Welcome To Our New Sponsor GROWant

Thanks for taking the time to answer. Lightning as well !! Thats mad ! I wish you all the best, your product is epic. Look forward to getting your products Down Under.

We now offer shipping to Australia!!
That's their business, selling lights, and your after one, wouldn't you want to talk to them, lol. If your selling pounds and dude wants a gram, you chasing after him to talk business? Sorry, it just hit my humor senses..
I wanted to buy parts, wasn't after free stuff.. pity don't ship to Aus though, I would have journaled the shit out of them for you :rofl:

Sorry for any confusion.
We do offer shipping to Australia.
Unfortunately it's not free
I didn't expect it to be free - its a big ask for a company to ship a heavy item for nothing. Thanks for taking the time to get us Aussies hooked up ! What size light do you recommend for a 1m x 1m x 2m Tent?
Well since you're going over journals, you should check mine out.
Not really to see if you'd like to sponsor me, but because my outdoor plants are crazy cool...my auto is fun. But really the banter is where it's at.
All I have to say; GI Joe LST!

But for real, these are on my radar. The spectrum control is pretty wild!
How can I not check it it now. Lol
You see what I did there?! Lol

So in the future I will need to cover a 4x6 footprint (flower), and possibly a single light for a mother (2x4 footprint veg), what would you recommend?

4x6 is a unique size. You would definitely need 2 lights to get full coverage. There are different options you can go with x2 The G5 HiPAR G400 would be my recommendation with core coverage being 3x3. It would definitely fill the 4x6 area. For veg you can use something more like the G3 HiPAR g480. Max coverage is 3x3 but if it's just for veg you should be fine.
Right now we have only 2 models left, that we need sponsors for. Our G3 HiPar gr240 & gr480. They are our smaller models. With max being 3x3 and Core coverage being 2x2
That's our challenge now. Someone who has that specific grow area. A plus would be having completed a grow journal or have a long going thread.

SweetSue's Threads

EDIT: The last post in her "...Threads" link, above, contains the most current list.

In addition to her many threads - including her own personal grow journals and several "community" journal threads - she has also been elected Member of the Month at least twice, and elected Member of the YEAR twice. Oh, and she keeps records of everything having to do with her grows. Need I say more, lol?
One more thing - a moonlight feature ? I have a good friend who has been growing for over 25 years, he has a small 'moonlight' and swears its doing great things.

Making his buds leafier?

EDIT: I once read of someone who did an indoor grow, but used some linux script or other to control his timer based on sunrise/sunset, and allowing for "twilight" - so that the light in his garden mimicked the outdoor light as much as possible. He stated that he grew the same strains indoors and out...

...and that the indoor ones finished earlier and weren't as leafy as the outdoor plants. He postulated that it was due to the low - but noticeable - light levels outdoors when the moon was a significant presence.

IDK, personally. But it seemed to make sense to me when I read it, lol.
SweetSue's Threads

EDIT: The last post in her "...Threads" link, above, contains the most current list.

In addition to her many threads - including her own personal grow journals and several "community" journal threads - she has also been elected Member of the Month at least twice, and elected Member of the YEAR twice. Oh, and she keeps records of everything having to do with her grows. Need I say more, lol?

You've been amazing with your recommendations. Thank you so much.
Indoors will finish quicker due to controlled environment (suns allways out and it never rains)
I hear you're looking for a grow to sponsor that will show off your product to the largest audience with the happiest results.

I'm available, if you're interested. I have what some consider a popular series of journals, maintaining a number of community grow journals as well as my own, so any plants growing under my lights get double coverage.

I have two tents that are 2x2, one of which could be dedicated to the sponsored light, and quite frankly, I'd be honored to help you make your name more exposed on our forums. Check the post count. I'm quite the talker, and a number of members appreciate what I have to share.

I hesitated on one hand, because I've been the recipient of so much, but this may be too good a match to pass up, don't you think?
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