Yeatster's Grow Box Journal - Jack Herer Auto - LED - 2016

Thank you all, for the encouraging praises.
And GG, for the reps.

I have learned a couple more things this week.
1) the reasoning behind watering just before lights out. I think PeeJay explained it to Smokey, perfectly. Unfortunately, I read it a few hours too late. From what I can remember, he basically said any water droplets left on leaves during intense light will act as a magnifying glass, and could burn a whole in the leaf/s. Well...I did it. Lesson learned.

2) I believe I am still watering too frequently, or too much at a time, or both. They have lived most of their lives in a droopy state. As soon as they perk up, I have taken this as a sign to water. I think I was wrong. I am going to wait a bit longer next time, as all the leaves are just laying on each other now.
Sorry different account lol :laughtwo:

I think I messed up on my topping lol. My little lady just has a bunch of weird shape fans now. I must have fimmed
I think you are right, my friend. Looks like a FIM to me.
No worries, small mistakes seem to have great rewards, with this hobby, it seems.
Best of luck Camo!
Thank you all, for the encouraging praises.
And GG, for the reps.

I have learned a couple more things this week.
1) the reasoning behind watering just before lights out. I think PeeJay explained it to Smokey, perfectly. Unfortunately, I read it a few hours too late. From what I can remember, he basically said any water droplets left on leaves during intense light will act as a magnifying glass, and could burn a whole in the leaf/s. Well...I did it. Lesson learned.

2) I believe I am still watering too frequently, or too much at a time, or both. They have lived most of their lives in a droopy state. As soon as they perk up, I have taken this as a sign to water. I think I was wrong. I am going to wait a bit longer next time, as all the leaves are just laying on each other now.

Hi Yeats,

I had issues with watering at first too. It's probably one of the toughest things to master. I water in the morning. I use a long $3 funnel from Wlmt so I can place the water where I want it, soaking the center first then working to the edge. I pull mine out of the tent and place the pots on wire racks that were left over from one of those metal wire closet shelf packages. The wire shelves are sitting on top of 5 gallon buckets. It usually takes about 15-20 minutes/plant, but when I hear the first drops falling in the bucket, I know I have hit run off.

Mine are to the point that I know I have to water and/or feed every 2 days. Every second morning the pots are practically light as air, when they are done, which currently is 85 ounces in a 3 gallon fabric pot, they are over 5pounds heavier. When they were seedlings I had to water, maybe, every 4 to 5 days, but that changed very quickly.

The most important thing is to give them a fully wet - to fully dry cycle (Fully Dry). Your best bet is to do this by weight and to remember that it is safer for the plant to be under watered than over watered.

Sorry for the long response but I feel ya on this one. I overwatered my first run to death, then as an overcompensation, managed to under water my second round to near starvation. I caught it using the method I listed above and they really came back with a vengence.

This is one of them. I thought I killed the poor girl and she gave me 650g wet. (that sounded bad, but you know what I mean) Waiting on the dry as we speak.

Hey Schtiggy, much appreciated, again, for the great advice. I will rig something up like that tomorrow.
Btw, I actually like the lengthy response, makes it easier to understand.
Maybe I should try to "kill" them, like you. Dang!!!

Smack 'em around a bit, and put some STANK on it when ya do! :)

Seriously though, they thrive on stress. If you provide exactly what they need, they get spoiled and want to do nothing but post selfies on twitter and get a purse puppy.
Smack 'em around a bit, and put some STANK on it when ya do! :)

Seriously though, they thrive on stress. If you provide exactly what they need, they get spoiled and want to do nothing but post selfies on twitter and get a purse puppy.

You are too funny rtk.
I am anxious to start abusing them. I will update later on today, maybe you could give me some pointers, seeing you are such an experienced dom.
You are too funny rtk.
I am anxious to start abusing them. I will update later on today, maybe you could give me some pointers, seeing you are such an experienced dom.

I noticed that mine liked it when I shit talked them, does that count? I would go in and tell them that they need to find some leaf bras for all there "droopiness" then tell them that they are lazy and could use a nose job. They would cry, and I felt bad....but I ain't raisin no losers :) They took it well, then one day I went down to feed and they were all standing there with a bar of soap in a sock (just like in full metal jacket). I call them ma'am now
I noticed that mine liked it when I shit talked them, does that count? I would go in and tell them that they need to find some leaf bras for all there "droopiness" then tell them that they are lazy and could use a nose job. They would cry, and I felt bad....but I ain't raisin no losers :) They took it well, then one day I went down to feed and they were all standing there with a bar of soap in a sock (just like in full metal jacket). I call them ma'am now

Ha! Mutiny! Good girls!

Maybe LST using some bent coat hanger pieces to push into the soil, gently to open the center a bit. I've done this with great success. The plant is still pretty short inside of the let's hear from others.
Otherwise you can try a little fan leaf tucking like they are showing smokeater right now.
I will try to find a pic of the coat hanger lst and post it so you know what I mean.

Here's one to give an idea. This plant is a reveg clone, so it looked pretty wonky at first, just notice the coat hanger wire and how it holds each section down. They are bent in half and about 6" long so they go well into the soil. You may have to have something longer.


If your plant was more outside of the bucket, (taller) you could LST to the sides. But it's still a bit short for that I think.
Maybe LST using some bent coat hanger pieces to push into the soil, gently. I've done this with great success.
Otherwise you can try a little fan leaf tucking like they are showing smokeater right now.
I will try to find a pic of the coat hanger lst and post it so you know what I mean.

Here's one to give an idea. This plant is a reveg clone, so it looked pretty wonky at first, just notice the coat hanger wire and how it holds each section down. They are bent in half and about 6" long so they go well into the soil. You may have to have something longer.


If your plant was more outside of the bucket, (taller) you could LST to the sides. But it's still a bit short for that I think.

Thanks Canna, they are a bit short. I was wondering if I should give the fluorescent, side lighting, a break, to try to get a stretch, for a week or so????
The coat hangers are a great idea, let me try to find some. I think we mostly have plastic.
Thanks Canna, they are a bit short. I was wondering if I should give the fluorescent, side lighting, a break, to try to get a stretch, for a week or so????
The coat hangers are a great idea, let me try to find some. I think we mostly have plastic.

The stretch idea might be good, let's see what others think. :thumb:

I keep forgetting ....these are Autos. I'm not sure how much autos stretch compared to photo girls, if there's any difference at all, I've only grown a couple of them.
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