Yeatster's Grow Box Journal - Jack Herer Auto - LED - 2016

Hi Yeats,

Most of the time, they will have a few days of negative reaction to the LST. I have a jack herrer about a week from chopping. I did some light LST days ago, still droopy.

If your soil is bone dry, lift the pot and make a mental note of how light it is. Then water and check again. As I said earlier, I now take mine out of the tent to water. It forces me to take note of the wet weight vs dry because I have to lift it twice to water. If you are worried and think they are going too dry, you could stick you pinky finger in a spot of the soil, far from the main stem of the plant but still about an inch in from the pot, all the way to you 3rd knuckle. If it is bone dry that deep, you should be OK to water. I would not suggest this if they were much bigger because of the risk of damaging the roots. How long since last watering?
They are actually looking rather wilted.
Not sure if this is stress from the bondage or needing water now (I totally need a scale).
The medium is so dry, the hangers won't stay pinned. I guess I water tonight, and see.

They're easier to move around when they are approaching underwatered, much more pliable. :)

As I'm sure you know, although neither are "great", underwatering is much easier to diagnose and fix than overwatering. Hours to fix the first, weeks if at all on the second.

They can look a little off when your LSTing, as the leaves' horizon line has changed so much so quickly. I'm still confident you did an awesome job on their training.
Hi Yeats,

Most of the time, they will have a few days of negative reaction to the LST. I have a jack herrer about a week from chopping. I did some light LST days ago, still droopy.

If your soil is bone dry, lift the pot and make a mental note of how light it is. Then water and check again. As I said earlier, I now take mine out of the tent to water. It forces me to take note of the wet weight vs dry because I have to lift it twice to water. If you are worried and think they are going too dry, you could stick you pinky finger in a spot of the soil, far from the main stem of the plant but still about an inch in from the pot, all the way to you 3rd knuckle. If it is bone dry that deep, you should be OK to water. I would not suggest this if they were much bigger because of the risk of damaging the roots. How long since last watering?

I watered on Sunday, 1L each. I was thinking they would perk up, before they showed signs of needing water.
I have to take them out to water anyway, box is so small. Actually, I take them out every couple days, I read Dr. Seuss to them.
They do feel light, I am just trying to get this, when to water business, down.
Thanks for always being here, my man.
If your soil is bone dry, lift the pot and make a mental note of how light it is. Then water and check again. As I said earlier, I now take mine out of the tent to water. It forces me to take note of the wet weight vs dry because I have to lift it twice to water.

We were using the usual lift method, but the issue we had was our mental notes kept getting misplaced. We'd debate if it was lighter than last time and by how much. Now with the scale there's no debate, it's (for instance) 5 pounds lighter than yesterday and just about the same weight as before the seed or any water touched the pot.

Agree completely with taking them out of the tent if possible, even just to check them over closely when they don't need water. I find it helps to build my bond with them. :)

And as you've said about the stick a finger into the medium approach, be very careful with it. I'm quite sure some portion of Droopy's stunting was also caused by us digging up roots trying to tell if it was dry or not.
This is the result from me, tempting "LST".

Is this the dreaded claw?
I'm so clueless.

Also, I thought I had been over watering. Pretty sure it was the opposite.
I have used a wooden skewer in the past to check for dryness. Push it down into the soil a few inches, leave it for 15 minutes or so, then pull it out. If you have wetness soaked on the stick, you're pretty good. If it comes up dry....well it's dry.
Kind of like checking a cake for doneness with a toothpick.

Just another method to ponder. ;-)

Canna, I used a pipe cleaner. Stuck it all the way down for about 15 min. Bone dry.
I had not been watering till runoff. Watered earlier today and I quit measuring after like 2 1/2 L each. Finally got runoff. They look the same though.
Top down, as requested.

The thing is, they have looked like this all day. No improvements at all

Compare against yesterday's pics:


She's still tied down and was watered to run off today?

And we've been poking ties and probes into the pot, more than likely hitting at least a few roots, yet she's turned back upwards and has filled in quite a bit already?

Still think you're fine. What's the light schedule again?

Regardless, your job for the next two days is to sit on your hands and do nothing. :)
Compare against yesterday's pics:


She's still tied down and was watered to run off today?

And we've been poking ties and probes into the pot, more than likely hitting at least a few roots, yet she's turned back upwards and has filled in quite a bit already?

Still think you're fine. What's the light schedule again?

Regardless, your job for the next two days is to sit on your hands and do nothing. :)

I actually took the hangers out.
Light sched. is 20/4.

Thanks rtk!!!
Set aside your humbleness and keep advising, you are great for the job!!!
I'll add the nighttime pic to the daily post on my second grow. For now I think you already know what it's going to look like anyway. :)

At the age yours looks to be at, mine have always drooped after watering for a day or so. Add in the root pokin' and the LST, and she's in a bit of a repair mode as she's got all the energy and sugars she needs to do it without worrying too much about her leaves for the moment.

I'm confident she's going to look great within 24/36 hours. She's got deep green, thick leaves full of water causing the deep striations, once she gets happy with her undercarriage she'll start praying to your lights again.

She's already accepted her new position quite a bit from what I see, once she's happy again I'd be going back in there with at least some manual massaging and bending. She won't always like it initially, tough love her as long as your conscience can handle it. hehehe

I did 20/4 and 19/5 on our first grow, and settled into 18/6 as a compromise between increased light hours (over flowering photo period plants) and my vain desire to bring out colors at some expense to total yield.
In your opinion, would it be wise to switch light cycles in the middle of a grow?

Often and erratically over an extended period of time, no. Occasionally and for a positive reason, for sure! We vegged the four from our second grow at 24/0 from birth to something like four weeks, then the three autos moved to our "flowering" (more accurately "auto") tent where they went to 18/6 immediately. Jaybiz's Crown Royale just dropped from 24/0 to 22/2 as he's lowering it slowly to 12/12 for flowering, in the tent we've been calling our "veg" tent, ironically.

Shorter version, the light switch won't be any more stressful to her than the pipe cleaner under her toenails. :)

I ask because I have been wanting to do the 18/6, I just don't want to upset anything. Maybe if I gradually extended dark hours throughout a week, or so?

If you're wanting to move to 18/6 to save money/electricity, I'd just change it whenever you want. It's only two hours. If you're doing it like us to lower temps, that's only of any value once you're into flowering. In veg give it all the light you can afford to give her. :)
Correct me if I'm wrong, and arteekay...feel free to jump in, it looks to me like those tops had already a bit of droop at the time they were LST'd. If the side lighting was discontinued and the only light is coming from above, those tops appear to me to be growing and reaching up. (stretching)

A little droopy I always see after a major LST. I agree with arteekay, give them some time to recover from the abuse. ;-)

You said you took the LST pieces out, are they still out?

Getting the watering part down is always the biggest challenge for growers. I can tell mine need water now just by seeing the leaves droop, this takes a little time to learn for sure. :thumb:

And you will see leaves droop just before lights out, it's natural. They know when to go to sleep (I have video. LOL) In the morning just after lights on you will see this as they "wake" up".
Hi Yeats,

I apologize if I jump in too much. I know the agony of worrying about these things...especially after the love kicks in. You want the best for them and you worry. I attached 2 pics. (if the right ones attached, you will see one of my Jack Herrers on day 35, then again on day 54. This thing sagged and drooped its way to a 3.25oz yield. It would probably have been more but I pulled it a week early. I had a Hermie and ended up with a few hundred seeds between 3 far, still one to go. They sag, they look dead, all seems lost....but the thing I try to remember is that it WANTS to live. It WANTS to produce buds. They can be very forgiving and very tough to kill. I lost sleep for weeks worrying about my droopy plants, but with only a little help from me....and help from other growers, it all worked out OK.

Canna, thank you so much for the reassurance.
And yes, the LST pieces are still out.

Schtiggy, thank you, and don't think for a second you are responding too much. I respect your advice/opinion s as much as I do everyone else. You have been a huge help, easing my worry warts.

So, I left them alone last night, hoping for the best...

This morning...

Yay!!! They look happy!!!
Excuse the side shot. Not sure why it is that way, I don't care, they look beautiful nonetheless!!!

Thanks again everybodyfor all your help.

Edit: I did add the cfl's back, last night, just in case they missed them.
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