Wedding Pi & Some Other Kinds, Winter 2020

Very nice! I'm late but I'll make space in the back if you don't mind me following along :popcorn:
Hi Modest! Thank you for being here, I’m happy to have ya!
Looking good long time no see. :passitleft: :nerd-with-glasses:
Howdy Scrogster! Yes sir long time! I’m glad to see you, and now gonna have to dive into your signature;)
Well a few more days, a big storm, and a power outage...and even through that, these beauties keep on growing! We are getting pretty close to as wide as we can before we will loose mobility in the garden, so it’s time to take a few handfuls of clones, and hop into flower! Gonna sanitize all my gear tonight and take cuttings tomorrow. Here is the ladies are looking now. 3 of six are positively ladies, should be 6 of 6 but you never know until the pistils pop!

So close to flower!
Wedding Cake.....Was the name you were looking for....Looking great by the way.....
Thanks for input, but this is the Wedding Pi, lol. I explain why in the intro:)
Welcome to Monday! We flipped to flower this morning, and hopefully not too late! These plants are drinking so much water every day I get a workout hauling it to them:). I took about 20 clones from the wedding Pi, and cleaned up the lower leaves to promote under canopy air flow. Watering tomorrow will get the first Flower nutes and supplements. It’s about to get Hairy!

Thank you for stopping by, happy gardening!!

The clones I took are doing pretty well. I was hoping for 6 successful ones to start a 2x3 SOG, and based on these lovely ladies, we should be just fine to start it. All of the clones are from the Wedding Pi girls, which seem to have 2 slightly different phenos. One tall
and one bushy and short:)
Well, there was enough clones to go 3 wide by 3 deep. Once all were potted it was time for the first defoliation of flower. Always makes me nervous to get rid of that much, but I don’t want to waste time with the Larfy lowers anyways!

Have a great day!
Hello and welcome to March! Today marks 20 days into flower, and we are in full bloom! The last week has shown big pistil growth. The Gorilla Bomb girls are really kicking ass. Their stalks are thick, the buds are filling in nicely, and they are the tallest in the grow. The funny thing here is that the smallest plant in the grow is the short pheno and it’s short and chunky.

Next is the Wedding Pi:). She is strong but a little lanky so far. I hope to see big fat nuggets fill in the gaps and end up with a chunky plant, and my 9 clones are all from the wedding Pi.

Im really happy with the frost level, and after the next defoliation, I’m sure they will get thick.

Last but not least in the grow room is the Pounder. This is such an odd plant to me. It’s started out mutant, grows with different and weird leaf patterns. It could absolutely be a male, but so far it not convinced me. In the last few days it has started pumping out crystals and pistils, but previously looked like it was showing signs of boy parts. Typical indicators like looking for balls or hairs at the nodes literally never shows up. Still none. Check it out.

The clones are growing fast, topped them yesterday and already their bushing out. I’ll add pictures next update.
Well, some days bring great news, others not so much. This was one of the “others”

went out to the grow room this morning and immediately saw a patch of naners on the Pounder, not too surprised, but bummed. I removed it from the tent and chopped it. Upon further investigation I found that both of the wedding pi plants had a dozen or so locations that looked like they were gonna be naners as well. I carefully cut of and opened up a few, full of naners. Pulled the wedding pi and chopped them too. Unfortunately, that means that all of the clones are doomed as well so down to 3 plants now. Shouldn’t have used bag seeds in the first place.

So off we go, 3 plants left and a bunch of reality. Time to start the next seed hunt, any suggestions?
...Bubba Hash from Ace has been a consistent crowd pleaser' from both Indica and Sativa lover's...something to consider...cheerz.... :high-five: ...h00k...:hookah:...
Thank you h00k!

In life I try to lead with a positive attitude and here is no different. The gorilla bomb plants that remain are looking splendid. They have stopped stretching with about 6-8” remaining below the lights. The buds are about a foot long, and if anything like last time, they should fill in pretty darn well. Here is a couple photos from this morning after watering.

Hopefully they stay strong and finish heavy:)

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