Welcome To Archie’s Indoor/Outdoor Perpetual Garden

Good lookin soil
What I didn’t show was the sweat fest that ensues once I start hydrating and mixing it. :D Yeah it’s ProMix as the base, the Unco worm castings, and Docs soil amendment. :thumb:

Sure man, checked my calendar and only thing it says is Flag Day. I’m sure we can fit something in between all those festivities. :rofl:

I work at home so I usually around.

Flag Day festivities :laugh:
Monday Update
Hey everyone lots of stuff to share.
The weather appears to be clearing and we should have some nicer temps and sun in the upcoming week.
Sheds Gift is up first.

The new seedlings are up and loving the sun.

The Durban Moms and cuts. They had just been foliar fed so they look a little rough. The larger plant, Durban 1.2, has yet to give any cuts yet and I might flower her because she’s almost nearly drinking daily and why not lol.

The cuts were taken and rooted with just Roots! and 1/4 strength Destress foliar.
I tried a new way to clone that I haven’t tried before. It worked, but I think I need more practice. As I started removing the domes for 30 on and 30 off they looked great. Once I got up to 60 minutes off and 30 on, they started looking kinda sad.
At that point I just kinda winged it and they look alive. Not much else to say. Lol. Any advice on cloning is welcome. It is something I aspire to become a little better at.

Green Doctor got a cat drench yesterday :oops: She’s got a unique scent to her flowers that I’ve not experienced before necessarily. She doesn’t smell of Lemon like her parent does. Not different in bad way mind you.

For those of you following, you’ll remember my troubles with ordering seeds the last couple weeks. I finally got an order completed through Seedsman.
My best friend ran the Mexican Airlines autoflower and he says it’s phenomenal. It is supposed to be all sativa. Here’s what I ordered:


I also got Seedsmans Cheese and Bruce Banger as freebies.
Well, that’s about it. Hope everyone has had a great day!
I’ve been waiting for someone to run Mexican Airlines. Should be a solid strain.
I’m not an autoflower guy anymore but if it’s as good as it looks on paper...
I’m going to grow it out while I’m vegging my next tent grow.
I don’t do autos often but there’s some good ones out there.
Yeah, I’ve yet to run any gear from FastBuds so I’m gonna give it a go. I got three beans and Ill probably pop all three.
I feel like I’m looking for something specific in Blue Dream so I might pop them too just to see what I’ve got.

I’ve got some work to do though before next cycle. I’ve decided to renovate the 4x8 a little by creating different sections for flower and veg/clone. I’ve got to figure out the best way to set up airflow but I think I’ve got a basic floor plan for it.
Shouldn’t be hard to set up ventilation
Yeah, it shouldn’t be. I’m likely going to need to construct some way to pull air from whichever space I decide to control the climate. That much I know.
To be honest, there are so many options I haven’t stopped on a design that really stands out to me.
Nice Seeds you got picked out. Ive heard Think Different, is an eye opener for auto growers. Lookin forward to seeing that Mexi, when you gonna hatch that one?
Likely as soon as I can get it. :)
Late to the game, curious about the DP cuts, yours are looking great! I've just recently taken my first cuts from my first ever grow, also DP's. I'm going to tag along and learn some stuff!
That Sour Diesel from Humboldt Seeds is essentially that same one I grew last year. Mine was a clone from Dark Heart Nursery, but they work closely with Humboldt Seeds and get most of their starter stock from them. Maybe you should put that one outdoors - mine got to 82 inches. Now you have a target to shoot for. ;)
Im waiting for some room in the Auto tent then im poppin a HiJack from Auto Seeds and i also got blackberry kush auto as well as that other. Im thinkin 7 gsllon for the DP Super Autos.
I have a couple three gallon fabric bags, I’d just have to decide what medium to grow them in.
Late to the game, curious about the DP cuts, yours are looking great! I've just recently taken my first cuts from my first ever grow, also DP's. I'm going to tag along and learn some stuff!
:welcome: Canuckush! I’m a very self critical person, so know that I’m not bragging here but more proud than anything, but here is the Durban that I recently grew out and won Nug of the Month last month.

When she started flowering, I saw that her preflowers were purple. I immediately took a few cuts and they took a good deal of time to reveg. I’m fact, I had already harvested the plant and dried and cured it before it started new vegetative growth. I’ll keep one as a Mom for a little while most likely. I am planning to flower the bigger of the two Moms, Durban 1.2.

Really glad to have you here mate! Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you have any and feel free to share your plants with us. Cheers:high-five:
If you like Sativa leaners the Brooklyn Sunrise is very nice auto. Big yields, gassy terps and classic Sativa high.
Ahh that’s right, you ran that a while ago. Totally fell off my radar. I’m going to try to run a hell of a lot more sativas going forward. I still enjoy an occasional heavy indica and when the months turn cooler I’d like to try and run a couple Night Queens from Dutch Passion. I picked those up last November but they are the auto version. I’m also hanging on to Instakush from Ministry of Cannabis.
That Sour Diesel from Humboldt Seeds is essentially that same one I grew last year. Mine was a clone from Dark Heart Nursery, but they work closely with Humboldt Seeds and get most of their starter stock from them. Maybe you should put that one outdoors - mine got to 82 inches. Now you have a target to shoot for. ;)
I’ll admit, your plant was what reminded me that I want to try Sour Diesel as I’ve never had it. Sounds like I picked a good breeder! I know their Blue Dream Is a popular one.
I’ll brag for you, I’ve smoked it, it truly is awesome. I’ve smoked a dozen forgettable kinds since but can still remember exactly what your Durban tasted like. I can’t wait to grow a cut (not that I really have any room for it).

Haha dude your too kind man! Cheers!:passitleft:
If you don’t have room right now, it’s not a big deal. I’ll be keeping a cut around for a while. It’s been highly requested from my son and his buddies down there so I’m gonna run her again. This time I’ll have a chance to train her a little better for hopefully higher yields. I think I got right around four zips dried if memory serves... which it usually doesn’t.
But yea her smell and flavor are unique to anything I’ve ever held in my hand. It’s the anise smell she gives off. :drool:
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