Water Only Entire Grow Organic Soil 800W LED

Almost met my maker today guys, was traveling i495 northbound in passing lane doing 80mph just going to worthis morning at 530am in Hopkington Massachusetts exit 22 all of a sudden I saw someone coming so fast at me doing at least 100 going the wrong way I had two cars to my right and just barely made it outta the way shit happened so quickly. She ended up crashing just seconds later into some guy she died on the scene and the other guy is in critical condition. Holy fuck
So I only used that mammoth urine once since I got it you think I'll be fine using it every other watering? I used it at half strength so 3ml per gal for a hotsoil or water only system that's what they recommend. They seem to love it shits madd loot tho it should last me a while

I can't say but from what Pennywise said, it should be fine in our KindSoil. I would definitely start out cautiously and see how your plants react to it and then add from there. If you find it works well, I might have to try it in mine.
3 ml per gal seems too much to start with.. id start out with a 1.2 ml dose and go up from there. So you guys use kindsoil? Its working great for you guys.. saw the price of it. Not too bad. Glad you are ok johnny, i would have shit my pants.. crazy ass people.

The KindSoil is the absolute easiest way to grow Cannabis in my opinion. On top of that, I think it produces some of the best tasting medicine out there! You don't need to do anything other than add pH'd water to the 6.3-7.0 range. If your water is good out of the tap as far as pH, you don't need to do crap (though I do tend to let my water air out for a few hours to let any potential chlorine kind of evaporate, if there is any in there). Other than that, no nutes at all. Generally I go 4-6 days between watering....so its nice for times when you need to go away for a weekend or a short vacation.
I would do a massive defoliation....everything down low and all the fan leaves up to about two or three nodes from the top. It will grow back quickly. Then around day 17-20 with hairs, give her another massive defoliation.
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