Yeatster's Grow Box Journal - Jack Herer Auto - LED - 2016

Hi yeatster , new beans are always a pleasure .
As regards tucking leaves , i just squeeze the stem like supper cropping so they tuck and stay tucked , it seems to have no ill effects .
I have done this and measured the leaf and the leaf keeps on growing .
I also use it as a tool to slow growth on the highest buds , i just pinch and fold the leaf .giving lower growth time to catch up .
The led will not hurt your girls that close or closer as long as you give them some breeze blowing across the top of the canopy .
Let your girls tell you not the manufacturer , each grow space and plant is different .
your girls look good .
Be safe .
Great update Yeatster. That fan, I still gotta get me one of them. :)
I'm really liking the fan. I have it on the 2nd, out of 3 speeds and from the ceiling there is plenty of leaf dancing.

Great work mate. they are gonna thank you later for LSTing them:goodjob:
I hope so Bill. I have my work cut out for me if I wanna try to get these girls even close to the marvels you growers are creating.

Looking sweet top job;)
Thank you beast! It's always a pleasure to have you poke your head in and give me the, utmost respected, beast seal of approval.

Hi yeatster , new beans are always a pleasure .
As regards tucking leaves , i just squeeze the stem like supper cropping so they tuck and stay tucked , it seems to have no ill effects .
I have done this and measured the leaf and the leaf keeps on growing .
I also use it as a tool to slow growth on the highest buds , i just pinch and fold the leaf .giving lower growth time to catch up .
The led will not hurt your girls that close or closer as long as you give them some breeze blowing across the top of the canopy .
Let your girls tell you not the manufacturer , each grow space and plant is different .
your girls look good .
Be safe .
I thought this tip may have been from you, but didn't want to give credit to the wrong grower without being sure.
I'm glad you chimed in, now I know who to +rep for it.
Thanks again for the info, this, I will be keeping in my repertoire.

2 more JH auto, from CK seeds. 100% germination so far!!!

My nephew Corey has been given the honor of naming them.
This is the first sight of Rebah.


After spritzing the birthing matter off of her...


Alice looked as though she sprouted about an hour after her Rebah.


Rubble was spritzed off of her as well.


I will be giving them each 250ml of bubbled water from a squeeze bottle, @ the stem.
I never tire of seeing new babies. Great job Yeats, and love the names. :thumb:

I agree. The magic of a brand new journey.

Yeats, I started with 4 (3 JH and one Revolver) and have 2 JHs left in the tent. I was looking so forward to being down to 2 :) Mainly just to reduce the workload. I just started 2 new ones, went into paper towels today.

One is a Jack Herrer, the other is a "Jack's Revolver". Mine Hermied and left me with a brand new strain, CKS Revolver crossed with JH - Can't wait to see how she runs. The Revolver was so forgiving that I could have run her over with my truck and she would not blink. The JHs were temperamental and really "pissy" with me at times. If I get the best qualities of each I will be very happy.

Good luck with the extra "kids". A set of twins added to the family :)
I agree. The magic of a brand new journey.

Yeats, I started with 4 (3 JH and one Revolver) and have 2 JHs left in the tent. I was looking so forward to being down to 2 :) Mainly just to reduce the workload. I just started 2 new ones, went into paper towels today.

One is a Jack Herrer, the other is a "Jack's Revolver". Mine Hermied and left me with a brand new strain, CKS Revolver crossed with JH - Can't wait to see how she runs. The Revolver was so forgiving that I could have run her over with my truck and she would not blink. The JHs were temperamental and really "pissy" with me at times. If I get the best qualities of each I will be very happy.

Good luck with the extra "kids". A set of twins added to the family :)

Hey Schtiggy,

Were one of your plants a male that pollinated the female of a different strain?

I love new beans , a new adventure begins :thumb:

An adventure it is. I am hoping to have learned from a couple mistakes I had made with Jack n Coke. I welcome any new mistakes I will be making on the twins.
Every mistake is a lesson learned.
Thanks buddy!

I never tire of seeing new babies. Great job Yeats, and love the names. :thumb:
Thank you. I will be sure to inform Corey of your approval.
And, thank you, as well Canna!

I agree. The magic of a brand new journey.
This is turning out far more interesting than I imagined. Truthfully, more work too.
Thanks Schtiggy!

Yeats, I started with 4 (3 JH and one Revolver) and have 2 JHs left in the tent. I was looking so forward to being down to 2 :) Mainly just to reduce the workload. I just started 2 new ones, went into paper towels today.

One is a Jack Herrer, the other is a "Jack's Revolver". Mine Hermied and left me with a brand new strain, CKS Revolver crossed with JH - Can't wait to see how she runs. The Revolver was so forgiving that I could have run her over with my truck and she would not blink. The JHs were temperamental and really "pissy" with me at times. If I get the best qualities of each I will be very happy.

I'm sure you will nail it, my friend. You certainly have helped me a shite load!

Good luck with the extra "kids". A set of twins added to the family :)
Yes indeed.
Do you have a journal, past or present?

Subbed! What's good fam?found you on the introductions page!

All is good, Zombumkin. Happy to have you here.
Chime in on any and all advice/criticism, at your will.
I welcome all of it!

Stay up!

Awwwwwww, look at the brand new babies! googoo gaga

Hahahaha. Thank you MzSiroz. Always a pleasure having you drop in.

Now...we wait.
I have one of those bulbs. I haven't used it, but I had a Metal Halide grow light and ballast during my first grow. They throw off some heat, but not sure if it would be too much there.
Is there a ballast with it, or was it a hard wired unit?

I would test out how much heat it puts out before putting it too near the plants.

Hopefully someone else has more info, a google search may help too.

The bulb I had was an outdoor replacement bulb for a floodlight unit. It was hard wired.
I have one of those bulbs. I haven't used it, but I had an MH grow light and ballast during my first grow. They throw off some heat, but not sure if it would be too much there.
Is there a ballast with it, or was it a hard wired unit?

I would test out how much heat it puts out before putting it too near the plants.

Hopefully someone else has more info, a google search may help too.

It is hardwired.
If I put my fan on speed 2 the temp drops to about 77°.
I can also crack a window in the room, New England winter is a tit nipply.
Would 175w put out that much heat?
Hmmm...Off to test it...

Thanks a bunch!
Hi Yeatster , if i was in this position , i would turn it on and after half an hour go sit in a chair with the light pointing at my hand ,
at 12-18 inches if it don't hurt or get too hot for you after 10 mins it wont hurt your plants .
I am a big believer that if you don't mind the extra on your electric bill adding more light if you have it or can afford it is easy with led's. because there are less heat issues , i would put it in and see , if the temps stay good then it can only help .
As soon as you put it in and turn it on if its like adding another led , then you will know you made the correct choice .
i will add another to mine in the next month , hopefully . What is to much light .
only my thoughts , mate .
Be safe .
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