Water Only Entire Grow Organic Soil 800W LED


She loves the 7gallon air pot. Surprisingly watering is a lot easier than I thought it would be with these pots I put a cpl handfuls of hydro stones on bottom of pot before hand to help from soil coming out on bottom etc. I just water her slowly. Right now she's getting just over a gallon of water every other day

As long as you water slowly, those pots are good brother. Dump the H2O in too fast and it will come shooting out the sides at various heights. I have a couple tomato plants growing in them. Plant looks really happy and healthy brother.
Thank you guys for your kind words. I just super cropped the bag outta that photo girl. I'll take some new pics when she recovers..just went to the store bought one scratchy

Congrats brother, that will buy a few diapers for your baby, and maybe a few more beans for you to grow!!
Let me talk shop with you guys as I'm sure you know the ins and outs about photo period plants better than I do, this is my first photo girl I've ever tried to grow, as I'm really only familiar with autos. Let me tell you photos recover from training way better. So far I topped her with some lst action and have been super cropping her to even canopy. She handled everything way better than I expected. I was sharing the grow space on an 18/6 light cycle with 4 other autos that I just yanked and trimmed up this weekend. Yesterday I did a little defoil job on lower branches to help with light penetrating. My question is when should I flip this girl to 12/12 I know she will have the flowering stretch just don't want her to get to big for the tent. As I'm not sure yet about a scrog thanks guys
Ok thanks man, so she's gonna get the flip within the next few days as she is already pretty big. While shes still in veg i currently have her under 250w actually draw of led with only the veg switch on when I flip her I plan on also turning on the flower switch for full spectrum with a total wattage from wall of almost 430w, I also have a 900w king plus led Chinese special..actual draw of get this 180-200w to also help with flower. What are your thoughts
Let me talk shop with you guys as I'm sure you know the ins and outs about photo period plants better than I do, this is my first photo girl I've ever tried to grow, as I'm really only familiar with autos. Let me tell you photos recover from training way better. So far I topped her with some lst action and have been super cropping her to even canopy. She handled everything way better than I expected. I was sharing the grow space on an 18/6 light cycle with 4 other autos that I just yanked and trimmed up this weekend. Yesterday I did a little defoil job on lower branches to help with light penetrating. My question is when should I flip this girl to 12/12 I know she will have the flowering stretch just don't want her to get to big for the tent. As I'm not sure yet about a scrog thanks guys

I think I remember you saying you don't know if this plant is an Indica or Sativa correct? Tough to say. If its a Sativa, you will probably want that scrog.....or else you will need a bunch of plant yo-yos if its anything like mine. Based off the leaves, it looks like its more likely a hybrid or Indica, so you will likely be safe. She is pretty good sized right now, do you plan on doing any more topping or Fimming? If you don't plan on doing much more training then I can't say that there is much of a reason to keep her in veg. If you are LST'ing or topping to produce more bud producing colas then give it a couple more weeks. Looks like there is a fair number of tops on there already.
Hey guys I'm back just been so tired with work and baby still trying to find time to even get in the grow room I just watered her Wednesday for the first time in 5 days. With an air pot that's just unacceptable she started to dry up a little and dropped some bottom leaves but she seems to be bouncing back which is mint just gotta find a balance with everything that's going on. still pretty sad when all she gets is phd water i should have never neglected her. I'm not gonna from this point on. She's getting fed every other day which means tonight she's due so I will share some pics of her later on. Plus I miss coming on here and chatting with you guys as this is my only social media outlet I avoid Facebook and everything else to many temptations on there if you know what I mean. gotta continue to be a good husband and daddy. You are all solid guys thanks for noticing I haven't been around
Hey guys I'm back just been so tired with work and baby still trying to find time to even get in the grow room I just watered her Wednesday for the first time in 5 days. With an air pot that's just unacceptable she started to dry up a little and dropped some bottom leaves but she seems to be bouncing back which is mint just gotta find a balance with everything that's going on. still pretty sad when all she gets is phd water i should have never neglected her. I'm not gonna from this point on. She's getting fed every other day which means tonight she's due so I will share some pics of her later on. Plus I miss coming on here and chatting with you guys as this is my only social media outlet I avoid Facebook and everything else to many temptations on there if you know what I mean. gotta continue to be a good husband and daddy. You are all solid guys thanks for noticing I haven't been around

Good man I did the exact same deleted fb and created my 420 accnt.
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