Water Only Entire Grow Organic Soil 800W LED

So here she is gonna be flipping her any day now
Hey guys I'm back just been so tired with work and baby still trying to find time to even get in the grow room I just watered her Wednesday for the first time in 5 days. With an air pot that's just unacceptable she started to dry up a little and dropped some bottom leaves but she seems to be bouncing back which is mint just gotta find a balance with everything that's going on. still pretty sad when all she gets is phd water i should have never neglected her. I'm not gonna from this point on. She's getting fed every other day which means tonight she's due so I will share some pics of her later on. Plus I miss coming on here and chatting with you guys as this is my only social media outlet I avoid Facebook and everything else to many temptations on there if you know what I mean. gotta continue to be a good husband and daddy. You are all solid guys thanks for noticing I haven't been around
Top marks Johnny! Your wife should be very proud .your a good man, growing great things :)
Thanks growcity420 this girl was the one and only seed I've found from flower bought at a dispensary so I would call it a canister seed that I forgot the strain of. (What can I say I was high lol) but I know it's some good good. She was a seed you know with the proper care would turn into something great.
Well here's another pic of what that seed turned into I just took this pic now for you guys, she's filling up this tent that's just a c hair larger than a 4'x4'x79" tent she is looking so healthy, I'm not doing anything special here at all just some pre amended hot soil does most the work for me throughout the whole grow. she is only fed phd filtered water with earth juice crystals I did some lst action, topped her once, and along with some super cropping to even canopy some. I crank the rh in veg I keep her at 60-65rh and I'll lower her to 40rh a week or two into flower. max day time temp with lights on is 79 degrees and lights off is 73degrees I just added another oscillating tower for more air circulation because she is so large.
I learned everything from you guys that follow me so I owe you most the credit
Still haven't flipped the bitch yet guys dont know what I'm waiting for either lol . Just Had a friend of mine come by yesterday and take a few clones to carry her on. Should I do a nice defoil on lower leaves right before the switch? Then a few weeks into flower another? What's you guys thoughts? Thanks
I take clones from the bottom but I don't do any defol.
I'd just flower her out!

For me those leaves will drop off in the flush most times but a couple of those lowers some times make it to the canopy and give you some extra nug .

If I do any defol its after the stretch.
Still haven't flipped the bitch yet guys dont know what I'm waiting for either lol . Just Had a friend of mine come by yesterday and take a few clones to carry her on. Should I do a nice defoil on lower leaves right before the switch? Then a few weeks into flower another? What's you guys thoughts? Thanks

I can't comment on what you should or shouldn't do on this one. I can tell you that I defoliated my photos a couple days before the flip. Then about between days 18-20 in flower, I gave mine another big defoliation to clear away anything blocking bud sites from getting optimal light. After the defol at week 3, it was only minor fan leaves blocking bud sites that got defoliated after that. Worked well for me brother. But I also love lots of hands on with my girls....call me a perv.
Nope, not familiar with it. Is it a nute of some sort?

Mammoth P is benificial microbes that feeds on dead or decaying organic matter and it produces Phoshorus and other goodies as a by product. I've used it in the past and it seems to do what its designed for.
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