Yeah, I know. But bundling up in my Ralphie snow suit will take some time before I hit that garage. LOL
So, this reading means my calcium appears okay?
Yes, the fuzzy line indicates healthy calcium levels. Crisp means they are low.
So next is oxygen, because it's just an adjustment, then comes carbon, at which point we need to take leaf temps, to rule out CO2 lockout at the stomata, and then P.
It's rarely P if you have commercial supersoil, or have added soft rock phosphate (SRP) or high P fossilized guano.
But the 1st thing to stimulate P is to ensure robust mictobes, so at that point EWC top dressing and a 1 time shot of unsulphured BlackStrap Molasses to boost microbial health. BSM is artificial and addictive for microbes, but a one time shot is a huge boost without any detriment. Also a myco drench as per your myco mixing instructions to rule out weak myco.
So P and microbes happen together.
The 5 bases.
If none of that works then your soil is low on minerals, so if you have any high mineral dry top dressing you can add some of that right away too, to get a jump, but Geoflora is a good mineral input so it's likely not that.
It's almost always calcium and watering.
So soil moisture for now. Take a selfie Ralphie, more Photo of the Month material...
We will get it sorted. Your close already.