Well I did not pull nothing yet looking for a few more amber to get me in harvest mode. Grandpa Glue is growing nice also. Clones are perking up, hope to grab pics soon.

The bigger one on the right gets a new home tomorrow. I culled the small one in the middle. I plan to cut some more starts from my mom now.
Here is the Durban 100% went into cobs. Little sample will be tested this weekend. That's both laid out at the end.

Both. A little pinch in lip like chew in morning with coffee set's you up for the whole day. I really like it. You just have to be careful not to munch to much.
Still alive, been a stupid summer here. Had no grows and managed to keep the moms all alive also.

Going to go learn a bit tomorrow Organic Cup
That’s awesome JM. Good to hear from you! I really wish I could’ve gone to that event as well.
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