponytailing. EPIC!

Seriously Son, I had to have a quick vape to get my excitement level down.

Nice documentation of training yeaster !! Looks like your girls are loving it !
Thanks Camo, my man. This is so much more fun than culinary herbs I've been growing.

I agree with everyone here. Great job on the LST. I'm excited to have a girl growing the same time as yours. Maybe we can set up a play date for the girls LOL.

Hahaha, a play date...excepted, I hope we don't live to far from each other.

I may be potting beans today, I think you are a couple days ahead of me. We got some catching up to do.

Thank you MzSiroz, peace.
This is gonna be awesome! Well done Yeatster! Thats some sick bondage my dude. :thumb:

STIHL LOGGER, thanks alot! I really hadn't expected such a great response from this. You peeps are an inspiration. Ty ty ty.

I will update today with some photos of how they are responding. Thank you all for stopping in.
I started 2 more seeds in paper towels yesterday. Today I found taproots.
2 more Crop King, Jack Herer.

This gave me the motivation to pull everything out, clean, and reorganize.
I potted the 2 seeds in my 3 gal pots with, promix bx 80%, more perlite 20%, and 1Tbls./Gal. of Dolomite Lime.(this time I filled the pots!)
A light spritz of bubbled tap water, PH 6.2.

I may have forgotten to mention, my tap water has a PH of 7.5, so I have been adding apple cider vinegar, accordingly, to bring PH down.

Under the t5 they go, with plastic wrap loosely covering.


Jack and Coke responded nicely to being tied down and fondled, managing to wiggle out of their loose, ponytailing restraints. I rerigged the bondage bucket with pipe cleaners, tucking fan leaves, after massaging their stems (whomever told me of this technique, I thank you!)


I mounted my oscillating fan on the ceiling, as I had planned, finally, while rearranging.


The LED is about 13" from Jack n Coke. They haven't seemed to mind, though the specs say 18" to 24" for veg.
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