Winter Is Coming! The Quest For The Iron Throne! A High Brix Quadline Breeding Project!

Sometimes you have to make hard choices and show life you re willing to stay in love. Willing to quit doing some stuffs if it can bring better ones. Since our firsts exchanges I felt straight away you were a loving person. So I guess as usual, it s just a little hard time to go through. And as soon as you get over it, things will be even better than before for you. Like reaching the next level in a game. I send you much love my friend as I know how it feels to grow and how it has been taking a big part of your life and heart like most of us in the 420 community. I ve always thought that love always win. You love your daughter and she loves you. This is where the power is. Wishing you the best my friend
Here are a few trich pics through the loupe. First we have the GG4. Upper then lower.

Then we have BCO1

Then BCO2

Then BCO3

What do you guys think?

Thanks @Mr. Magoo and @BeezLuiz ... that is a big help.

I think in some of the pictures I am taking ... I am too zoomed-in.

With your pictures ... without glare and the right angle ... I can see how some trichomes are more clear and how some are more cloudy.

On my C.R.E.A.M. plant ... I am seeing something I didn't expect; ... there is new growth on top ... and the tips of the new growth have new straight white pixels ... is this normal bud growth?

I can't wait to have that many trichomes! ... on one plant :)

Thanks again for all the help guys!
One down! BCO1 has been washed and is hanging till tomorrow. Then in the paper sacks she goes for some low and slow.

My schedule over the next couple of days is as follows....Tomorrow night I will have about 4 hours, Thursday I will have until 2PM. Then probably nothing till Sunday. So I will work through harvesting during those times and we will see what happens! Lol
Congrats on the first of a great string of harvests Magoo! Nice purple on that one. Frost is amazing on all of them though.

Sorry to hear about the move to pepper farming, but family before all obviously. A tent full of hi-brix peppers sounds like just the ticket for the fall and winter, backed up by the ongoing seed addiction for when the smoke clears...excellent plan!
Here’s a couple pics of the DTF from about 2 weeks ago.
Nice work on the BCO! Have you smoked any testers of it yet?
No testers brother. Honestly I haven’t taken a tester of anything since the first plant I grew. Lol. I got patience going for me anyway! Haha!
CongratZ in the harvesting start Magoo! Lots more sticky buds to come
Thanks Dutch! This big gal is t gonna yield as much as I was hoping! After bagging them up for the fridge, I’m guessing between 1 3/4 oz and 2.
Nice job Magoo! They look nice and dense. :bravo:
Thanks Sauga! The smell is outstanding! Can’t stop sniffing my hands!
Congrats on the first of a great string of harvests Magoo! Nice purple on that one. Frost is amazing on all of them though.

Sorry to hear about the move to pepper farming, but family before all obviously. A tent full of hi-brix peppers sounds like just the ticket for the fall and winter, backed up by the ongoing seed addiction for when the smoke clears...excellent plan!

Thanks a lot Shed! Winter came for sure! Lol.
I love the pics of the DTF with the morning fog in the background. I’m fearful we can’t back to them anymore until close to harvest. I hope we can but we can’t drive as far as we were now. Too overgrown!
Hmmmm ... no flushing and no pH correction ... that's a huge plus!

I will get to the website sometime in the next two weeks and read up on BRIX.

I am still holding off on the coco too ... and should be able to return it if I don't use it.

Thanks for helping me to decide.
I will be trying the High Brix method using their recipe and only using their products. I have other soils too that I plan to do a side by side comparison of. I am sure the Doc Buds High Brix soil and amendments will do the best but I already have the other stuff for the other soils so it will be interesting to compare
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