Who Let The Dogs Out? Chem Comparison Grow!

Hello folks. Happy Friday.
This is day 2 of the start of Chemdog journey.

For veg, I am using Philizon Newest 600w LED full spectrum double switch veg and flowering. universal Blue Red IR UV and White light.


The seeds are tuck lightly under FFOF and Perlight. :passitleft:
@Bard, do you use MC? I can't remember. I hunted on the web to fine out a feeding scheme. I found one that is in ML. It starts with 0.53 ml to gal. for the 1st week. I was wondering if you had an easier way of measuring the MC to a gal of water? And, how often do I add CaMg+ 1-0-0. And is there something else you add? I am looking forward to this grow. I haven't seen frost yet, well just a tiny bit. I wont it to snow. Wishing you and yours have a happy weekend. :ganjamon:

Nice light ... Philizon Newest 600w LED full spectrum double switch veg and flowering.

I started with an X6 that I thought was good ... and focused on the nutrients after that. Then after a few months I found out the lights weren't that powerful.

Lights and nutrients ... critical food aren't they!
That sounds awesome! Cherry Alien Dawg ...


Nice lineage! That's quite a custom cross!

So ... Chemdawg x Chemdawg x Alien ==> Alien Chemdawg^2 ...

This means your introducing more Chemdawg genetics back into the strain right?

Just curios why?

You really like the Chemdawg characteristics?

You had a strong Chendawg phenotype you found?

I'm interested in learning a bit more about crossing since I'm getting into photoperiods and moving away from autoflowers.
Thanks SQ12kGuy, I use a iPad Pro for everything. I would like to get a nice camera one day cause I really enjoy taking pics of my plants✌

Wow! Great pics with the iPad Pro ... but then iPads are awesome anyway ...

I just got this microscope so I could try to see the trichomes ... it's pretty tough the first time ... and I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking at ... so I posted a help thread so I can make sure I harvest at the right time.


Alright ... ttyl
Nice, I bet you will be able to get a good look at the trics with that. I like to harvest my plants when their most cloudy and a few ambers, sometimes I let my Indicas get about 10-20% amber before harvest. A lot of it is preference, you will figure out what suits you best.✌️
Nice, I bet you will be able to get a good look at the trics with that. I like to harvest my plants when their most cloudy and a few ambers, sometimes I let my Indicas get about 10-20% amber before harvest. A lot of it is preference, you will figure out what suits you best.✌

Hey @EastCoastGhost ... @Dutchman1990 said he also likes about 20% amber in @Mr. Magoo 's thread.

I might go for a bit more amber because we are looking for sleep medicine to help with her pain and her restless leg syndrome.

When you get a chance, will you guys help me out by looking at this thread I posted ... I'm trying to understand the pictures I took today ...

Trichomes - Theory to Practice Using a Microscope - Help Needed Please

Thanks again ...
Thank you jgrowlove, that sound right. I'm using Mega Crop for feeding this time around. 1st time. I've grown with FFOF for a few years. I like the outcome when using FF soil. I just need help getting use to MC.:hookah:
Whoops. Posted twice. Must of got lost.:eek:
Hey Bean,
so don't start feeding until after the third node. If the cotys are turning yellow before then, most likely not, then you can feed early.
I posted in my journal regarding amount to feed. You wont need any Calmag until late flower, if at all. You'll learn to increase the MC doseage to give it more Ca and Mg as needed. The base nutrient has enough in it from veg through flower.

Here's the link to the feeding calculator.
Feeding Calculator
Hey guys. I don’t have any chem going right now but I’ll follow along if that’s cool. I really enjoyed my Chemdog 91’ from CSI Humboldt. Maybe the best weed I’ve ever smoked. Definitely the best I’ve grown. If you like chem then his is definitely some good genetics to try if you are lookin to buy some beans.

I grew mine organically and she flourished all through veg. Plastic looking leaves. Once we were a few weeks Into flower she started showing signs of magnesium deficiency pretty bad. Turned very ugly. If I grow those again I’ll probably top dress with some epsom salt after stretch. I think that will help some. Anyway....I’m just joining in right here and can’t wait to see some pics of what you guys have going.
Nice light ... Philizon Newest 600w LED full spectrum double switch veg and flowering.

I started with an X6 that I thought was good ... and focused on the nutrients after that. Then after a few months I found out the lights weren't that powerful.

Lights and nutrients ... critical food aren't they!

Thanks SQ12Guy. I'm hoping, I get a beauty. I'll be putting one plant into Flowering under the Philizon.
Time will tell.:yummy:
Thank you jgrowlove, that sound right. I'm using Mega Crop for feeding this time around. 1st time. I've grown with FFOF for a few years. I like the outcome when using FF soil. I just need help getting use to MC.:hookah:
Whoops. Posted twice. Must of got lost.:eek:
No problem. @MrSauga probably has more answers for you. I've only used Mega Crop with hempy. Im only using ffof from seed to harvest right now but I've added calmag at times.
Wow! Great pics with the iPad Pro ... but then iPads are awesome anyway ...

I just got this microscope so I could try to see the trichomes ... it's pretty tough the first time ... and I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking at ... so I posted a help thread so I can make sure I harvest at the right time.


Alright ... ttyl
That's a good microscope, but the stand is a PITA. You'll probably want to upgrade it to something like this:


USB Microscope With Upgraded Stand (Original on the Right)
That's a good microscope, but the stand is a PITA. You'll probably want to upgrade it to something like this:


USB Microscope With Upgraded Stand (Original on the Right)

Something like that would be great!

For the higher magnification we need the ability to to immobilize everything and then to move in very small incremental steps.

And I'll check if that plastic end comes off of my microscope ... it was getting in the way.

Thanks for the tip, I'll research that today!
Something like that would be great!

For the higher magnification we need the ability to to immobilize everything and then to move in very small incremental steps.

And I'll check if that plastic end comes off of my microscope ... it was getting in the way.

Thanks for the tip, I'll research that today!
It's a two piece assembly. Take the clear cover off for the best results.
Perhaps a capsule within a capsule, both containing some of the meds. A size two will fit in a size zero, although size three would probably be better.
Yessir.... you're tracking where my mind is headed.

I also wanted to search around to see about other capsules that may dissolve slower than the vegetable caps too.

I agree though, multiple caps, arranged like a Matryoshka doll. I've also contemplated adding Melatonin to one of the caps too.... for some extra punch @ bedtime.
Yessir.... you're tracking where my mind is headed.

I also wanted to search around to see about other capsules that may dissolve slower than the vegetable caps too.

I agree though, multiple caps, arranged like a Matryoshka doll. I've also contemplated adding Melatonin to one of the caps too.... for some extra punch @ bedtime.
As far as I know there are two materials used:
Gelatin capsules, manufactured from the collagen of animal skin or bone.
Vegetable capsules are composed of hypromellose, a polymer formulated from cellulose. or Pullulan, polysaccharide polymer produced from tapioca starch.
Hey Bean,
so don't start feeding until after the third node. If the cotys are turning yellow before then, most likely not, then you can feed early.
I posted in my journal regarding amount to feed. You wont need any Calmag until late flower, if at all. You'll learn to increase the MC doseage to give it more Ca and Mg as needed. The base nutrient has enough in it from veg through flower.

Here's the link to the feeding calculator.
Feeding Calculator

Thank you MrSauga, the Feeding Calculator and the Calmag information is very helpful. I'm excited for this grow. If, I have any ?'s may, I ask you? I have one seed that is popping it's head up. It's a unknown. I got to name these seeds.:hmmmm:
Hey everyone!

Just a quick update... the four seeds that I wrapped in paper towel on Thursday all showed tap roots, so they moved to solo cups this afternoon. The Chem 91 had by far the longest root! I forgot to take pics, but will try to remember to catch a germination shot. Hope you are all doing well on this hot and humid weekend.
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