Winter Is Coming! The Quest For The Iron Throne! A High Brix Quadline Breeding Project!

That last pic of the Pugsbreath bud is amazing - I can't stop staring at it. LOL. :adore:
Nice f-ing buds Magoo!
So how do we know which of these will sit on the iron throne?
Well, if the breeding had worked out, the cross I made was gonna be named that. Lol. But we will give the throne to whichever one has the most frost!
Wow Mr M. Just wow
Thanks so much, Lerugged!
These are some of my favourite plants to view currently on 420 mag. Excellent job Magoo! :thumb:
Well that means a lot Prof! I’m glad you have enjoyed them!
This has been a super run for you, job well done!
Thanks Penny! I definitely learned a lot this round! I feel like if I ran the same ones again I could do even better. I think that’s a good thing. At the end of each grow I always make a note about what I would do differently if I ran them again.
Those buds though Magoo! Mm mm mm!

Beautiful work this round Magoo you can tell you’ve really got the DBHBB dialled in now and it shows! Great stuff and I’m looking forward to your smoke reports on these lovely ladies
I appreciate that Dutch. I’ve definitely gone off script with the kit this round...which is encouraged after a couple grows following the directions. I’ve increased the amount of tea I use. And I’ve been hitting all the big girls with more Growth Drench here at the end.
... :thumb: :thumb: :bravo:...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...:hookah:...
Thanks h00k! :high-five:
That last pic of the Pugsbreath bud is amazing - I can't stop staring at it. LOL. :adore:
Thanks so much Beez! Yeah I like that one too! I sat her down where she would be in the white light of the SP-250. And too beat all, the pics definitely don’t do the Pugsbreath any justice. When looking with the naked eye they are far more white the point in some spots that it looks like mold growing over the buds! Lol crazy beautiful plants!
I’ve been dreading posting this message but I guess I can just get it out of the way. Gonna be shutting down my grow for a while after this one. Things are getting really hot around here with law enforcement and it’s just not worth the risk right now. If I get busted I would lose an excellent job and probably my professional license as well. On top of that, things have changed on the family front. I’ve been having my daughter a lot more lately and this is probably gonna be contested in court soon. The last thing I need is someone showing up here to have a look around. It’s nothing too serious really, just a possibility and I can’t risk anything when it comes to my baby girl! Our divorce papers show that I have 50/50 custody, but she has always lived and gone to school over an hour away from here so I haven’t been able to exercise those rights because my job is also an hour in the opposite direction. Now she lives in the next town over and goes to school there which is much closer. So I’ve been getting her half the time. Momma bear don’t like it but hasn’t put up too much of a fuss. We have a hearing coming up next month and I just have a suspicion that she is gonna try to get it changed. I hope not. But I need to have all my ducks in a row just in case. I will definitely be growing again and will come back with a vengeance. Lol. I will still be stockpiling seeds when a really good opportunity comes across my screen. In fact I have some Starfighter beans on the way right now.....bwahahaha! I’ve been thinking about maybe growing some peppers instead for a while until the time is right. If I do I may set up a journal in off topic section here and would love to have you guys join me for that as well. I’ll still be here daily...just minus frosty bud pics. Lol. When I do start growing again I hope to come back in with a full on breeding program, pheno hunting packs at a time and finding some gems and hopefully a super stud male here and there.

We should be getting some medicinal laws in place early next year but they aren’t going to allow for personal growing. And there will be no legal flower to smoke in dispensaries. It will be extracts, edibles, vapes, capsules....stuff like that only. One part I like is that all the marijuana has to be sourced from within the state. I’d love to do what I love and that’s growing this plant. I’d love to do it legally so there would be no repercussions that would negatively impact the rest of my life. I have a friend who is our Senator now at the state level. Once everything is shut down I’m gonna be reaching out to him and advocating for further legalization and pitching in where I can. Also, I hope to get some guidance on how to get into the legal side of things in my state. I don’t want to open a dispensary but would love to work with the plant in some way. Breeding, cultivating.....something. I find myself daydreaming about different crosses and taking some to f2, f3 with the help of you guys. I find myself naming new cultivars with names that would be connected to things in my state. I can see myself doing small scale craft breeding to provide seeds to local cultivators. Or I can see myself with a larger grow op. Or even if I don’t make it to the legal side of things, I can still see myself setting up a larger grow when I have a separate building to grow in besides my house. Lol. Maybe dreams.....but whatever happens I will be here at 420mag for sure! I’m a novice grower. I don’t know what the f$&@ I’m doing. Lol. But I learn here everyday. And everything meaningful that I’ve learned, I’ve learned from you guys here! So I’m not going anywhere, but I felt the need to let you all know what’s been going on and what I’d like to do at some point.
Anyway.....hope you guys have a great weekend! :passitleft:
Sorry to hear that Magoo but it will be nice to still have you around! I’m sure once things get sorted and you start up again it will all be worth it!

Safety is a key priority and there’s no sense in getting yourself in trouble!

I would tag along your pepper journal as well !
Plants are looking great brother. Sorry to hear about having to shut down for a while. Gotta do whats best for the family brother. We will be waiting for you to kick things in gear after this situation has blown over.....cheers brother!
A shutdown for plant maintenance and retooling? That happens regularly in manufacturing. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I'm looking forward to your next production run!

Family and career must take precedence. I hope all goes well in court for you, and may the narcs pass over you.
Here’s a couple pics of the DTF from about 2 weeks ago. I made up about 5 gallons of foxfarm nutes for pops to put on these girls. I mixed them at full strength and told him to make sure he spreads it out over a decent size area around each plant. We don’t get to get to these very often but hopefully they will like the cocktail. I also gave him one of the jugs of terpinator I won here to use if he wants to. Not sure if these 2 get enough direct sunlight to reach max potential. I’m thinking maybe 6hrs or so. But I think that number is going up as the season progresses.
Here is just 1 reason why you should try Docs kit. NO flushing! Do you find that's a PITA? I did the 1 grow I did with bottled nutes but I didn't have a water source near grow so had to haul it in. Also, NO ph correcting needed! Hated that too. All the rest, easy, affordable, great results, etc is like icing on the cake! Cheers Guy!


Hmmmm ... no flushing and no pH correction ... that's a huge plus!

I will get to the website sometime in the next two weeks and read up on BRIX.

I am still holding off on the coco too ... and should be able to return it if I don't use it.

Thanks for helping me to decide.
I’m not sure HH. I feel like they’ve gone longer than others that have grown the same strains. Looks like I could do a partial harvest on all of them now. I may end up doing that but I’d rather take them 1 at a time just for convenience. Lol. I’m watching the tops to make sure there isn’t too much amber and hopefully letting the lowers get ripe enough to cut all at once.

Will you please post a few closeups of your trichomes ... I'm still working through that.

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