Winter Is Coming! The Quest For The Iron Throne! A High Brix Quadline Breeding Project!

Thanks guys. As you can tell from the pic with the gloves...I tend to just pluck the leaves instead of cutting them. Lol. I find it’s much quicker if you are doing any kind of wet trim. I don’t get too picky. I get all the fans and just pluck the tips off the sugars. The rest will fall off when it dries usually. Does anyone else do it this way?
Thanks guys. As you can tell from the pic with the gloves...I tend to just pluck the leaves instead of cutting them. Lol. I find it’s much quicker if you are doing any kind of wet trim. I don’t get too picky. I get all the fans and just pluck the tips off the sugars. The rest will fall off when it dries usually. Does anyone else do it this way?
I pull fans and anything without resin and leave the rest. I find if you start cutting or tearing the close leaves the plant will smell like hay while it dries. I try not to use scissors except to cut branches or the petiole at the branch. I try not to disturb the flower much. I find it keeps the smells better doing it this way. I grow for personal and family/friends so a close trim isn't needed. I find the final product better with sugar leaf left intact.
Thanks guys. As you can tell from the pic with the gloves...I tend to just pluck the leaves instead of cutting them. Lol. I find it’s much quicker if you are doing any kind of wet trim. I don’t get too picky. I get all the fans and just pluck the tips off the sugars. The rest will fall off when it dries usually. Does anyone else do it this way?
I am a plucker...rarely do I do much trimming. I like to start the plucking a couple days before the harvest. Pluck all the fans and any of the big sugar leaves and leave the small sugars on the bud....bud wash....hang dry for 2-3 days before cutting the buds off the stems and into paper bags for low and slow (usually about 10 days gets me in the RH ballpark). Works for me and seems to be the easiest and fastest way.
A few pics of some drying buds tonight.
Sorry to hear you are winding down. Family comes first though and sounds like a wise decision. You really took to growing like a fish to water and got some skills going brother.Word on the street is hopefully the gov will decriminalize herb this fall so lets keep our fingers crossed they flip it. Shouldn't be a big deal to grow a few plants for f'sakes. The fear of losing it all is always haunting us. Oh and make sure you post a smoke report on that Pugsbreath. Was looking at them the same time you picked them up last year. Looked like some real sht.
Thanks so much guys!
Here’s a couple pics of the ATF and DTF. Bugs have been an issue but without being able to get to them consistently we haven’t really been able to tx them much. I’ve hit them with iso mix a few times but probably not consistently enough to prevent pests. Enough to piss them off though. Lol. The pic with the 2 longer colas forming is the DTF. Hard to tell in the pic but if you hold those 2 big mains up they are about 3.5 ft long that looks like it will be all bud. Can’t wait to really see how she fills in. Here they are!!
Nice additions! Those Romulan look interesting!
Thanks! I’ve heard a lot of people talk Romulan and I’ve watched it being grown over the last few months. Had to pull the trigger. Lol. I think they are releasing some S1s either this week or next.
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