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I'll bet the white russian is fine by tomorrow! I think I know which thing you gave 'em...

Still fighting curling over here... Damn plants!

Hey THsea ! :Namaste:

Since my last post she has fallen over.....can no longer stand by herself. I have her tied up, but I think she is dieing !!!!! What the the heck! I've read others had problems growing her.....but this? Doesn't make sense...the others are still healthy as can be. I have never seen any thing like this. :thedoubletake::smokin:
Hey THsea ! :Namaste:

Since my last post she has fallen over.....can no longer stand by herself. I have her tied up, but I think she is dieing !!!!! What the the heck! I've read others had problems growing her.....but this? Doesn't make sense...the others are still healthy as can be. I have never seen any thing like this. :thedoubletake::smokin:

That is weird... Hm.. Most times I've had that issue its just a watering issue.. That sucks man!!!

Definitely stumped OMM. Hopefully she gets her shit together!
Actually I have no ideas, so I was holding my tongue so as not to over-talk an answer that could save the day.

I don't think anyone went back and read my Help Call. What the heck! Glad I'm high or I might be crying, but I am chuckling..just a figging plant.:circle-of-love:
Here is what see looks like now!



I think everyone was waiting on the 12 ... like somebody said E.F. Hutton...

Yeah, I guess so....never had a plant do this.....just collapsed. She's been getting silica all along. She's had water, so she isn't dry.:popcorn:
Sorry to see your WR like that OMM. It kind of reminds me of Chief's WR that just went limp one day. Hopefully the bat signal will shine his way soon.

Yeah HMG Thanks. I do remember that. Strange stuff. I wonder where he is? Hope he is OK :Namaste:
OMM, Sorry to see what's going on with the White Russian, Brother. I'd give her a flush right away, then follow with a VERY light dose of nutes and see if she perks up. I'd be betting more on a toxicity than a deficiency and she should have plenty of stored nutes to live off of plain water for a few days without any ill effects.

EDIT: Actually, after looking at the leaf again, it does look like a pretty bad Magnesium deficiency. I know you said you were using store-bought R/O water. Are you adding Cal-Mag? I'd still do a flush & follow-up with light nutes (make sure to PH adjust!), just in case the deficiency was caused by PH lockout, or something, and make sure you add a good dose of Cal-Mag to the nutes.
Hey OMM. Got the bat signal.

Looks like she is top heavy and that causes her to fall over. How is the temperature in there? The previous image had the leaf showing sign of heat stress along with some nute burn. I have to agree with Mr K suggested flushing and feeding with light nute. Part from falling over I don't see any sign that the plant is dying, the leafs still nice and green. Might have to transfer this one in the center to get more light, from the image the side looks darker (means it isn't getting enough light there). For the fans around set it on high to train the stems as the near by plants could use the workout, which ultimately will help sustain heavy tops.
OMM, Sorry to see what's going on with the White Russian, Brother. I'd give her a flush right away, then follow with a VERY light dose of nutes and see if she perks up. I'd be betting more on a toxicity than a deficiency and she should have plenty of stored nutes to live off of plain water for a few days without any ill effects.

EDIT: Actually, after looking at the leaf again, it does look like a pretty bad Magnesium deficiency. I know you said you were using store-bought R/O water. Are you adding Cal-Mag? I'd still do a flush & follow-up with light nutes (make sure to PH adjust!), just in case the deficiency was caused by PH lockout, or something, and make sure you add a good dose of Cal-Mag to the nutes.

Thanks Mr. Krip. I use
OC+, but who knows? I'll give her a flush and Cal-Mag and see if that helps. Thanks Buddy. :high-five:
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