Yeatster's Grow Box Journal - Jack Herer Auto - LED - 2016

Your cfl, t8, and led grow box is looking good yeaster ! Proud of you brother ! ALSO thank you for your service to the country !

Hey Camo, my friend, just a minor correction, I am actually using a t5, not a t8.
Also, not sure if I gave the impression I am or have served, but I haven't.
It is I, who should be thanking you sir!
Thank you
Hey yeats your plants are looking very nice I subbed in for the rest of the journey !!! :) how old are they now exactly ??

Wazzuuup, thanks for stopping by. I am subbed on yours too. I always forget to tell people that.
Anyway, thanks for the compliment. Jack and Coke are 12 days old today.

This is Jack.

And Coke.
They are a bit thirsty now, I think. I am bubbling feed now.
I planned on doing a 2 week update tomorrow. They should be perked up then.
everything looks great dude:thumb:
great set up very healthy girls very excited to see them grow:drool:

Thanks Bill.
Maybe you could help me with a question.
I hear people talk about "bubbling" water, I have just been letting my water sit out for 24hrs. but I bought a small air pump with air stone. My question is, do I let it bubble for 24 hrs? If not, how long?
We started by bubbling with an air pump and stone for a couple hours before waterings, but quickly got too lazy to bother unplugging it and now it just runs 24/7. Didn't seem like enough of a power draw to bother worrying about.

If nothing else, it's nice to have as a stir stick when mixing nutes.
Thanks Bill.
Maybe you could help me with a question.
I hear people talk about "bubbling" water, I have just been letting my water sit out for 24hrs. but I bought a small air pump with air stone. My question is, do I let it bubble for 24 hrs? If not, how long?

as long as it bubbles for more than 12 hours before watering its ok. i have a big tank and bubble it non stop.That means that sometimes its bubbled for 3 days before use. i just take the water i need to make the solutions , refill the tank with fresh water and let it bubble until next watering.
Feb. 4th update: :happy-birthday:
2 weeks, today.
Temps and humidity have been all over the place. One night it even got down to 59°:oops:It has been rainy here so RH went up to 70% last night. Hmmph.

They each got their first dose of nutes yesterday(I didn't time watering well enough to give it to them on day 10)
.5ml/L AN, M/G/B, 2ml/L, Voodoo/B52.
1/2 L bubbled tap water, ph, 6.1-6.2, each.





And Coke



They don't look as perky as I suspected.
They leaves always seem to droop, rather than point up. Could this be all the lighting on the sides?
That doesn't look like a droop to worry about. They do that at various times. Mine will droop for half of the day after a watering. I am on every 2 days to water, so they have a droopy day, then on dry day they really stand up. They will also be a bit droopy in the morning and for a few hours before lights out.
I would not worry too much about the humidity either, unless it gets over that 70% mark and stays there. I stopped trying to control my humidity. For my entire grow I would say my average RH was maybe 40%. It has been as low as 30 and as high as 71. My low temp has been about 63 and no harm. 59 does seem a bit low, but it seems to me that many autos can handle a bit lower temps than photos. Looks good so far, keep it up!
That doesn't look like a droop to worry about. They do that at various times. Mine will droop for half of the day after a watering. I am on every 2 days to water, so they have a droopy day, then on dry day they really stand up. They will also be a bit droopy in the morning and for a few hours before lights out.
I would not worry too much about the humidity either, unless it gets over that 70% mark and stays there. I stopped trying to control my humidity. For my entire grow I would say my average RH was maybe 40%. It has been as low as 30 and as high as 71. My low temp has been about 63 and no harm. 59 does seem a bit low, but it seems to me that many autos can handle a bit lower temps than photos. Looks good so far, keep it up!

thanks, as always, you keep me positive.
Like I call you Yeats (and pronounce it in my head as "Yates" like the poet ... :))

Now every time I am gonna think Yates, like William Butler, too. And that makes me smile : - )

I really tried to avoid the mistake of, not enough medium in the pots. I guess I didn't take into consideration, the settling. Oh well, live and learn.

This is what I was thinking last night, Like Damn. I am on second run soil and gravity has taken it down. Live and learn for the win.

I have not read through your entire journal but I will, Sub'd up. :hippy:
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