Water Only Entire Grow Organic Soil 800W LED

Very good thanks johnny.. had a cannaburger for dinner that im coming off of but im reactivating that high with a little bud lol got my ladies im harvesting in six days and my other little ones have a good start.. couldn't be better man!

Congrats on the new child Johnny! Is that your first one?
What's going on guys, those that are reading this Im just catching up on your journals. Since having the baby I haven't had much time to be on here, I will also admit I've had some problems with my grow and I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Maybe you guys can help me.
These girls are not growing like they should and After going over my notes from last grow I think I may have figured out the issue. Remember me telling you about how one plant from my last grow had some seeds, correct me if I'm wrong but could it have been because I threw another led in the tent along side the 800w that was already In there maybe it was to bright of light or to much light for my grow space. As soon as I got the light I threw it in there on full spectrum too There are no light leaks at all I had my old lady zip me up while I was in there and turn all lights on, no leaks whatsoever no body even comes Down in the room either I also have it locked up Maybe it gets to hot with both leds running at 18/6 with both lights going I had a max daytime temp of 82
I came to the conclusion that for now I'm gonna just run the 900w in the center with both veg and bloom switches on and give my other 800w led a break things been working hard for me so far, max daytime temp has been 79 degrees night time low of 71 degrees and a very consistent RH of 50-55 throughout veg and flower Also when growing organically I learned that pots need to be off the ground in the grow space they need to be able to breath from all sides of smart pot and have nice air movement Underneath so the pot dries evenly. Also to keep it off the concrete slab in the basement my tent sits on as you know heat rises shit gets cold down there especially being on a flat surface the bottom won't dry like it should even dry I had all my girls off the ground first grow and it worked great that the first grow but I fucked up and because they won't dry properly and I wasn't
What's going on guys, those that are reading this Im just catching up on your journals. Since having the baby I haven't had much time to be on here, I will also admit I've had some problems with my grow and I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Maybe you guys can help me.
These girls are not growing like they should and After going over my notes from last grow I think I may have figured out the issue. Remember me telling you about how one plant from my last grow had some seeds, correct me if I'm wrong but could it have been because I threw another led in the tent along side the 800w that was already In there maybe it was to bright of light or to much light for my grow space. As soon as I got the light I threw it in there on full spectrum too There are no light leaks at all I had my old lady zip me up while I was in there and turn all lights on, no leaks whatsoever no body even comes Down in the room either I also have it locked up Maybe it gets to hot with both leds running at 18/6 with both lights going I had a max daytime temp of 82
I came to the conclusion that for now I'm gonna just run the 900w in the center with both veg and bloom switches on and give my other 800w led a break things been working hard for me so far, max daytime temp has been 79 degrees night time low of 71 degrees and a very consistent RH of 50-55 throughout veg and flower Also when growing organically I learned that pots need to be off the ground in the grow space they need to be able to breath from all sides of smart pot and have nice air movement Underneath so the pot dries evenly. Also to keep it off the concrete slab in the basement my tent sits on as you know heat rises shit gets cold down there especially being on a flat surface the bottom won't dry like it should even dry I had all my girls off the ground first grow and it worked great that the first grow but I fucked up and because they won't dry properly and I wasn't

Have you added anything to your KindSoil? What is it that your girls are doing currently?
Hey buddy, No I haven't had to add anything yet,last grow I added almost 4lbs of ks to the 5 gallon smart pots and because I grew autos with there short lifespan They only used about 3lbs of the ks that could be one reason I didnt need the Ca Mg I got on deck but everything worked better than expected KS has been a great water only system.
this time around I'm using 3gallon smart pots that just weren't drying properly on the bottom because I had them on the cold flat ground and that's a no bueno
Hey buddy, No I haven't had to add anything yet,last grow I added almost 4lbs of ks to the 5 gallon smart pots and because I grew autos with there short lifespan They only used about 3lbs of the ks that could be one reason I didnt need the Ca Mg I got on deck but everything worked better than expected KS has been a great water only system.
this time around I'm using 3gallon smart pots that just weren't drying properly on the bottom because I had them on the cold flat ground and that's a no bueno

Ok, good to know. I have wood floors and the tent is on the wood floor and then I have 16" plastic saucers that I have my smart pots on. I haven't had any issues with drying (that I am aware of).

I haven't done much to my KindSoil at this point. I added some Earth Worm Casting and a little bit of Bat Guano about a week ago. Nothing chemical. I just added them to the top of the soil and kind of raked it into the top 1/2" of the soil. I have fought doing anything else to the KS because my plants are so healthy. One thing I am considering next time (though I still have to research it) is adding Silica (spelling?). Seems that some of my branches are kind of thin and might have issues supporting the bud when they are more mature. Maybe the Silica will help strengthen up the stems/branches.

Question for you....at what point of the flower do your buds start really fattening up. I am only on day 16 or 17 of actually having hairs (24 days since I flipped to 12/12), so I know there is still a lot of time. They just seem kind of smaller (not that I have anything to compare it to other than other growers journals)
I don't know what your watering schedule is but If you can hold off a day on watering that's when I would see the most changes

I usually water about every 5 days right now...though the last one the leaves were a little droopy on the lower canopy, so I am going to possibly have to reduce it down to every 4 days. I don't want to run the risk of stressing them if I don't have to. A couple times early in the flower stage and late in veg, I was able to go 6 days. I tend to do a combo of lifting the pot to feel the weight and look at the leaves. If all the leaves are still praying upwards, I give it a little longer. If they start drooping, I water.

Yes I topped them many times, part of reason I have so many bud sites/tops. Was just curious about when they start fattening up the most. I know its nearer the end.
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