Welcome To Archie’s Indoor/Outdoor Perpetual Garden

I’d roll with Mr Nice if you do run it.
Yea I’m having a hard time narrowing down my cart right now haha.
Hey Arch...I feel like I should give a little update on that OA place...the shipping was expensive, but I have been getting constant updates in my email...and it is very clear tracking from FedEx....looks like I should see that A5 in two days. My Ace order left Spain on the 9th and no sign or no word since. Every day I peek in my mailbox fingers crossed. With OA...I definitely wouldn't hesitate to order again.
Thanks Seedling. I’m gonna have a look again and see what’s shaking over there. :high-five:
Right now for a Haze I'd go Ace or Mr Nice
Dude my cart at Seedsman is looking pretty awesome but when I place my order, the bitcoin exchange is being held for 72 hours and Seedsman cancels the order after 20 minutes :lot-o-toke: Wtf?
My A5 Killer Haze i didn't 'top' is going to have a massive main cola.....i'm thinkin 7 weeks left too...:passitleft:
I was surprised you decided to grow that one untrained.
Thursday Update
Alright everyone well, the sun is not shining. I picked a good spring to have photoperiod issues lol.
Here is the current happenings:
Durban cuts have all made it through the dome technique that @beez0404 uses. One of the cuts is less enthusiastic about having the dome completely removed, but it’s sink or swim time here and she looks like she’ll make it.

The Durban Moms. The one on the right is getting a drink as I type this.

The newest addition and the next hopeful:

Finally, the Green Doc. She’s starting to put some funk out now.

Yesterday, I failed to report, I mixed up a new run of DBHBB. Hopefully it will be cooked by the time these seedlings need a new home.
I also finished cooking my soil from the last harvest and it went straight out to the raised bed so I can fill that to the top. :thumb:
Dude my cart at Seedsman is looking pretty awesome but when I place my order, the bitcoin exchange is being held for 72 hours and Seedsman cancels the order after 20 minutes :lot-o-toke: Wtf?

I was surprised you decided to grow that one untrained.
Ya...me too_Only reason i knew i could get away with it was cuz she was the smallest and slowest growing , so....thought i would see wat i could do with her.
Not all of Cali


The summer gold has come on fast.
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