Welcome To Archie’s Indoor/Outdoor Perpetual Garden

Why is it so difficult for me to buy a decent 6 inch , clip on, oscillating fan????
I have looked high and low, many times and no luck. The good one i have was sent to me by an old member Duddy PA....
It's still going strong after 3-4 years...
I have the same question. I think every one of us would at least try one if 1 they could find it and 2 they worked. I'd love a few of them.
Yup, it's known for that. Simon put a warning out years ago when he made it. Even some carbon filters can't clean it properly......AK 47 from Serious Seeds....:thumb::thumb:
Wondering if that's why my shed seems a little extra stinky with this group. The 2 Strawberry AKeil may be the culprit.

I gotta get my nose up close to them next time I go out there.
That AK is a smelly one in flower. It's the reason my neighbor complained!
Ahh! That explains it lol. She smells great, just a little loud haha.
:rofl: Wouldn’t be the same without you AG!
Yup, it's known for that. Simon put a warning out years ago when he made it. Even some carbon filters can't clean it properly......AK 47 from Serious Seeds....:thumb::thumb:
Hope the smoke is good, she’s getting me all excited and then she’s gonna reveg on me. :laugh:
Mine's from 420, and you can smell it 60 feet away!
Yea you ain’t kidding. Lucky I got relatively cool neighbors...so far. We’ll see what they think about two full blown Sativas here in a couple months lol.
Wondering if that's why my shed seems a little extra stinky with this group. The 2 Strawberry AKeil may be the culprit.

I gotta get my nose up close to them next time I go out there.
Your Shed is just full off amazing flowers in general buddy.
Huh, look at that, autocorrect capitalized Shed. :rofl:
Just for the record, P is growing in a temple no matter how he refers to it in posts.
It really is my Temple... I love it in there.
I refer to it as my shed because my shed wouldn't look the way it does without Shed showing me what to do @InTheShed
Hey man I get it, Temple of Bloom, Cypress Hill, lots of blunts... I’m jelly :bongrip:
Also a huge Indiana Jones fan too! LoL

It was the trifecta for naming my grow house.

Had a tour guide in Thailand, a young boy who showed us around all the touristy shit. Tour Guide
Anyhow... he thought my name was literally Dr. Jones. LoL

We had laughs over that all day long
Also a huge Indiana Jones fan too! LoL

It was the trifecta for naming my grow house.

Had a tour guide in Thailand, a young boy who showed us around all the touristy shit. Tour Guide
Anyhow... he thought my name was literally Dr. Jones. LoL

We had laughs over that all day long
It’s Data from the Goonies :rofl: that’s right he was in Temple of Doom wasn’t he?

Dude that’s a hilarious story!
Yeah I think I got the chunkiest they make, I’m very pleasantly surprised with it so far.


Good to know it works okay, I’m about a two gallon bucket away from washing this hydroton and giving it a shot. How do you like to start your seeds for hempy? I’ve got some root riot plugs.
And there you have it.

No, archi i havent done hempy yet. I may do a small 1 gallon just to see. Not sure when tho.
Groovy Age, you should try it with coco and maybe perlite in the reservoir. You’d be right at home in a bucket like that. Word of caution, my research has led me to believe 1gallon buckets will have you watering at least once a day once that plant starts chugging.

You guys aren’t lazy enough for hempy. It takes special skills to do absolutely nothing but feed and water every two to three days. :rofl:

But,I can be lazier, I promise! Haha.
I’m just looking to experiment, who knows it might be my next favorite method.
Nevermind that it has no minerals, microbes, or magic :laugh:
I did 5 gallons of coco perlite, 50/50, at once a day the pot got light, id read at least once s day for coco cause it dries out fast and should stay moist. That is the ULH btw, and the Kush Auto before her. I tried straight coco to help maintain moisture but there seems little difference, just one more product to add in the mix. Maybe a true side by side is in order.
I did 5 gallons of coco perlite, 50/50, at once a day the pot got light, id read at least once s day for coco cause it dries out fast and should stay moist. That is the ULH btw, and the Kush Auto before her. I tried straight coco to help maintain moisture but there seems little difference, just one more product to add in the mix. Maybe a true side by side is in order.
For science! :slide:
I start in straight water soaked perlite with plastic wrap on top of a small hempy cup to keep the water from evaporating before it sprouts.

Ahh man I may have to try that if I end up with some perlite. I like the solo hempy cups haha. Is it any trouble to ‘upcan’ them to larger buckets?

I’m gonna give this ol’ hydroton a shot.
I put a couple more of those Green Doctor beans in some water. My soil has about three weeks or so to cook. I’m getting along with Root Riots at the moment so I’ll keep with that for a bit. Once I see roots I’ll put them in the buckets. Best looking plant is likely to get cloned.
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