Welcome To Archie’s Indoor/Outdoor Perpetual Garden

That Durban from your last grow was beautiful! And congratulations on the NOTM! Well deserved!
Thanks Canuckush! I had a blast growing her. She has proven to be fairly sensitive to any changes in photoperiod. She was incidentally triggered to flower when I moved her from 18/6 to 16/8. That was enough to cause her to flower but it worked out great because she harvested about two weeks before everything else!

Thanks for the kind words, I think I’m still in shock that I won.
So many great strains to try.... :goof:
Nah....all the DP ive ever had there was a really strong 'anise' flavor...it's one of the trademarks of that strain...very recognizable from any other . I am very disappointed in the two i grew out. Like i said, i wanted that flavor ....and IMO the breeder failed to deliver. Seems like everyone growing it these days has different outcomes....that's cuz its become a very 'butchered' strain.
I have a couple three gallon fabric bags, I’d just have to decide what medium to grow them in.

If it were me I'd be going for coco/ perlite or straight hempy. The water/ feed demand is twice a day in my experience. I've never done hempy but from what I've seen it's not as forgiving as coco.

I think either of those methods would allow you to maximize the container size. I've grown the ULH Auto 2 times now and the comparative difference is substantial.
Haha! Hi AG :ciao: I’ve been reading our conversation about the raised bed about a hundred times. I might be ready. As someone who has mentioned, the difficulty with timing, would you recommend doing two strains in my bed? That sounds weird.. raised bed...I wouldn’t know what to do with two of anything in my bed :rofl:
Licorice terps would be cool!
That would be really cool. I’m interested for some mango tasting herb at some point as I love me some mangoes.
So many great strains to try.... :goof:
Not enough time! That’s why I love growing with you guys and girls. I’ll likely never get to try some of the strains you guys run and vice versa.
I do find myself gravitating towards more of the classics like Durban and Super Lemon Haze because in a lot of cases either I’ve never had it, or I have had it and want to see if I can do better lol.
I’m not opposed to crazy crosses or anything but I see those as something I’d like to grow once I find the strains I like that are likely parents of some of the newer crosses. If that makes sense. The rest of this year and most of next is going to have a ton of haze going in my journal.
I blame Penny
We'll never come close lol
Speaking of!:yahoo:
Haha I’m kidding but yea they are probably making more crosses a year than we can grow lol.
But...let it be known...my recently harvested DP , from CKS did NOT taste anything like wat Archie is sayin.
Mine is nice , as it's been curing and the taste HAS improved but was very dissapointed it didn't get that 'anise' flavor i was desperately hoping for. Pfft!..
Yeah that’s a pisser Duggs. It really makes me want to cry every time a strain gets muddied.
Hard to find good heirlooms
My next seed order will likely be from ACE.
They seem to be one of the more reputable places to get some of the more untouched landrace strains.
If it's got the word "flag" in it I'm sure there's a NASCAR race somewhere in the states! DrD better be checking his local listings.

Said every stockholder ever...
Pffft! :rofl: Hilarious man.
If it were me I'd be going for coco/ perlite or straight hempy. The water/ feed demand is twice a day in my experience. I've never done hempy but from what I've seen it's not as forgiving as coco.

I think either of those methods would allow you to maximize the container size. I've grown the ULH Auto 2 times now and the comparative difference is substantial.
I have tried coco before for a couple of cycles and I’m comfy with it. In a way, I’d like to revisit coco because I think I can water better than I did when I was in coco and I understand better how to build roots.
On the other hand, hempy is a style that I like. I almost took the plunge the other day and bought some perlite. It looked a little too chunky to my eyes and I wasn’t sure if it would work. That’s the only reason I didn’t get it.

You tried hempy before Age?
wouldn’t know what to do with two of anything in my bed :rofl:
:rofl: Are you partnered to an amazon? :hmmmm:

I think two in a raised bed is fine if they both have similar flowering times. The timing thing was just about the Cat drenches and I had a fast flowering plant and one that turned out to be not only longer to finish but very slow to start so that stuffed me up (but it didnt really ruin anything). Stoney Memoirs said he runs plants together in the same bed a lot - just have to choose compatibly times plants cause to cat drench is to cat drench everything in the bed.

SO I’d say if they’re going to stay smallish, becasue they got planted later than you’d planned, then 2 sativas should be fine IMO.
SO I’d say if they’re going to stay smallish, becasue they got planted later than you’d planned, then 2 sativas should be fine IMO.
I’ve thought about it and I’m gonna go for it. I am fortunate that I have more than enough supply that I can experiment. Experience is the best teacher right?
I’d like to transplant them soon but their roots just hit the bottoms of the cup. I’ll likely just let them have a couple nice wet dry cycles then transplant but they are living outdoors full time.

We officially, and finally :hookah:, have an outdoor grow! I guess technically Shed’s Gift is an outdoor girl yeah? Speaking of, I cant tell if she’s revegging or still flowering. She continues to stink oh so nicely and though I thought she was putting out new growth I may have spoke too soon.
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