Wedding Pi & Some Other Kinds, Winter 2020

Well, things have continued to bulk up and frost out. I ordered an bunch of Fem seeds for my next grow, excited for them to come and to start an mom of each type. More on that when we get the seeds sprouted, lol.
Here are the two ladies...

hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

April 1 update - Trichs are turning cloudy, we are 50ish days into flower. These girls are thick and needed to be stabilized this morning, their colas are trying to fall over! Here is a little sample!
Hello Ganja gang! Happy Friday to all! Been home for a week and a half due to CV19, so spent more time than normal in the garden, but all I spend my time in there doing is smoking up and thinking about a bigger grow room. I have the space to double the room size, but limited on power. So, the imagining goes on:)

Here is a couple photos of one of the colas I am excited to devour once complete. Based on her cloudiness, and the fact that I started the flush with yesterday's watering, I think we should be good to chop on 420!

Check her out and have a great day!

She looks gorgeous. Why not feed to the finish though? Just wondering having noticed you doing it before. Surely watching them cannibalise their own leaves for nutrition is an indication they need a feed? I may be reading that wrongly. A K boost in the last two weeks for example is known to increase terpenes. You grow beautiful plants. It seems a shame if you are not getting the best out of them.
:peace: :yummy:
She looks gorgeous. Why not feed to the finish though? Just wondering having noticed you doing it before. Surely watching them cannibalise their own leaves for nutrition is an indication they need a feed? I may be reading that wrongly. A K boost in the last two weeks for example is known to increase terpenes. You grow beautiful plants. It seems a shame if you are not getting the best out of them.
:peace: :yummy:
Good looking out! I use MOAB and CannaBoost, at diluted strengths to flush. So I guess its not a total flush, just a stoppage of the other items inthe Canna line. Thank you for your input, do you think I should be giving more? I try to balance between burnt tips and happy plants, lol:)
do you think I should be giving more?
Not at all, Jesse. I mean, I’m glad she isn’t starving. You know your plants, conditions and products not me.
I just wanted to clarify your use of the word flush that’s all. Perhaps saying they are on their final feed formula would be more accurate, though harder on the thumbs and I appreciate that alliteration isn’t for everyone. Up to you.
Don’t get sick.
Hi! Well, this grow turned out well, but not as strong as one would normally like. It’s good, don’t get me wrong, but we smoke full time, so it’s better as edibles or gifts. Smoke is smoothe and mellow, cure was faster than I expected. Thank you for taking a few minutes to have checked this journal out while on this awesome site.

Coming soon, new journal, new lights, better photos, better strains! Sound too good to be true? It’s shouldn’t be, Ive spent some time and energy in making things closer to ideal in that space. I removed the ceiling and built a new one 14 inches higher. Distributed power in a better way using power conditioners. Swapped out the 150 HPS for the 600w mh/HPS...And more. All of the LEDs are headed out, CMH fixtures are on the way. Dutch and Oregon Genetics, from stable genetics. Hope to see you there. Link coming in a few weeks. Happy Memorial Day, thank you to those who made today what it is.

Cheers to them and cheers ti
Hey all, I have a new journal for my new grow, hope to catch you there! I’ll update my signature soon, here is a link for the time being!

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