Welcome To Archie’s Indoor/Outdoor Perpetual Garden

Saturday Update
Hey everyone :ciao:. Well, it’s official, both Green Doctor and Shed’s Gift are flowering. I spent a little time researching “early flowering” of cannabis plants and I can see mistakes were made.

Around 4/19 I moved Green Doctor and a cut of Shed’s Gift into my 4x8 and changed the lighting to 14/10. That’s mistake #1 because they went from 20/4 to 14/10 and Shed’s Gift is a very old and mature plant so it stands to reason she flowered. Green Doc decided to show me pistils yesterday. She’s a 10 week strain so that’s why she’s had pistils three weeks after this transition rather than two weeks for the SG’s.
Mistake #2 was putting Shed’s Gift outdoors in mid April. I had a pretty decent feeling this would happen and was prepared for the possibility she might flower.

So.... it appears that some plants will continue flowering once it has commenced unless there is a significant amount of more light to cause revegging.
In this case, my 14/10 light schedule was enough to trigger flowering in both of these plants in my tent and I have no guarantees that if the light schedule remains as is, that the plants will reveg. They could likely finish flowering.

So...lol. That’s the update haha week 3 flower I guess?:nerd-with-glasses:
I am a little perplexed, but the plan is to just stay the course for now and see what happens.
Are both outdoors now? It will be interesting to see if they reveg, or just continue with the flowering cycle, and if so will they mature and ripen earlier in the season, or will they ripen more slowly and finish in the fall. :hmmmm:
Are both outdoors now? It will be interesting to see if they reveg, or just continue with the flowering cycle, and if so will they mature and ripen earlier in the season, or will they ripen more slowly and finish in the fall. :hmmmm:
Hey Beez :ciao:
At the moment, only Shed’s Gift has made the full-time transition to outdoors. I threw her out there mid-April and didn’t even harden her off.
Green Doctor is hardened off but continues to stay in the tent at 14/10. The plan was to move her to the raised bed this Wednesday, the 15th. That’s why I will have exactly 14/10 here outdoors naturally. Now that she’s flowering, I’m debating what to do really.
I am thinking hard about dropping another seed just in case they do keep flowering I’ll still have a proper outdoor plant this summer.
I actually have a couple plants that I put outdoors full time on the first day of Spring - close to 12/12 light schedule. Just as an experiment, and sure enough they started flowering. They've been outside for about 7 weeks now.
They're still flowering as far as I can tell. Don't think they will reveg, but I thought it would be a good experiment.
I am thinking hard about dropping another seed just in case they do keep flowering I’ll still have a proper outdoor plant this summer.
You could do that, but might be cheating it out of a full veg cycle - maybe just two months before flowering would probably kick in. You might be better off setting a clone (if you still have any) out there. Last year I started all mine with clones and got them outside about mid May.
I actually have a couple plants that I put outdoors full time on the first day of Spring - close to 12/12 light schedule. Just as an experiment, and sure enough they started flowering. They've been outside for about 7 weeks now.
They're still flowering as far as I can tell. Don't think they will reveg, but I thought it would be a good experiment.

You could do that, but might be cheating it out of a full veg cycle - maybe just two months before flowering would probably kick in. You might be better off setting a clone (if you still have any) out there. Last year I started all mine with clones and got them outside about mid May.
Yeah I read that there are folks who get two harvests per summer with the light deprivation technique.
Your plants that you put out early, they are damn near done haha!
Man - sorry to hear about the flowering Archi. I’ve never tried starting a plant indoors - although last season I did bring them inside overnight for the first month, and I used a light when it was gloomy, but always kept it with the outside light timing.

How old is the GD again (i forget)? Someone told me once somewhere on this forum that so long as the shift in light occurs before the plant has matured it shouldn’t trigger flowering - but maybe that depends on how extreme the light change is. Maybe it was ‘broscience’ ;). It didn’t sound like that tho, seems plausible.

So as you say, it’s not really surprising that the clone switched, but man, bummer about the GD :eek: Quite the cautionary tale. If I do ever try this, I’ll do it with a very short light period indoors from the start.

Also - why do you say now that it’s 3 weeks of flower for the GD? :hmmmm: Haven’t you only just now seen stigmas showing?
Man - sorry to hear about the flowering Archi. I’ve never tried starting a plant indoors - although last season I did bring them inside overnight for the first month, and I used a light when it was gloomy, but always kept it with the outside light timing.

How old is the GD again (i forget)? Someone told me once somewhere on this forum that so long as the shift in light occurs before the plant has matured it shouldn’t trigger flowering - but maybe that depends on how extreme the light change is. Maybe it was ‘broscience’ ;). It didn’t sound like that tho, seems plausible.

So as you say, it’s not really surprising that the clone switched, but man, bummer about the GD :eek: Quite the cautionary tale. If I do ever try this, I’ll do it with a very short light period indoors from the start.

Also - why do you say now that it’s 3 weeks of flower for the GD? :hmmmm: Haven’t you only just now seen stigmas showing?
Hey AG! :ciao::high-five:
Yeah so the hard lesson I’m learning, and should’ve learned with my Durban from last grow, is that mature plants are ready to flower once they sense a change in the number of hours of dark it is getting.
I was surprised as anyone when the Durban’s did it going from 18/6 to 16/8, but this was a risk I took that may not pay off.
I made a conscious decision to put Green Doctor in the 4x8 with Sheds gift cut and run a 14/10 schedule. I had to either do that, or the other recommended technique which was to increase nighttime hours by 15 minutes per week until I got close to what it was outside.
That would have taken months from a 24/0 schedule.
I found some evidence that14 hours of light is not enough to cause a plant to reveg in some cases. Especially with equatorial sativas

I fought the laws and the....laws won :(

Question is now, what’s gonna happen to the different plants lol. I’m not planning to change anything with them unless there’s something I haven’t considered.

I was looking at my seed stash and I do have a Critical Haze I could drop it I have a freshly revegged purple Durban....lol.

I say it’s three weeks because I know that’s when the lighting schedules were changed.

I usually don’t get that much stigma action the first two weeks of “flower” do y’all?

Cheers AG! I lost your dang thread again in the shuffle but I’ve missed hearing from you!
I’ll be around shortly ;):green_heart:

Nah, they still have a long way to go. I'm guessing maybe 8 more weeks or so.
Oh cause it Sour Diesel yea?
It will e interesting to see what happens for your plants and mine.
Bloomin’ hell!

I fought the laws and the....laws won :(
And then you made it funny, with a song...

GO the Durban I say :D - what light schedule is it on at the moment? It would seem a waste to throw the early flowering one into the rased bed - you could always put them both in there I guess :hmmmm: Don’t you just love having these kinds of decisions to make at the start of a grow, NOT!
You have nice stash > roll a fat one :rollit: and go gaze at the outdoor garden while you toke on it... a vision will surely come!
Don’t you just love having these kinds of decisions to make at the start of a grow, NOT!
I especially like the part where I started a new journal for this grow and it starts like this :rofl::woohoo:
You have nice stash > roll a fat one :rollit: and go gaze at the outdoor garden while you toke on it... a vision will surely come!
That’s not a bad idea.... I know one thing..:Archie veg’s at 15/9 or 16/8 from here on.
That’s the other thing is my Durban’s are still getting 20/4. I know they will freak out on me if I change their photoperiod.
2019- The year the photoperiod made Archie his biotch :rofl:
Well, look at at this way too (look at it many ways, including this ;) )... I dropped my Critical Mass seed about November 9, Candida too. I figure my NOvember is equivalent to your May. So if you consider that I lost a lot of Candida through my mishaps and some of the CMass as well, That was enough veg time to get a pretty decent plant in the same sized raised bed as you have. So dropping seeds now might be your best option. An 8-10week veg time can build a pretty good plant outside :thumb:

The year before, I dropped seeds a bit later even and then harvested 6.5 oz from a raised bed that size. Not huge I know, but better than ... (and that was without any topping or training)
These plant have a way of doing that! Lol
Haha I know right. Man you think you done figured it out but no haha
Well, look at at this way too (look at it many ways, including this ;) )... I dropped my Critical Mass seed about November 9, Candida too. I figure my NOvember is equivalent to your May. So if you consider that I lost a lot of Candida through my mishaps and some of the CMass as well, That was enough veg time to get a pretty decent plant in the same sized rapid bed as you have. So dropping seeds now might be your best option. An 8-10week veg time can build a pretty good plant outside :thumb:

The year before, I dropped seeds a bit later even and then harvested 6.5 oz from a raised bed that size. Not huge I know, but better than ... (and that was without any topping or training)
Yeah good point AG and truthfully, I’m not too concerned with yield but a nice change in strain is always welcome.

Even just 4-6 weeks of veg in the SoCal sun (DLI of about 45-50 currently) will grow a very nice size plant.
True Felipe, I’m thinking I’ll drop one just to see what we can get started.
It’s a toss up between Critical Haze and Carnival. I might drop both and keep a clone of both in case they are amazing.
An 8-10week veg time can build a pretty good plant outside
I went back and looked at my notes from last year. My quickest plant had a veg time of only 6.5 weeks (flowered for about 10 weeks): yielded 10 oz (would have been closer to 12 oz if not for some bud rot). The slowest (and tallest) had a veg time of 10 weeks (flowered for about 13.5 weeks): yielded almost 2 lbs.
Keep in mind though, that these were clones, so starting from seed I would add about 3 or 4 weeks to get to the same point the clones were when I planted.
Hey Archie, Amy , friends. OK, ya'l know i veg at 16/8 and NOT 18/6. Have been doing this for many , many grows and have NEVER had a plant bloom under those hours. Archies Durban swithched to bloom last grow after i suggested he switch from 18 to 16 . The only issue he had was that he did't START with those hrs and the two hr. decrease was enough for his Durban to revert to flowering. I still HIGHLY recomend vegging under 16/8 and NOT 18/6...it's simply a big waste of everything . Those extra 2 hrs. are simply NOT needed in a photo grow. Just remember to start the vegging at 16 and NOT 18 and all will be fine. I say this with 100% certainty! Cheers gang!
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