Welcome To Archie’s Indoor/Outdoor Perpetual Garden

You know @Duggan i have to agree that most chemovars don't need 18 hours of light. Look at all the plants that people post pictures of that are drooping. Most are plants that are simply going to sleep with the lights still on. Shortly after lights on the plants are praying then once they've produced what they need it's bedtime again.
I went back and looked at my notes from last year. My quickest plant had a veg time of only 6.5 weeks (flowered for about 10 weeks): yielded 10 oz (would have been closer to 12 oz if not for some bud rot). The slowest (and tallest) had a veg time of 10 weeks (flowered for about 13.5 weeks): yielded almost 2 lbs.
Keep in mind though, that these were clones, so starting from seed I would add about 3 or 4 weeks to get to the same point the clones were when I planted.
Hmm so there’s plenty of time for a clone...
Ive got a couple clones of the Durban, that’s all.
Hey Archie, Amy , friends. OK, ya'l know i veg at 16/8 and NOT 18/6. Have been doing this for many , many grows and have NEVER had a plant bloom under those hours. Archies Durban swithched to bloom last grow after i suggested he switch from 18 to 16 . The only issue he had was that he did't START with those hrs and the two hr. decrease was enough for his Durban to revert to flowering. I still HIGHLY recomend vegging under 16/8 and NOT 18/6...it's simply a big waste of everything . Those extra 2 hrs. are simply NOT needed in a photo grow. Just remember to start the vegging at 16 and NOT 18 and all will be fine. I say this with 100% certainty! Cheers gang!
Yep, I agree. Not a lot to say other than it comes down to preference and wisdom.
You know @Duggan i have to agree that most chemovars don't need 18 hours of light. Look at all the plants that people post pictures of that are drooping. Most are plants that are simply going to sleep with the lights still on. Shortly after lights on the plants are praying then once they've produced what they need it's bedtime again.

That’s a good point that I never considered. You are totally on to something there. The energy built up over the 15-16 hours of light is plenty to power it through the dark cycle. I’ve always noticed more growth after the dark period anyways
Like i have said...i say this with 100% certainty....18 hrs. of light is NOT needed and is a big WASTE for vegging our plants. just start your veg. hrs. at 16 /8 . I also recomend having your GR come to life when you are home , at night , and not at work...hoping everything is OK all the time. It just makes way more sense to run our grow rooms at night , when it's not only cooler out , but the electric reates are much cheaper in most cases. Any growers who veg. their plants under more than 16 hrs....should notice that the plant has already had enough light at around 16...just look at the posture of the plants just before lights out. They usually droop and are lazy looking...that's cuz they wanna sleep...they DONT need so much light in a day to thrive. This observation proves my point. Cheers gang.
Yes the dark period is where the plants move sugar and carbs to where they're needed.

This is true, but in C3 plants like cannabis, the activities in its “dark cycle” take place independent of the actual light period.

This is why you see them “go to sleep” after about 16 hours, even when the lights are still on.
That explains why it’s possible to run autos 24/7. Regardless, I’ve been burned by the sun too many times for this half inside half outside grower lol.
I’m dropping a Carnival as we speak
And don't forget about DLI = Daily Light Integral.

Our plants respond to the amount of light they get per day. So if you're running a lot of light in veg, the days can be shorter. And if you're running a lot of light, the hours may actually be too long for the plant at that intensity.

Just to share the results of my experiments - a DLI of 15-20 is all that is required for excellent vegetative growth.

Flowering though - give her a DLI of at least 35, preferably 40-55.

DLI = (median PPFD at canopy x 3600 x hrs of light) x 0.000001

Edit: For example, a median PPFD of 300 for 16 hours is a DLI of about 17
You can use a plot like this and average the 9 points in the middle 1x1, which is about a median PPFD of 465.

The following plot presents the PPFD readings (mistakenly labeled PAR) over a 4’ x 4’ square, for a 600W HPS light. Not sure why they divided 4 ft by 9, but the middle nine readings cover a 16” x 16” area, with a median PPFD of 727.

A lot of great herb has apparently been flowered with a DLI in the low 30s

(727 x 3600 x 12) x 0.000001 = 31 mol

In my 4x4, I think ppfd is around 1100, as near as I can tell. I was thinking that's too much.

I calculate roughly 45 mols, running 11/13. Actually, not so bad - right in the range.

But ... my DLI for veg is ... 52?? ...:reading420magazine::thedoubletake::hmmmm: ... Ack. :straightface: 720 ppfd at 20/4.
Just to share the results of my experiments - a DLI of 15-20 is all that is required for excellent vegetative growth.

Flowering though - give her a DLI of at least 35, preferably 40-55.

DLI = (median PPFD at canopy x 3600 x hrs of light) x 0.000001

Edit: For example, a median PPFD of 300 for 16 hours is a DLI of about 17
You can use a plot like this and average the 9 points in the middle 1x1, which is about a median PPFD of 465.

The following plot presents the PPFD readings (mistakenly labeled PAR) over a 4’ x 4’ square, for a 600W HPS light. Not sure why they divided 4 ft by 9, but the middle nine readings cover a 16” x 16” area, with a median PPFD of 727.

A lot of great herb has apparently been flowered with a DLI in the low 30s
(727 x 3600 x 12) x 0.000001 = 31 mol

All over my head, I’m going to have to educate myself. I mentioned to your brother in a convo we had on the phone recently that lighting was probably my weakest area, with regards to growing knowledge. I’ve spent a lot of time and money on environment as that is something I struggle with in my garage for my tent grows.
He said you two have done a lot of research about lighting and it shows.
Outdoors I guess we don’t need to know these numbers unless you are capable of moving the plants into a tent when it’s overcast like Shed and I.
Indoors, I would like to learn to dial my light height in better.
In my 4x4, I think ppfd is around 1100, as near as I can tell. I was thinking that's too much.

I calculate roughly 45 mols, running 11/13. Actually, not so bad - right in the range.

But ... my DLI for veg is ... 52?? ...:reading420magazine::thedoubletake::hmmmm: ... Ack. :straightface: 720 ppfd at 20/4.
Overachiever :slide::laugh: Well with a ppfd like that in veg you could run autos alongside the vegging plants and still be good lol!
Looks like if I was following this journal, I would have to ask almost half the questions I have been lately. Here now....continue :meditate:
Hi and :welcome:!
There are some great growers that visit here and they all have great knowledge about this amazing plant and how to get the most from it.

It reaches farther than that though, there are masters of Docs soil here, folks who are cannabis chefs, lighting experts, etc.
Feel free to ask questions if you have them or post pics of what you got going man. I don’t mind.
Grab a Stella, Duggan won’t mind he’s already stoned, and pull up something comfy to sit in :thumb::high-five: Cheers!
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