Welcome To Archie’s Indoor/Outdoor Perpetual Garden

Thanks Penny. I can only imagine what those roots are doing with nearly 100 gallons of soil to play in. :oops:

I just have to keep reminding myself that this is a beta test for next summer. I’ve had a few setbacks but it’s all a learning experience.
Nice outside growth and congrats on the strawberry flowers! The sun has left me here so I hope you're getting some :(.
Speaking of good news, our sick fur baby finally ate a meal. Just have to make sure she’s holding it down okay.
Hoping for continued good news...
So to me it seems more natural to extend the daylight part, when they’re not noticeably changing.
I feel like extended dark is more what the plants are expecting as "winter" approaches. Wouldn't any increase in light times tell the plants that it's spring and the days are getting longer?
Is this your first grow CK?
Thank you for the answers, I went back and looked at the upcanned pictures, that was quite a journey with the mom and cuts, and yes my first grow and cuts, my plants are flowering now and my cuts are in 1.5 gallon pots seeking the sun!
I feel like extended dark is more what the plants are expecting as "winter" approaches. Wouldn't any increase in light times tell the plants that it's spring and the days are getting longer?
Yes, but my point is; I think based on how the plants react in the dark vs the light that they get their timing info based on how long the dark period is, not based on how long the light period is. So changing the length of daylight shouldn’t effect it as much as changing the dark period in my personal opinion.

In any case I think changing it an hour or two a day either way would be the best method.

If I remember correctly, it's better to extend the wake time = longer nights. The amount of hours matter, but it's the time of day that the lights come on that makes the most difference. They don't like to wake up early. :cheesygrinsmiley:

[Edit] That might be confusing, 'cause you can do it either way, longer night or day. Just move the wake time forward, however you do it. Go from 8 to 10 to 12 to 2, etc.

Back a few pages but I'm caught up.

I'm with you on the next big outdoor season. My current plan is to finish all but one plant I have right now. I'm going to keep my candida through the summer and she'll prolly be my first occupant of the flower tent when I open it again in Oct or Nov. In the shorter term I'll be popping two Autos in August that will stay in the Auto Tent.

Rolling into next season I'll likely have 3 or 4 nice Sativas (or just one & 3-4 copies) picked for outdoor expansion. I'll need the schedule to be at least 13 on right before I move them outside right? Anyways having a few plants at 18"s - 2 feet tall will be perfect I think.

Also, since y'all were talkin bout water quality... I know here in the Springs area we get most of our water from underground springs, hence the many city names with Springs and Wells for a surname... Any ways, I know the water is treated but I'm not sure bout chlorine and such, my outdoor plants (all kinds) have no issues with the water. My yard h2o is straight off the city pipes, into the valves and out the sprinklers. Grass grows good (both kinds...) and all plants too.
After my whole long winded (typed?) explanation about how my plants react to the lighting changes, I went back and watched a months worth of video in high speed and discovered that I was wrong. They do anticipate when the lights turn on but they do also anticipate when the lights turn off just not quite as dramatically.

About a half to an hour before lights off the leaves start to slowly droop, and then when it goes dark they droop a lot faster for two hours, then slowly begin to perk back up for a couple hours, then about two hours before lights on they start praying hard again.

Very interestingly (probably only to me) as one tent progressed further through flowering they stopped showing this light anticipation behavior. Now, I’m going to have a complex and be watching it super closely everyday for absolutely no reason. ;)

Nice outs
Yes the weather was beautiful here yesterday though the sun didn’t reveal itself completely until about 9:30am
Hoping for continued good news...
I am happy to report that she appears to be well on the road to recovery. Thanks Shed!
Big roots big fruits!
:yahoo: I want a T-shirt that says that lol!
Thank you for the answers, I went back and looked at the upcanned pictures, that was quite a journey with the mom and cuts, and yes my first grow and cuts, my plants are flowering now and my cuts are in 1.5 gallon pots seeking the sun!
I’ll be interested to hear how you like working with clones. I am somewhat undecided about how I like them.
move the wake time forward, however you do it. Go from 8 to 10 to 12 to 2, etc.
Thanks Gray, that’s exactly what I’m doing. Yesterday I moved the “lights on time” to 11:30am versus 9:00am. Today lights are coming on at 1:30 pm and I’ll keep moving it up two hours or so until I get to 9pm. :high-five:
Back a few pages but I'm caught up.

I'm with you on the next big outdoor season. My current plan is to finish all but one plant I have right now. I'm going to keep my candida through the summer and she'll prolly be my first occupant of the flower tent when I open it again in Oct or Nov. In the shorter term I'll be popping two Autos in August that will stay in the Auto Tent.

Rolling into next season I'll likely have 3 or 4 nice Sativas (or just one & 3-4 copies) picked for outdoor expansion. I'll need the schedule to be at least 13 on right before I move them outside right? Anyways having a few plants at 18"s - 2 feet tall will be perfect I think.

Also, since y'all were talkin bout water quality... I know here in the Springs area we get most of our water from underground springs, hence the many city names with Springs and Wells for a surname... Any ways, I know the water is treated but I'm not sure bout chlorine and such, my outdoor plants (all kinds) have no issues with the water. My yard h2o is straight off the city pipes, into the valves and out the sprinklers. Grass grows good (both kinds...) and all plants too.
Sounds like you and I have both learned a few things already this outdoor season.
run them from sprout
Bout mid March for Seed drop then or taking clones?

Maybe a little sooner for the clones?
After my experiences with photo periods and outdoor growing cycles, I would suggest that if you have the option to start from seed at 14/10 on a schedule that closely resembles the actual sunrise and sunset you’ll be good to go.

Clones are a different animal, in my opinion and experience. They start off already the”age”of their mom. This means they are already exhibiting alternating nodes and are mature enough that a signal (false or not) that the days are getting shorter could cause them to flower.

I also had my Green Doctor start flowering when I moved her to a 14/10 schedule to try and get her ready for the natural sunrise/sunset. I had her hardened off and everything and she’s was supposed to be the star of my outside grow show.

Hope that helps!
After my whole long winded (typed?) explanation about how my plants react to the lighting changes, I went back and watched a months worth of video in high speed and discovered that I was wrong. They do anticipate when the lights turn on but they do also anticipate when the lights turn off just not quite as dramatically.

About a half to an hour before lights off the leaves start to slowly droop, and then when it goes dark they droop a lot faster for two hours, then slowly begin to perk back up for a couple hours, then about two hours before lights on they start praying hard again.

Very interestingly (probably only to me) as one tent progressed further through flowering they stopped showing this light anticipation behavior. Now, I’m going to have a complex and be watching it super closely everyday for absolutely no reason. ;)

Fascinating! I feel like I need a camera in my gate the now haha!
I’m interested by the behavior you noticed regarding their age in flower. I’ve always wondered why sometimes I’ll have the plant happy with their current level of light and they pray hard and then near the end of flower they don’t pray hard anymore. I always assumed it was old age...things start going limp :rofl:
Wonder how many people have adjusted watering schedules thinking the drooping was caused by watering mistakes.
Oh, that’d be this guy! I’ve learned to look for very subtle cues that they are getting thirsty in veg. Bottom leaves droop first,etc.
In flower, sometimes they throw a smell out, but mostly I do the finger in the soil method, taking note the time between the last feeding and when the soil needs to be moistened. Then I can water on that schedule.
I noticed the leaves drooping before lights out, I think it was the Berry Bomb. Couple few nights ago, I've read what you said about the leaves anticipating the changes.
Some strains droop hard before lights off, some plants like @Amy Gardner ’s Candida drooped in the presence of too intense sunlight.
I have a feeling this has something to do with DLI or whatever that @FelipeBlu was talking about in here.
Friday Update
Hello everyone :ciao: . I got sidetracked yesterday and forgot to share a few things. First of all, I harvested Shed’s Gift :yahoo: I basically kept the top buds for my head stash and sent the trim and everything else to the freezer for a bubble hash attempt. I’m curious about dry ice so I might try getting my (glove covered) hands on some :hookah:

These girls are all alone with just each other:

In the garage the flower tent photoperiod has been shifted by a couple hours with a lights on time of 11:30am rather than 9:00am.
In case anyone is wondering, I’m currently on an 11/13 schedule. Mostly as a test to see if this 10week Doc Green will finish noticeably faster than advertised. Saving on the electric bill helps too :Namaste:

Hope everyone has a safe and happy Flag Day!:cough:
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