Welcome To Archie’s Indoor/Outdoor Perpetual Garden

Since your plant is still small, you could shove 4 bamboo stakes (or similar) into the ground around your plant and then drape a towel over them. It would give the plant some shade while the sun is directly overhead, but still get some direct sunshine at other parts of the day.
Or "greenhouse fabric"

Relatively cheap and pretty widely available.
A layer of straw or mulch?
^^^This. Mulching helps with water retention, moderating soil temps, plus it helps keep down weeds, while conveying long term soil benefits.

There's a reason why it's the most widely recommended gardening practice by experienced gardeners.
And protect them from it as much as possible. Can you make a small shade thing to save them from some heat? Maybe you have something already... :)
I think I’ve come up with something. Thankfully, the plants looked just fine.
One of the take home lessons for me is that Id feel a lot more comfortable if I had a more mature plant going into this challenging weather next year. I haven’t been able to do Destress as a preventative measure yet. They are both on node five I believe.
Wow, it was a scorcher yesterday! Supposed to start cooling down today and tomorrow. I just water directly from my hose so I really don't know how much water I actually use. Just a feel for it after a while.

In this heat and low humidity, I believe it's better to err on the side of wetness.

Since your plant is still small, you could shove 4 bamboo stakes (or similar) into the ground around your plant and then drape a towel over them. It would give the plant some shade while the sun is directly overhead, but still get some direct sunshine at other parts of the day.
Hey Beez! Yeah it was hot the last two days here. It was still 80F at night when I went to bed last night. That wouldn’t be unusual in the hot and humid south, but I’m not used to it here.
I’ve got plenty of bamboo stakes. I’ll see what I come up with. Thanks for the idea!
Or "greenhouse fabric"

Relatively cheap and pretty widely available.
Cheers Age! I have a good deal of leftover weed prevention material. I was considering making a quick frame for it out of cheap pine and stapling the material to the frame.
The 4x4 posts that I left tall in the raised bed, they were left y’all so I could attach things like nets and shade canopies to the bed.
The weather got hot faster than I planned for but I got something for Mother Nature lol

^^^This. Mulching helps with water retention, moderating soil temps, plus it helps keep down weeds, while conveying long term soil benefits.

There's a reason why it's the most widely recommended gardening practice by experienced gardeners.
Hi there andIhalped! Thanks for the great suggestion! I know I’ve seen other growers with the straw. Do you know if there are any pitfalls with using mulch or straw? Will it affect soil ph or anything? I guess it would be nice insurance and when it’s time to top dress earth worm castings and Recharge, I could easily work around it.
Yes sir! :high-five:
In other news, I spent around six hours with my daughter and favorite chihuahua at the emergency pet hospital yesterday.

She had been throwing up all night and most of the day and her eyes looked really sad/sick.

She got some fluids and some meds to help with her upset tummy. We are seeing signs she feels better, so fingers crossed.

Aside from that, I’ve been monitoring the Green Doctor plant as she, and the veg box for that matter, was threatened by the high heat yesterday as well. My garage was in the 105F region. Best I could manage was 80F in the tent and that was with my dual hose AC screaming to keep up lol.

Oh yea, I upcanned both Durban Moms and flipped them yesterday ... for science!

This second generation of Durban’s are not showing the purple preflower sites that the Mom did but the, I don’t remember noticing them on the Mom until she really started throwing pistils out. I guess we’ll see what happens.
One thing is for sure, the mom was grown during the winter where I was staging off low temps.
When I did my outdoor long ago it had a lot of days over 100° and I never noticed a problem. They were Columbian though so might’ve been genetically adapted to the heat. I think these plants can take an awful lot of punishment, especially with the perfect soil and nutrients you’ve got.

When I did my outdoor long ago it had a lot of days over 100° and I never noticed a problem. They were Columbian though so might’ve been genetically adapted to the heat. I think these plants can take an awful lot of punishment, especially with the perfect soil and nutrients you’ve got.

I'm thinking the Durban should be able to handle som warm weather.
Thanks fellas, truth is, the young plants outside didn’t look upset at all about the heat. Real nice plants!
I am glad I gave moisture to them, I think that helped make a difference. :high-five:
Yep, they do fine as long as they are not neglected. I check on them 2 or 3 times a day during heat waves - but usually they are fine as long as the soil is moist. One of my autos actually has grown 7 inches in the past 4 days in this heat.
Yep, they do fine as long as they are not neglected. I check on them 2 or 3 times a day during heat waves - but usually they are fine as long as the soil is moist. One of my autos actually has grown 7 inches in the past 4 days in this heat.
I just went out and watered the patio plants and stuff before the sun gets ahead of them. The Critical Haze has found her footing in the soil and she is making daily progress. She appears pretty healthy and is throwing seven-bladed fans on node six. Carnival is two days behind in age and it shows. She is On node five and also appears to be working on seven bladed fans.
Yea they will go through a lot of water.
Water. Believe it or not water is the thing that almost prevented me from trying a grow outdoors in this much soil.
For now I have a trash can I use as a reservoir. I have chlorine in my water but no chloramine. I have a submersible pump and some fittings that I’d like to plumb together and water the bed like that :thumb:
I think so far my favorite thing is watching these plants largest fan leaves kinda track the sun all day long.
I have chlorine in my water but no chloramine. I have a submersible pump and some fittings that I’d like to plumb together and water the bed like that :thumb:
Or you can get something like this:
It attaches inline between my hose and the spigot.
Chlorine isn’t as bad as people let on.
I’m avoiding chlorine because I have read that chlorine can kill your beneficial bacteria and microbes. If that’s true, it would cripple the soil.

Or you can get something like this:
It attaches inline between my hose and the spigot.
That’s a good option.
Yeah! I had that on the agenda, but with the extra money I’ve invested in the bulk kit and all the earth worm castings and Pro Mix, my budget is wiped out for now.
If you dont mind me asking, what did you give about thirty forty bucks?
I think it was about $50 at my local supply store, but after my 10% discount paid about $45. You can probably find it for less online.
And here's another one that got good reviews:
Hose filter.jpg
I think it was about $50 at my local supply store, but after my 10% discount paid about $45. You can probably find it for less online.
Right on!
I use a similar filter I got on Amazon for $25, in fact just ordered another right now, this is a great reminder that it needs replacement thanks!

I have a wishlist full of stuff I’ve been forgetting to re-up on lol
And here's another one that got good reviews:
Hose filter.jpg
Ahh I have seen this one recommended before. Okay I might grab one, then I can use a soaker hose or a hose end sprayer to feed/water.
Thanks guys!
Hey archi - I was curious about the mulching option with the HBB so I went looking. Found these thoughts from Doc...
Yep. Nothing wrong with mulching. But remember, indoors/greenhouse we dictate the weather. Nothing ever dries out unless we screw up. Even so, a good mulch might do wonders. I think pumice or perhaps volcanic rock makes a good mulch, mixed with coarse bark of some sort perhaps? I've not tried mulching yet so I'm only speculating.
Mulch is fine, great even, but you may not want a really composty/fungus based mulch. Rice straw is excellent, along with a bit of Roots!. Indoors, mulch isn't a huge factor for success in my experience. EWC and recharge form a nice crust that acts a bit like a mulch....or you can disturb it and add rice straw or even volcanic rocks of small and medium sizes.
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