Waywardwayne's Kiwi OG + Thin Mint Kiwi Get To Know Me Journal

Most of the garden waiting on the clouds to float on and let the sunshine hit.


And here’s the grapes n’ crème


The sour patch kids


Kiwi og outdoors


With company


Kiwi thinmints make an appearance



And finally sprouts of bubba brunch, dark soul and rainbow unicorn, none of which are guaranteed to make it or be female.



Highya Wayne,

They look very frosty! Nice job. They're still putting out white pistils, so they must have a ways to go. Are you growing outdoors? You know about stoner's memory?!? I'm the poster child!! Happy Smokin'
Highya Wayne,

They look very frosty! Nice job. They're still putting out white pistils, so they must have a ways to go. Are you growing outdoors? You know about stoner's memory?!? I'm the poster child!! Happy Smokin'
Growing outdoors for the most part. Indoors when it’s rainy. For just that one plant. All others are full time outdoors, for now. Yeah can’t wait to see what it makes. It’s getting kinda big for just one bud. It’s got a month or 6 weeks for sure. It’s only been flowering for two or three weeks.
I bring to the high court today the case of Wayne vs. sour patch kids and the strangler kiwi. The defendant is charged with two (2) counts of reckless endangerment against a plant and one (1) count of negligent herbicide.

The victims will speak for themselves. Without further delay, let us share with high court, the evidence.

Exhibits A. B. And C


Here we can observe the damage Mr.Wayne inflicted on our first victim. Circled is the extent of the split in the main trunk. It measured between 3.5 to 4 inches.


The court appointed herbalist has determined that everywhere from the red line up has been negativity impacted by the truck being split. It’s not known whether that branch will make it.


In exhibit c the red marking highlights the branch that may die.

In light of this evidence Mr.Wayne will be found guilty. 😐

For the heinous crime of negligent herbicide and the second count of reckless endangerment the super high court is presented with Mr.Wayne’s own testimony and a photo that is being submitted as evidence.

Exhibit 3


We can see here that a leaf has turned itself over. It turned in less than 10 minutes.

From Mr.Wayne: “I was spraying some electrical contact cleaner spray on something and it overshot and covered the plant. As soon as it happened I sprayed it off with water. But it was too late.”

The court has come to a verdict. After considering all the exhibits and testimony from the herbalist and Mr.Wayne the court pronounces the defense guilty.

He will be sentenced to hard labor clearing trees and stacking firewood forever. Case dismissed.

Also to note.


This grapes n’ crème or do si do, whichever it is, is doing great. Gonna probably bring it inside to start flower early. Then back outside when the days are shorter or just keep it in to harvest. I think it’s the perfect size for a 2x2 right now.
There is a tie towards the top. If you look to the right of your circle, it’s there about an inch. It’s just covered by a leaf mostly. I wanted to bend it more but I had just split another plant down the middle and was being overly cautious. I’ll put one further out and crank it down more tonight before the sun is down. Thanks for the advice shed.

Edit* I think I get what you’re saying now. Remove the middle so it bows instead of a straight shot?
I'm not here to tell you what to do..(hiding the whip an restraints)..perhaps you should get something round and utilize the curve to help shape the stem and minimizing any chance of snapping/injuring the plant during the initial training.
When I'm bending stems I use a pen or soup can to mold that branch into the curve shape I desire before tie off. Hope this Makes sense? 🤔
I'm not here to tell you what to do..(hiding the whip an restraints)..perhaps you should get something round and utilize the curve to help shape the stem and minimizing any chance of snapping/injuring the plant during the initial training.
When I'm bending stems I use a pen or soup can to mold that branch into the curve shape I desire before tie off. Hope this Makes sense? 🤔

Thanks for the tips. I think a highlighter would have been perfect for this one. I never even thought about using anything like that. When the stem is low and I bend it I use a rock to help.

The problem with this plant is that I tried to bend too much, I had just laid the other stem out the opposite way. It created a twisting force.

I’m definitely learning here and appreciate all the tips and advice. When I grew before I only topped, nothing else. So any training is pretty uncharted to me. After my last few plants haven’t really branched out much I want to help get the yield up a little, try new things. There’s been some great help here for me.
Highya WWayne,

I had a big lady split right down the middle. I could put her back together by lashing cord around the main stem like you did. It only went half way down, though. It was over 7 feet tall though. Anyways, she kept on like nothing happened. They are resilient! Hope you have the same kind of results. Happy Smokin'
Highya WWayne,

Looks like a calcium deficiency on the leaves with the dead brown patches. I hope you're close to harvesting. I've used Calcium Carbonate with success. One with all the trichomes looks nearly ready for harvest. Pistils are turning brown. How much more time you think? Happy Smokin'
Highya WWayne,

Looks like a calcium deficiency on the leaves with the dead brown patches. I hope you're close to harvesting. I've used Calcium Carbonate with success. One with all the trichomes looks nearly ready for harvest. Pistils are turning brown. How much more time you think? Happy Smokin'
Those are three different plants. One with spots got sprayed with contact cleaner. That’s why it looks like that. The other one is the kiwi og that I will harvest. I think it has at least three to six weeks. I think it’s only been flowering for three weeks to a month. I think she might even be pregnant though I have no males and no apparent herm.
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