Welcome To Archie’s Indoor/Outdoor Perpetual Garden

I spent around six hours with my daughter and favorite chihuahua at the emergency pet hospital yesterday.
She had been throwing up all night and most of the day and her eyes looked really sad/sick.
Oof! I hope she's well on the road to recovery. I feel terrible for your daughter :(.
80F in the tent
Sounds ideal!
I upcanned both Durban Moms and flipped them yesterday ... for science!
Science! I want to see the edges of the rootball when you harvest so see how much outward growth you got. Please make a note of this :).
Or you can get something like this:
This image seems to be showing up everywhere these days ;).
And here's another one that got good reviews:
This may work on chlorine, but I have sincere doubts about it's ability to remove chloramine, from what I've read on that process.
Hi there andIhalped! Thanks for the great suggestion! I know I’ve seen other growers with the straw. Do you know if there are any pitfalls with using mulch or straw? Will it affect soil ph or anything? I guess it would be nice insurance and when it’s time to top dress earth worm castings and Recharge, I could easily work around it.
I've never heard of a downside from mulching, while it has multiple benefits, especially in hot areas. I use the leaves from my pruning, but straw works, though it doesn't provide much organic matter as it breaks down. But an upside with straw is that it's fairly persistent.

Grow on!
Oof! I hope she's well on the road to recovery. I feel terrible for your daughter :(.
Man, actually we were hoping she would eat today but so far no. I think I may have to consider taking her back if she doesn’t start eating. She is drinking and going potty, for what it’s worth.
Thanks for the concern. My daughter is definitely worried, as am I.
Sounds ideal!
Yeah I mean I’ll take it but having this thing run as often as it does....
I should have already done this but I need to change the dark period to daytime.
Any reason giving them an extended dark period would create a problem?
I want to see the edges of the rootball
Sure thing, but now I wish I’d taken pics of the roots prior to upcanning.

Yes this! 80F is perfect!
I like 80F for daytime and 68-70 nighttime.
With this heat wave, I’ll take what I can get haha cheers!
I've never heard of a downside from mulching, while it has multiple benefits, especially in hot areas. I use the leaves from my pruning, but straw works, though it doesn't provide much organic matter as it breaks down. But an upside with straw is that it's fairly persistent.

Grow on!
Thanks I’ll look closer at getting some mulch on there or some straw. I thought perhaps maybe they might affect soil ph one way or another is why I asked.
No problem. I believe extended dark is the way to adjust the timer rather than extended light. Not sure I'd do it all at once, but many put their plants in 24 or 48 hours of dark on day one of flip!
I’d essentially be giving them just one 24 hour period of darkness. Currently lights on is 9am to 8pm. 11/13 cycle.
So you'd go from lights off at 8pm to lights on at 8pm the following night. Sounds like a plan if you want to do it all at once.
I would like to do it that way, yes. You have perhaps a different suggestion?
It seems you might be suggesting I shift the photoperiod over a couple of days maybe?
Say have lights go from 12 pm on to 12 am off
Then next day lights on 3pm on 3am off,etc. Until I get to 8pm? Is that what you meant?

I can do it either way. If slowly changing the actual photoperiod is safer and less likely to cause a problem, that’s the solution I need.

Thanks for the help Shed. :high-five:
Chlorine seems to be a hot topic lately :cheesygrinsmiley:
Is this being discussed elsewhere?
If I were in something other than hydro or LOS, I probably wouldn’t care much about chlorine. Actually, maybe even hydro is ok.
Pretty much it would seem synthetic nutrients in coco or soil could probably care less about microbial life, right?
Yeah, I see your point. It’s not often the sun doesn’t come up for twenty four hours, Aside from an Alaska scenario lol.

Well, I am convinced. I will start shifting the photoperiod schedule back three hours per day that way they ease into the transition better.
Good news is the heat wave appears to have subsided a little. That’s great news because the outdoor girls are ready to grow.

Speaking of good news, our sick fur baby finally ate a meal. Just have to make sure she’s holding it down okay. :nervous-guy:
Wednesday Update

Hi everyone! I decided to share some pics of the flower tent today and I’ll update the outdoor plants tomorrow at sunrise.
If you missed it, I have upcanned and flipped the two Durban cuttings and Is estimate about three weeks give or take for Green Doctor.
I’m happy that I am out in front of the Durban’s this go around. Last cycle she flowered somewhat unexpectedly and she displayed some pretty hectic mid-bloom fade.

Here we are:

Thank you DD and :welcome:! Make yourself at home.
I appreciate the compliments about the grow and I am breathing a sigh of relief at the moment about the puppy.
I’m not excited to watch my daughters heart break, and believe me, she would take it hard if the unthinkable were to happen.
have upcanned and flipped the two Durban cuttings a
How long did you veg the DP cuts? Even though they are a genetic copy of the mom will they also stretch in veg or do they differ and stay a bit small?
I like how you are LST the cuts, I think I'll try that with mine, although they are quite small and only about 10 days in coco since the jiffy pods.
I personally think that because the plant makes it’s flowering hormones or whatever at night that an extended day would be better. Also my plants droop during the dark but perk up an hour or two before the light turns on. They never seem to anticipate the lights going off in a similar way.

How long did you veg the DP cuts? Even though they are a genetic copy of the mom will they also stretch in veg or do they differ and stay a bit small?
I like how you are LST the cuts, I think I'll try that with mine, although they are quite small and only about 10 days in coco since the jiffy pods.

Oh and did you top the DP cuts like normal, after the 5th or 6th node?
Hi again CK :passitleft:

Okay lol... these two cuts of Durban were a major test of patience.
The original plant started flowering on me inadvertently during a photoperiod shift. I saw she had purple pre-flowers and decided to take four cuts just in case she turned out amazing.

That was in February. The plant was harvested, dried, and cured before the cuttings ever even started putting out new growth :oops:

That was roughly two months later. Finally, I saw new growth and upcanned to one gallon containers on April 22

As for the training, I didn’t top them at all. If you’ll check your cuts closely, they have alternating nodes (once the mother reaches about thirty days old). That’s what kept me from topping them. If you look closely at the soil line on my pics, it almost looks like it was topped right there but it’s just the branching of the clone.
They’re going to be an entirely new plant just with the DNA of the plant it came from! They’ll stretch just like normal so plan accordingly :thumb:
Last indoor harvest for me was the first time I grew a cutting and flowered it. The cutting yielded about 5zips in a ten gallon container. The mother, in a three gallon container, yielded about three zips.

Thanks for the questions, it’s nice to finally have some answers to things!

Is this your first grow CK?
I personally think that because the plant makes it’s flowering hormones or whatever at night that an extended day would be better. Also my plants droop during the dark but perk up an hour or two before the light turns on. They never seem to anticipate the lights going off in a similar way.


If I were to give them an extended day, after already flipping them, I imagine problems could happen like potential hermies. Perhaps I misunderstood you?
If I were to give them an extended day, after already flipping them, I imagine problems could happen like potential hermies. Perhaps I misunderstood you?
Not sure, I’ve never done it. I just personally think extending the day seems better to me than extending the night. That’s how I would do it at least.

The reason I think this is, I have cameras in my tents, after lights out they start to droop for about 2 hours then stay drooped for about 8 hours then they start to pray towards the light again for the last 2 hours before lights on. So they know when to expect the lights to turn back on.

During lights on period the plants don’t really change much at all, they just pray all day. So to me it seems more natural to extend the daylight part, when they’re not noticeably changing.

Not sure if any if that made sense. But that’s my 2¢.

I get what you’re saying now. But just so we’re on the same page, they are in flower already. Green Doc has been in flower since mid-April. If I give extended light, they might freak out if they aren’t still getting at least 12 hours of dark right?

That was why Shed suggested slowly ‘shifting’ the entire photoperiod back in increments rather than just abruptly changing it.

I think if I turn on the lights three hours later today (but still give them their 11/13 photoperiod) they should ease into the new schedule. Then a couple days later I can move the photoperiod back a few more hours, until I get to where I want the lights on period to start.

Maybe the canna oil in my coffee is effing up my ability to explain myself lol.
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