Welcome To Our New Sponsor GROWant

I'd like to preface this post by apologizing for its length.

That's great, and is appreciated (thanks!).

But I'd ask that you consider the Member of the Month contest, too. This is a contest that doesn't depend on growing cannabis (or, in the case of the Nug of the Month, possibly buying the winning nug from a dispensary/etc.). I mean, a person could - in theory - be homeless, living in a cardboard box and only able to access this forum via their public library's free access, and still become MotM. Because it's based, more or less, on how helpful they are... to the forum in general and to the members. Some past winners seem to have not grown cannabis. Maybe they can't afford a fancy LED grow light (or the thought of a high-wattage HID scares them, or the electrical usage puts them off). If they're not growing, they'll never be able to win a Plant of the Month contest (and the other contests aren't looking all that likely, either).

However, in a very real sense, it's them and folks like them who are a big part of the appeal here. We don't flame/insult other members, as a rule (it IS one of our rules ;). Members help other members (and the many "ghosts" who read but never join). They teach, they bring a positive attitude, if someone starts a grow journal and is having trouble, these people devote a portion of their time to helping. For that matter, they can turn someone else's low-activity thread into a busy one just by "dropping in" and/or posting a link to it in one of their threads & asking others to visit it.

Let's face it, there are several cannabis-related forums on the Internet. One of the reasons that THIS one is what it is, is because of people like the MotM winners (and candidates for same). When someone joins here and posts an introductory thread that basically states, "Hi, I'm new! And I don't know what I'm doing - HELP!" there's usually someone who'll reply with a general welcome - and who doesn't mind giving them general pointers and/or suggesting reading material. Join another forum and post such a thread and you might just get crapped on (in the virtual sense).

Another way of looking at it is that these people are doing a lot to turn other people... into your potential customers ;) . And most of them know how to grow, really. You can't spend literally hours every day reading and posting here without learning in the process. If it were me, I'd think about giving them a light. Not a $1,500 1,000-watt monster, lol. But something (relatively) inexpensive, and of a much more reasonable wattage/electrical draw.

Now, with (all of ;) ) that having been stated, I do understand the reason why "grow light companies" in general prefer to donate to the "grower's" contests. That person who won Member of the Month just might BE homeless, and if so, well, it's hard to grow cannabis in a cardboard box without electricity, lol. But most people have the ability even if they don't have the means (IOW, money for a decent light). That smallest light you have, it might be a good one. Low wattage means it won't be a huge bump on the monthly electric bill (conservation and switching to more energy-efficient home lighting might even be enough to cover it). Low... I hate to use the words "low prowess" with a sponsor's product, lol, but... something that does not require a significant amount of space in order to work well would seem tailor-made to a lot of people. And, hey, it's the cheapest product you sell, so... ;) . I'd make a strong request that the winner use the product in a grow (just like I would for a Plant of the Month winner). Truly, I see a very real benefit in being the company whose product was the first grow light a person ever used - and used successfully. People who are considering growing their own cannabis for the first time (of which there are probably hundreds of thousands, or even millions, due to the increasing legalization for medicinal and even general use in this country!) and who are thinking, "Yeah, I'd love to start with a fancy LED light, but I can't justify buying one with no previous growing experience," will be able to see that growing cannabis is, in fact, as easy as managing to hit the ground on the first try after you've already fallen off the ladder.

Thank you for your time - and, again, I apologize for the length of this post. And, regardless of your ultimate decision on this matter, I'd like to reiterate my appreciation for you becoming a sponsor of my favorite forum AND for participating in the forum.

Gessh soul did you breathe? Lol

Just playing you make some solid points sir.

... now we wait for reply?

Hey this app is all about others thoughts and opinions views . I'm
Sure they will take things into consideration ....
That's an amazing post, and a extreme testament of your character TS.
I am going to forward this straight to my office and see what we can do. I however cannot make any promises because I am not the one that makes the final decision. I did however convince them to sponsor 3 contest instead of just one. So anything is possible. Like you mentioned in your post,obviously we want our lights to end up in the hands of growers and the best percentage of that happening is with the selected contest.
All I can do is try and I don't mind doing that at all m. Especially after such a well thought out post. I'm not sure how the voting for MOTM works but You have mine for sure. I'll let you know how it goes. ✌
Thats a great way to promote your product. Maybe make a condition of winning that the winner does a dedicated Grow Journal that shows your light in action and what results they get. As you have previously stated, you don't want a side by side comparison as other sponsors products may be used and that may cause some friction, which this place seems to go to great lengths to avoid (one of the great things about the site in my opinion) It would be very interesting to see the results in different grow mediums and with the use of various features the lights provide.
Also good to see you taking an active part in the Forum, the feedback you give and recieve could help you develop your products and help spread the word far and wide.
Thats a great way to promote your product. Maybe make a condition of winning that the winner does a dedicated Grow Journal that shows your light in action and what results they get. As you have previously stated, you don't want a side by side comparison as other sponsors products may be used and that may cause some friction, which this place seems to go to great lengths to avoid (one of the great things about the site in my opinion) It would be very interesting to see the results in different grow mediums and with the use of various features the lights provide.

Even though it would be great for Us to add that condition. We think it would be a drag to add a stipulation to anything that someone wins. I'm going to try my hardest to get something for the MotM.
I definitely agree about the different grow mediums. I would love to see more organic guys on our team. I believe we only have one guy who uses living organic soil.
Can you recommend any organic threads?
That's an amazing post, and a extreme testament of your character TS.

Thank you for your kind words.

All I can do is try and I don't mind doing that at all

That - and your fine attitude - is very much appreciated. And, again, I do not want to give the impression that we see a hand reaching out and want to take the entire arm, lol. It was just a thought - and a negative decision won't cause any negative feelings. (And, like my brother always says, the answer is always going to be no unless you ask.)

Especially after such a well thought out post. I'm not sure how the voting for MOTM works but You have mine for sure. I'll let you know how it goes. ✌

Campaigning for that contest is forbidden. But, since we don't even know if we get nominated or not until the 15th of each month, I can safely give my heartfelt thanks, and appreciation for same.

Our Member of the Month contest is unique in comparison to our other contests, not just because a person can win it without growing trees (lol), but because it's one that a member does not enter. He/she gets entered by his/her peers, in appreciation for the work that they do around here. That's another reason that I've always liked it - you do a thing just because you're trying to be helpful (and why else are we on this planet?), and very occasionally, someone comes by and rewards you for it. Life ought to be like that.
I'd like to preface this post by apologizing for its length.

That's great, and is appreciated (thanks!).

But I'd ask that you consider the Member of the Month contest, too. This is a contest that doesn't depend on growing cannabis (or, in the case of the Nug of the Month, possibly buying the winning nug from a dispensary/etc.). I mean, a person could - in theory - be homeless, living in a cardboard box and only able to access this forum via their public library's free access, and still become MotM. Because it's based, more or less, on how helpful they are... to the forum in general and to the members. Some past winners seem to have not grown cannabis. Maybe they can't afford a fancy LED grow light (or the thought of a high-wattage HID scares them, or the electrical usage puts them off). If they're not growing, they'll never be able to win a Plant of the Month contest (and the other contests aren't looking all that likely, either).

However, in a very real sense, it's them and folks like them who are a big part of the appeal here. We don't flame/insult other members, as a rule (it IS one of our rules ;). Members help other members (and the many "ghosts" who read but never join). They teach, they bring a positive attitude, if someone starts a grow journal and is having trouble, these people devote a portion of their time to helping. For that matter, they can turn someone else's low-activity thread into a busy one just by "dropping in" and/or posting a link to it in one of their threads & asking others to visit it.

Let's face it, there are several cannabis-related forums on the Internet. One of the reasons that THIS one is what it is, is because of people like the MotM winners (and candidates for same). When someone joins here and posts an introductory thread that basically states, "Hi, I'm new! And I don't know what I'm doing - HELP!" there's usually someone who'll reply with a general welcome - and who doesn't mind giving them general pointers and/or suggesting reading material. Join another forum and post such a thread and you might just get crapped on (in the virtual sense).

Another way of looking at it is that these people are doing a lot to turn other people... into your potential customers ;) . And most of them know how to grow, really. You can't spend literally hours every day reading and posting here without learning in the process. If it were me, I'd think about giving them a light. Not a $1,500 1,000-watt monster, lol. But something (relatively) inexpensive, and of a much more reasonable wattage/electrical draw.

Now, with (all of ;) ) that having been stated, I do understand the reason why "grow light companies" in general prefer to donate to the "grower's" contests. That person who won Member of the Month just might BE homeless, and if so, well, it's hard to grow cannabis in a cardboard box without electricity, lol. But most people have the ability even if they don't have the means (IOW, money for a decent light). That smallest light you have, it might be a good one. Low wattage means it won't be a huge bump on the monthly electric bill (conservation and switching to more energy-efficient home lighting might even be enough to cover it). Low... I hate to use the words "low prowess" with a sponsor's product, lol, but... something that does not require a significant amount of space in order to work well would seem tailor-made to a lot of people. And, hey, it's the cheapest product you sell, so... ;) . I'd make a strong request that the winner use the product in a grow (just like I would for a Plant of the Month winner). Truly, I see a very real benefit in being the company whose product was the first grow light a person ever used - and used successfully. People who are considering growing their own cannabis for the first time (of which there are probably hundreds of thousands, or even millions, due to the increasing legalization for medicinal and even general use in this country!) and who are thinking, "Yeah, I'd love to start with a fancy LED light, but I can't justify buying one with no previous growing experience," will be able to see that growing cannabis is, in fact, as easy as managing to hit the ground on the first try after you've already fallen off the ladder.

Thank you for your time - and, again, I apologize for the length of this post. And, regardless of your ultimate decision on this matter, I'd like to reiterate my appreciation for you becoming a sponsor of my favorite forum AND for participating in the forum.

TS, I follow you here and there, and I enjoy the time and sincerity you put into the things you post. Thanks for your energy to always make "Our Place" a better place! It's great to have you and all of us others, as well as great sponsors.behind the same great causes.

Good evening all.

Even though it would be great for Us to add that condition. We think it would be a drag to add a stipulation to anything that someone wins. I'm going to try my hardest to get something for the MotM.
I definitely agree about the different grow mediums. I would love to see more organic guys on our team. I believe we only have one guy who uses living organic soil.
Can you recommend any organic threads?
I appreciate that. I was just throwing some ideas out there.
Even though it would be great for Us to add that condition. We think it would be a drag to add a stipulation to anything that someone wins. I'm going to try my hardest to get something for the MotM.
I definitely agree about the different grow mediums. I would love to see more organic guys on our team. I believe we only have one guy who uses living organic soil.
Can you recommend any organic threads?
I dunno how ur lights are but I gotta say....i like u. All over different threads in the forum and being very interactive in the community. It's one thing to have a good product, but great customer service is hard to find. And you my man, do not lack any in that category. .
Even though it would be great for Us to add that condition. We think it would be a drag to add a stipulation to anything that someone wins. I'm going to try my hardest to get something for the MotM.
I definitely agree about the different grow mediums. I would love to see more organic guys on our team. I believe we only have one guy who uses living organic soil.
Can you recommend any organic threads?

Great discussions over here.

Building a Better Soil - Demonstrations & Discussions of Organic Soil Recipes
I dunno how ur lights are but I gotta say....i like u. All over different threads in the forum and being very interactive in the community. It's one thing to have a good product, but great customer service is hard to find. And you my man, do not lack any in that category. .
I fully concur with that. There are others who just seem to repost their products. Having interactions with the people on the Forum is only a good thing, its only going to help you with product development and customer feedback.
Check out bedroom farmers threads he is brilliant .
I also believe he has an organic grow or had.

Pennywise can vouch for him as well if my word is not worthy to some.
That's an amazing post, and a extreme testament of your character TS.
I am going to forward this straight to my office and see what we can do. I however cannot make any promises because I am not the one that makes the final decision. I did however convince them to sponsor 3 contest instead of just one. So anything is possible. Like you mentioned in your post,obviously we want our lights to end up in the hands of growers and the best percentage of that happening is with the selected contest.
All I can do is try and I don't mind doing that at all m. Especially after such a well thought out post. I'm not sure how the voting for MOTM works but You have mine for sure. I'll let you know how it goes. ✌��

It's notable that I started as a novice and haven't won any of the "grower's" contests, and yet I maintain a slew of grow journals for the community. Aside from the singular gallery contest win, all of my wins were associated with the MOTM contest. I agree with TS, and I hope your employers will feel the same way. Every lighting prize I recieved was lovingly documented and inspired sales from the membership. I understand the investment involved, but I feel certain that this would be a benefit for the company in the end.

Regardless of their decision, this community is very appreciative of the serious investment already planned for this year. :green_heart:
I dunno how ur lights are but I gotta say....i like u. All over different threads in the forum and being very interactive in the community. It's one thing to have a good product, but great customer service is hard to find. And you my man, do not lack any in that category. .

Thank you so much man. I'm a grower and smoker too. So I enjoy the interaction..
Thank you so much man. I'm a grower and smoker too. So I enjoy the interaction..
You've come to right place. I'm sure other would agree with me when I say it's a pleasure to have you as an individual in this community aswell as having ur company here with us. Double high fives.
It's notable that I started as a novice and haven't won any of the "grower's" contests, and yet I maintain a slew of grow journals for the community. Aside from the singular gallery contest win, all of my wins were associated with the MOTM contest. I agree with TS, and I hope your employers will feel the same way. Every lighting prize I recieved was lovingly documented and inspired sales from the membership. I understand the investment involved, but I feel certain that this would be a benefit for the company in the end.

Regardless of their decision, this community is very appreciative of the serious investment already planned for this year. :green_heart:

I'm really working on it Sue *fingers crossed*
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